Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Needed: Avenue for Real Change

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Looking for an Avenue That Fosters Real Change":

The only way to resolve a problem is to first admit there is one. If we're not honest about things we'll never improve them.

To be fair, some board members did respond to the community's concerns about taxes and didn't support the teacher's contract. But voting against a contract doesn't solve the problem and make it go away, either. So you're right that we need an avenue for real change. I don't know what that is. That's what this blog can brainstorm.

1 comment:

  1. Response? we were ignored at the board meetings. As far as voting a contract down? yes that is the answer. Why should we the taxpayer be financially abused by a teachers union who cares only about the almighty$$$$$
    How about we start to solve the problem by cutting back on the teacher pay. That does solve a problem when we have aging buildings that house our children 7+ hours a day and instead of making that a priority that our children are in safe buildings that ate technologically upto date we worry about a bunch of greedy union members who could only care about $$$ this is a problem and board members should of had the guts to stand up to the PCT and tell them if your members are so unhappy then tell them to put their resumes in at other schools. As good as the teachers may be they are REPLACEABLE. Eevry job has pay scales,here they dont . the salaries keep going up and up to obscene levels . that is the problem having the guts to say NO
