Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where the Money Goes

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Proposition #2 Explained":

It's a way NOT to hide money!!!! The community VOTES on how it is spent.

This gives more ACCOUNTABILITY to where money is and how it can be spent.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Proposition #2 Explained

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What is Proposition #2?":

Proposition 2 is a proposition to establish a Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of 5 million dollars. Voter approval is needed for this. Excess monies (if we get additional state aid, monies not spent during a school year, etc.) are put into this account and saved for Capital Repairs. These monies can ONLY be used for CAPITAL REPAIRS (not raises, etc) and what projects they are used for is also subject to VOTER APPROVAL. Basically, there are 3 ways School Districts can fund capital repairs 1) By including it as as line in actual budget. POB does this to the tune of a little less than 1 million per year. With 9 aging buildings, that's not too much. 2) By floating a bond. In this economy, NO CHANCE! 3) With voter approval establishing a Capital Reserve fund in which excess monies are placed and when projects need to be done going to VOTERS and asking for VOTER approval to spend monies from this account for projects. Hope this helps.

Proposition #2 and Plainview Herald Error

Stefanie Nelkens has left a new comment on your post "What is Proposition #2?":

There is a Press Release on the School District website about the budget and election. It says there are 2 seats up for election.

There are 3 seats up for election this year.

The Plainview Herald also has the same misinformation on their front page.

Ms. Nelkens Board Candidate Responds..

Stefanie Nelkens has left a new comment on your post "Last Night and Why I'm Going To Vote for Them....":

My opening was pretty much the same as the ad I ran in this week's Pennysaver (page 5). This may not be exact but it's pretty close.

I was introduced with the following by the representative from the League of Women Voters:
Stefanie Nelkens and her husband have been Plainview residents for 10 years and their son Max is a 4th grader at Stratford Road. She has served on and co-chaired various PTA committees, including the district-wide blood drive, PARP and SEPTA’s Executive Board. She earned a Bachelors in Computer Science. Stefanie served on the board of their co-op in Queens and was a trustee and officer of the Hollis Hills Jewish Center.

Then I spoke:

Good evening. Thank you all for coming and thank you to the PTA and League of Women’s Voters for sponsoring this event.
I have attended almost every Board of Education meeting for the past four years and have been an active participant. I’m not afraid to ask hard questions and represent the community’s concerns.
Report cards now come home prior to parent-teacher conferences and elementary school cafeterias no longer sell Gatorade and Pop Tarts because of points I raised to the school board.
After examining last year’s budget, I discovered that Stratford Road students were not receiving ELA workbooks and I lobbied the BOE for many months until equitable learning materials were purchased for these 3rd and 4th graders.
Several years ago I played a central role in bringing our district an instructional-based math program which raised our performance levels on state assessments.
Currently, I am the Vice Chairperson of the P-OB Public Library, having served for three years. I created a synergy between the schools and library by seeing to the inclusion of school textbooks and leveled reading books in our library collection.
I used my relationships to advocate and achieve common middle school reading lists. I participated in successful contract negotiations as well as suggesting outside-of-the-box solutions like 15-minute parking.
I hope to use my experience as a trustee of the public library to renew community trust in our schools. My proven leadership will ensure that our schools offer the highest quality education at the lowest possible cost.
I intend to bring transparency to the school district and as my track record shows, I’m about solutions.

My Candidate's Night closing was the following:

Former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles once said “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.”
I hope that when you go to the polls next Tuesday you will remember some of my recent accomplishments.
I hope that you will remember that when this district’s math curriculum was in crisis my leadership brought us a better math program.
Kids know more math than they did before I ran that ad in the Pennysaver inviting the community to speak to the BOE about our concerns about math.
I hope that you will remember that I have been fighting the battle to make this district more transparent. My questioning and follow up ensures that BOE minutes are made available in a timely manner in accordance with Open Meetings Law.
I hope that you will remember that I have achieved success in getting information about textbook spending, exposing inequities and I have worked diligently to ensure that kids in this district have equal opportunities to be exposed to a rich curriculum no matter which school they attend.
I hope that you will remember that my questioning the consistency of the Wellness policy led to the elimination of Gatorade and Pop Tarts from the elementary cafeterias.
I hope that you will remember that elementary report cards now come home prior to parent teacher conferences because of points I raised to the BOE. And, after many years of advocating my concerns regarding the content of the elementary report cards a committee has been finally formed to address this important communication.
I hope that you will remember that I successfully advocated for Stratford Road to provide outside staffing for arrival and dismissal at the car pool line and make changes, like eliminating buses from the car pool line, to put everyone’s safety first.
I hope that you will remember that my work on the library board has helped to create a 5 star library where the public and employees are happy. Everyone works together towards positive goals and that is exactly what we need here.
Remember my accomplishments and I’m sure I’ll be your choice for school board member. Thank you.

A Word from SEPTA..

David Kralstein has left a new comment on your post "Last Night and Why I'm Going To Vote for Them....":

To the person who asked us to look at what has become of SEPTA over the past few years...

You state "many of us stopped going to meetings. No one shows up."

