Saturday, May 1, 2010

Should Be For All......

Extended Readiness Meeting

Tuesday, May 11th 7:00 PM

Stratford Road Auditorium

Please join us for an informational meeting about the Extended Readiness program. The District Office administration and the

K-Center principal will be prepared to share the up-coming plans. Time will be allotted for questions and answers.

Kindergarten PTA Meeting to Follow @ 7:45 PM in the Kindergarten Center Cafeteria

Friday, April 30, 2010

BOE: Award Show Distraction

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fatten Up Their Brains First, Then Worry About the...":

This is all a diversion that the BOE likes to play.It is the same as when the BOE gives out awards to students at the BOE meetings. Why don't they give the awards out at the schools . Maybe they could have an awards night in the school or give the awards out to students while they are still in school. I have been at BOE meetings where the awards were given out in September to children that already graduated and are not even present to accept the awards . The reason is just another diversion for the BOE to perform in their act. The act is getting real old too and it is time to change the cast of performers

Mr. Cepeda Incourages Your Attendance...

Angel Cepeda has left a new comment on your post "Candidates Night -May 10th 7:30 pm POB Middle":

Friends and Neighbors,

This is a crucial time and an important election for our community and school district. I encourage everyone to come out to Candidates Night, ask your questions and hear from the candidates themselves.

Fatten Up Their Brains First, Then Worry About the CupCakes

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's About the Dough":

Years have been spent on this wellness policy and it's still not finalized. The committee is gung ho for it but many parents are against it. If a corporation spent so much time worrying about side issues and not the focus of their business and moving so slowly on every decision they'd be out of business. I wonder how many hours of meetings and presentations have been taken up by this nonsense that could have been spent on improving education. Our kids might have a few extra pounds because of school birthday parties but it would be better if the focus was to figure out how to get them to come home from school with a few more things in their brains. Worry about waistlines after you've made sure education is working.

BOE: "You're Fired"

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ms. Nelkens- the Only Voice We Hear From?":

Give the board some credit . They get credit for the reckless spending habits of the school district. Overpaying and under-working these teachers,failing to negotiate a contract that is in our best interest, not holding the administrators accountable. As Trump would say to this Board if it was in his company "YOU'RE FIRED" That is what should happen to the Board of ed

Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's About the Dough

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ms. Nelkens- the Only Voice We Hear From?":

"We should give the board some credit for holding off on the wellness policy for the past 2 years and keeping cupcakes and birthdays in the classroom where they belong!"
Are you kidding? the Board and Administrators are in charge of our tax dollars and you're worrying about cupcakes and birthdays!!!!!!! This is why we are where we are today!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vote Yes, But Change the Faces on the BOE

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Will Still Get Paid, What Will Your Stude...":

The writer of "Teachers Will Still Get Paid, What Will Your Student Lose? " is exactly correct about the budget. Voting down the budget does not correct the state wide pension problem. This is a fix that needs to happen on the state level and perhaps local level as well. Contact your representatives and give THEM a piece of your mind. Voting down the budget will only negatively impact our children. Our budget increase is less than that of many school districts and our budget has persevered programs for them. In the original budget proposal 7 middle school sports teams were going to be cut but the BOE chose not to do that in order to keep these programs available to our children. Am I happy with the contract deal and that there were no give backs in the last contract agreement? No. Remember that the original deal was made and the PCT's response was done with the old school mentality of this district that parents put up and shut up. Things are starting to change with the parents who were brave enough to speak out and the outpouring of opinions on this blog. The PCT who brazenly fought the original deal pretty much ended up taking what was offered in the first place. This is only a two year contract and is going to be renegotiated soon. Hopefully the PCT and the BOE will think back to this past negotiation and be wiser with a new contract. Vote "yes" for the budget but change the face of the BOE so that the next contract to be negotiated is in the favor of the residents and not the PCT.

Candidates Night -May 10th 7:30 pm POB Middle

The Plainview Old Bethpage PTA Council is sponsoring a Candidates Night as a forum open to all candidates running for seats on our community school board

MONDAY MAY 10th, 2010
TIME: 7:30 P.M.

We urge you to attend this important meeting and hear from the candidates.
Format for the evening: Questions are solicited from the audience (in writing) prior to the start of the program. Each candidate makes a two minute opening statement, and then is asked to respond to every question selected by the moderator. The evening concludes with a three minute closing statement by each candidate.

