Friday, April 23, 2010

How Can We Mobilize as a Parent Group?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "For BOE, Teachers and PCT are the Prority; Parents...":

I have been reading this blog for a few months now. And there are obviously many issues to address, but not all could ever be resolved easily or quickly. I have been wondering how parents can have a voice at the BOE meetings when individuals parents stand up against organized groups like the teachers and the BOE. But mostly I have been wondering of all the issues that are cited on this blog, what are the most urgent and critical? There are many opinions, but wouldn't it be interesting to mobilize as a parent group and communicate in organized manner to the BOE and PCT.

So, I would like to start see what parents have to say. If you were asked to prioritize the top 5 areas of required improvement, what would they be?

And how can we work more effectively with the PTA, PCT and BOE to achieve those improvements?

Ed's note: These sound like the questions that anyone presently running for the Board, should be asking and would want to have the answers to.


  1. From another paernt's prospective. I would say that the PTA, PCT, and BOE would be against any new organization that might go up against them. We need an organization that will speak up for all residents about topics that the BOE and PCT seem to ignore. The PTA is made up of parents and administrators so that would not be the place to bring some of theses topics. the main issues are Fiscal responsibility, accoutability,parity among all schools in the district,and more open BOE meetings where you actuall get answers

  2. The parent math group wasn't welcomed by the BOE or PTA but the PCT did work with them. Parents who felt shut out of the math committee found a voice at BOE meetings and signed a petition. The group put ads in the Pennysaver to let the community know what was going on. Almost 1000 people signed the petition. That's a lot. Math got changed. Don't say it can't be done. But it shouldn't have to be done - not if the BOE is more willing to listen and recognize and take action on problems.

  3. The reason why the math group worked to get rid of the constructivist math was simple . Because everybody new the math program was not working . Why ? because the Idea behind costructivist math was dumb and we had the program forced on us because the former superintendent of POB wrote books about it so all he cared about was selling more books . Thankfully we got rid of that useless administrator. The issues before us now affect the ground that the PCT and the BOE stand on. first and foremost they don't want us going after all the money they make, then there is the accounability of administrators and teachers . That one is a real tough one to crack. It was never said that it can not be done but maybe if we have some new board members there could possibly be some room for change that we need.

  4. you want to mobilize get out and vote and get everyone you know to vote too! The teachers and aides have been picking our board of ed long enough.