How would you know if you don’t go?

New people are welcomed with opened arms and encouraged to participate. While it’s true that attendance is less than it used to be, its not for lack good speakers and informative meetings.

SEPTA is open to change and new blood because new members are what will keep SEPTA moving forward.

SEPTA during Emily Schulman, Chris D'Alessandro, Linda Jakobs, Robert Savitzky, and my tenure as presidents we have always strived to get more NEW people active. It is this great leadership that has brought some really informative speakers like Marilee Shannon, Pam Tucker, Carol Sullivan, Rick Lavoie, Lou Wasserman, and Dr Brad Tepper to our meetings.

As far as advocating for children other than their own, ALL of the current and past presidents have and will spend more time advocating for children they don’t know more than their own.

So YES, I believe that Emily who has been active in SEPTA and other PTAs for many years should get the vote of every parent in our district because she cares about the quality of educations and the needs of ALL students in this district.

If you would like to discuss your perception of the shortfalls of SEPTA and feel that you can improve it please give me a call. My phone number is 681-8489.

David L Kralstein
Past President SEPTA

What is Proposition #2?

Wasup2 has left a new comment on your post "Last Night and Why I'm Going To Vote for Them....":

Can someone please explain what proposition #2 is? Perhaps a board memeber?
Was it discussed during candidates night?
Why can't I find it on the POB district website?
How am I to figure out if I should vote for it or not?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Last Night and Why I'm Going To Vote for Them....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Candidate Nights Summation":

I was also at the meeting last night. I agree that Angel Cepeda was the only one that address the real problem with our District, The Greed of the Teachers union.

The 1st person that must be voted for is Angel Cepeda.

The 2nd person is Stephanie Nelkins. Although I do not agree with her on some points, she has proven to be a person that gets things done, even without being on the board. She also has my vote.

3thrd person, I feel that Gary Bettan might be the better choice than Emily Shulman. I must say I was Not impressed with her. Every other sentence began with "Ehmm". Clearly she is not comfortable speaking in public which makes me think she will panic or avoid conflicts and giving in on crucial issues. Also the biggest problem with Emily is that she is or was a Teacher.
She has a teachers mentality and not a leadership mentallity. Also next year when teachers contracts come up again she might be sympathic to the Greedy teachers union. I noted that she did not address the highjacking of our schools by the teachers union.

The Board must have people that are strong and not influenced by the teachers union and outside interests.
My 3thrd vote is still undecided.

Forget about Craig Levy, He is on the side of the teachers union especially since his daughter is going to be a teacher. Maybe he wants to try to get her a job in the district.

Kids Needed for Travel Teams this Summer

Hi all,

I was just told about this blog and will add no comments to the above. However, after reading some of them, it may be enough said already!

ANYWAY on a more positive note......

I have formed some travel teams (Plainview Pirates)the last 2 summers....this being my 3rd. We will be having 4 teams this summer. Due to my time contraints recently, I cannot spend much time advertising or "recruiting". I personally will be coaching the 10/11 year old team this summer. We still need a few more kids to join for the 10/11 yr old team.

The atmosphere is about learning (proper techniques), fun, making friends,.....and being competitive in a positive environment. I can assure you there is NO POLITICS on this team or any teams that I organize. Just want the kids and families to enjoy experiencing summer baseball without monopolizing it with baseball 6 days a week. I LOVE baseball, but I too like going away in the summer with my family, from time to time.

Please email me at Leave your contact # and I will call you to talk about if this is something for you and your son. Within the next 2-3 weeks this team will be finalized, but want it done sooner, than later. Unfortunately, all teams will be finalized before Little League Travel tryouts starts. So if you want to play, let me know ASAP!

Next year, in addition to the regular Pirate teams, I will be organizing "ELITE" teams for perhaps Spring, Summer and Fall.

Thank you,
Ron Coleman
Plainview Pirates

Candidate Nights Summation

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Someone Please Sum Up-"Meet the Candidates Night"":

I can sum up most of the meeting that I was present at. To begin with all the cadidates came appropriately dressed except for Gary bettan who look like he was going to a baseball game. All the cadidates got 2 minutes to speak . I was disappointed that the non incumbents did not explain enough about why they wanted to replace the incumbaents. Some of the questions asked were a waste of time and dumb. One example was about bullying in our school . To begin with we happen to have a qualified Boe member(Ginger Leiberman ) who speaks about that and has written books on the subject so what would they expect the cadidates to say about bullying? Angel Cepeda was the only one who had the Guts to say "look at newday and you will see other districts getting concessions from their teachers". Gary Bettan did not have a clue, he just kept rambling on about what he thinks he has done as a board member. Emily shulman did a really good job on her positions on some of the issues as well as Stephanie Nelkins too. And Gary even stated that we are heading for a financial crisis next year in the school district. And he still voted for the raises?? Probably one of the smartest people up there is Emily Shulman who is a NYS certified teacher and who has taught in high school and at a college.Craig Levy appears to be a smart guy but he was not really forthcoming with enough of his background in my opinion, we do not know enough about him.Angel Cepeda who voted against the teacher contract did very well also . He is a very smart guy as well If you want to see the best chance for change then join me in voting for Emily Shulman, Stephanie Nelkins, and Angel Cepeda