If the Budget is Voted Down, What happens...?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Will Still Get Paid, What Will Your Stude...":

To that regard, can someone explain how the process works if the budget gets voted down? Do they put a revised budget to vote again? What are the kinds of cuts the BOE would approve under a revised budget? Sorry, I'm not familiar with the process and am confused on the pros/ cons of rejecting the budget.

Teachers Will Still Get Paid, What Will Your Student Lose?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PCT- What About Your Community?":

The BOE started off by offering a raise to the teachers - the PCT countered with something higher - eventually (after YouTubes, informational picketing, etc)they compromised. We can't say our school community had an easy year - it took it's toll on everyone - staff, students, parents and the BOE.

Our BOE couldn't switch to offering zero when they already put something on the table.

Ask yourself - are you angry about what the contract increases will actually cost or more emotionally upset over what went on here?

Brentwood could lose hundreds of jobs because of loss of state aid. Their teachers have a reason to take a cut - to preserve jobs.

There was no threat of major job loss here to push the union to give up raises.

Personally I was disappointed that there were no give backs - like time for extra help - in exchange for the raises. That's how raises happened in Syosset.

And just because some school districts froze raises for a year doesn't necessarily mean the step increases were affected. They are still getting raises. Of course it seems as though they resolved their differences more reasonably but will their communities really see any decent savings on their over-inflated tax bills?

Collective bargaining is strange to those of us in the business world. We know what it is like to get nothing and be happy our jobs still exist, while we do the added work of colleagues who were let go.

There will be no solution to collective bargaining unless reform happens on a state level. Individual school districts are ill-equipped to stand up to the union pressures - even the state government is held hostage by them.

Pensions are a bigger problem. They are rapidly becoming unaffordable to maintain. Think of how those people in Roslyn must feel paying a pension of over $14,000 a month to a superintendent convicted of stealing millions from their school district. How could there not be a law to revoke a criminal's pension? What did our own Dr. Brooks ever do to deserve a $17,000 a month pension? State and local tax free. There needs to be reform and raises are the least of it.

There are many shortcomings in the local school system. They are not going to be solved by voting down the budget. All that will do is create a bad school environment and problems for anyone trying to sell their home. Seniors who vote down the budget are ensuring that their homes won't be desirable to newcomers looking to raise and educate their children. They'll go to a community that supports the schools.

There are many positive things in the budget also that make schools desirable - music, art, sports, the safety and convenience of universal busing and all the extras like Project Challenge that mean so much to many kids.

The teacher's contract obligations will get paid whether or not the budget passes. If the budget fails kids will end up losing because of cuts. Buildings like POB Middle in desperate need of repair will not get fixed. Programs will be cut.

Vote however you feel. But realize what's at stake if the budget was to fail and what the problem really is.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Is the PCT Ready to Go to a 6.5 Hour Day Like the Rest of Long Island?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PCT- What About Your Community?":

11 Years of Public School... Only in Plainview

When the contracts are negotiated I hope they address one significant issue.

Our school day is 1/2 hour shorter than the standard school day across Long Island.

In fact, on average, U.S. students go to school 6.5 hours a day, 180 days a year--fewer than in many other industrialized countries, according to Education Sector, a Washington DC-based think tank. (See

Our children are entitled to a FULL day of school just like the neighboring districts.

Think of it this way. 6 hr. day vs. 6.5 is roughly 8% of the school year lost. And 8% of the 12 grades of public school equates to A WHOLE YEAR OF SCHOOL LOST!

Morty, I'm sure you want our scores to improve. You can't sell bad test scores in your negotiations. Are you willing to sign on for a 6.5 hour day like everywhere else? And don't tell me about after-school time or extra help - no school includes it in the measurement of the school day. Just answer...are you in favor of a 6.5 hour school day or not?

PCT- What About Your Community?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ms. Nelkens- the Only Voice We Hear From?":

I hope the Board of Ed is reading the newspaper this morning about thousands of Teachers taking pay cuts on long Island. Where is the PCT and BOE? Mr. Rosenfeld do you have a comment on this? Does the PCT care about the community to which they serve like the thousands of teachers who have agreed to pay, cuts, freezes and deferments ? And why should I vote for this budget when our teachers union could care less about us and our ability to handle the cost of their outrageous paychecks and pensions?

New Attorney?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ms. Nelkens- the Only Voice We Hear From?":

Maybe the schools attorney needs to be replaced considering the contract he negotiated. We need some one new who can do a better job