Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ms. Nelkens- the Only Voice We Hear From?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Auteur, Auteur....":

Can we keep this blog focused on issues that we want to work together to change?

I have never met Stephane Nelkens. If I ever do, I would imagine, like any other person in the world, there would be points of both agreement and disagreement between us. If she continues to be the only individual here with courage enough to give her name, the least we could do is respect her for that alone and not turn this blog into a "Let's talk about Stephanie" discussion, positively or negatively.

If anyone wants to discuss candidates for board positions, let us have a discussion about every candidates' qualifications for the job.

Ed's note: I invite all Candidates running for the board to post their position on the many issues now plaguing our school district. Having to wait for the one evening held to meet the candidates should not be our only opportunity to hear from them. To all candidates particularly those that we have no BOE experience with: Ms. Schulman, Ms. Nelkens and Mr. Levy, I will be happy to separately post any information you wish to convey.


  1. You can tell when some BOE members are up for re-election they start to appear at school functions that they usually are never seen at. I've been an avid attendee at the High School plays and was amazed to finally see Mr. Bettan attend one of the plays. WOW ! we may now see him kissing babies soon. Let's tell him it's too late to repair your image, you sold out your constituents we won't forget come election day!
    HEY HEY HO HO Gary Bettan has got to GO!

  2. He definitely has to go. Would he of vote for the raises if it was for his employees? no way. I would like to see a debate go on before the election of all of those running for the board. I am sure there are alot of people like myself who have questions . I like the song can I download it from Itunes? :-}

    HEY HEY HO HO Gary Bettan has got to GO!

  3. Let's not bash anyone on this blog. Rather, let's discuss candidates' stand on issues we want addressed, specifics of their history as board members (if applicable) and their qualifications for the positions.

  4. Gary did a lot to improve math in our district. You've got to give him some credit for that.

  5. Let's not bash Gary Bettan? Ask him why he voted for the contract which was the opposite of what the community wanted.
    His answer will be "the community doesn't vote, the teachers and aides do"
    Get out and vote and you won't be asking this question of Bettan the next time the BOE enters contract negotiations with the teachers.

  6. The math problem was the only thing that it looks like he did . After that ? He owns a business, you think he would be more fiscally responsible? I wonder if his employees get step increases, or work 845-345 . I dont get it all these people on the BOE see the same news reports we do all the deficits in the state budget, yet they push the contract through?

  7. Contracts get negotiated. Not every contract will be perfect for each side. We've got to turn the page on this one and focus on areas that will move us forward, not continue to bury us in animosity.

    We should give the board some credit for holding off on the wellness policy for the past 2 years and keeping cupcakes and birthdays in the classroom where they belong!