Fair Pay for a Fair Day of Work?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "High Priced Mediocrity":

The reason why no one is complaining in Syosset is because of the income if you did not notice. The overall wealth in Syosset is 10 times greater than here . The bottom line is we got shafted . The PCT president should be ashamed of himself. It is people like him that cause people to dislike and despise unions and what they stand for. Look up labor history and you will see that unions were formed to get a fair days pay for a fair day of work not total arrogance and ignorance of every one around and the effects they have on the backs of working class people. If the teachers union had competition then they and the BOE would not be as arrogant as they are jamming raises down our throats . I hope they continue to open charter schools tenfold around New York and teach unions like the PCT that they need a dose of reality. I look foward to the day when parents can freely choose between a charter school and a public school . Then and only then will we get the best education possible

The Final Word

Debbie Lindell has left a new comment on your post "Good Sportsmanship is Paramount to Plainview Paren...":

As the parent of two sports involved children, I have probably watched over 30 coaches interact with, teach and guide my kids over the last 8 years. I have also worked with kids for over 25 years, in school and community settings. Without a doubt Joe Franco is one of the most compassionate, supportive, kid friendly coaches I have ever met. Any kid would be lucky to have him as a coach and any parent can rest assured that their child IS learning how to be a team player, good sportmanship, how to support each other, how to lose graciously and other imporant lessons.
When his team lost the playoff game two years ago Joe had the team take turns shaving his head. Why? Because he knew they would go back to school talking about that instead of feeling down about losing the playoff game. He understands kids and gets them to see what is important and how much more there is to learn than just baseball techniques.
I am also saddened to see how easily an anonymous letter could be posted here, that attacks someone so viciously. For me, that takes away from the credibility and value of this blog. If you have a problem with ANY coach, you should also know what appropriate and DIRECT avenues you can take to address it.

Ed's note: Both sides have spoken, no more comments on this topic will be posted. As previously posted, in the future, any problems with individuals who are not elected officials should be addressed within their venue

High Priced Mediocrity

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Are You a Good Witch, or a Bad Witch?":

How come Syosset isn't complaining about their teacher raises? They got raises and it didn't get ugly there. The Syosset union president isn't the public enemy of the community. Could it be that Syosset is more satisfied with the education and the way things are run in their district and they also know that their homes are more desireable and valuable than ours simply because of their schools? There's no reason why we can't have the same thing but someone has got to have a plan and be running the show and making it happen. The right people are not in place to do that and until that happens all we've got is high-priced mediocrity.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Are You a Good Witch, or a Bad Witch?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A POB Poem Dedicated to the PCT":

"Perhaps it is time for a new leader at your helm. One that will embrace instead of alienate the parents of this district. You have selected your leadership, perhaps, teachers, it is time to select a new leader."
Ha! Ha! why would the teachers get rid of someone who obviously negotiates very well on their behalf? Yes some teachers if not nearly all are good teachers but the bottom line is their pocketbooks and that's what drives them to choose who their union leader is. Do you honestly think that they would've taken a lower raise to ensure harmony with the community, if you believe that click your ruby red slippers together three times and say there's no place like home, because you're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

Someone Please Sum Up-"Meet the Candidates Night"

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Transparency Please":

Can you please make this a new topic

Unfortunately, had to work tonight and couldn't make it. Could someone who was there include some highlights or pertinent info from evening, please.

Just to Clarify....

Stefanie Nelkens has left a new comment on your post "EyeWitness to Bad Sportsmanship":

Just to clarify, because I'm not quite sure how my name got mixed up in this at all, but my son Max is in 4th grade and is on a Little League team and is having a wonderful experience.

League Director of AAA Division Speaks

Vinny Macchio has left a new comment on your post "Good Sportsmanship is Paramount to Plainview Paren...":

I would suggest that if you have a problem with a manager or coach of the Plainview little league that you contact the little league director in charge of that division. Since I am the director of the AAA division I would welcome a meeting with you to hear your complaints and issues. I can be contact by email. My email is posted on the website and I assure you that I will get back to you. I would like to impress upon you that if you do contact me please have the courtesy and courage to attach your name to the email.

Vincent Macchio

EyeWitness to Bad Sportsmanship

Patrice Finkelstein has left a new comment on your post "Good Sportsmanship is Paramount to Plainview Paren...":

I was a witness to these actions and incidents and I WILL sign my name.

I was appalled by the behavior that took place, not only that it came from a parent, but especially that it came from a coach. It was absolutely uncalled for - regardless of his attempts at explanation. It was outright retaliation to a previous situation that he took offense to.

The motto of Plainview Baseball is
Let the players play
Let the coaches coach
Let the officials officiate
Let the spectators be positive

The coaches need to remember that they, too, MUST remain positive with their comments about both their own team players AND especially the other team players and coaches.

Why would ANYONE EVER make negative comments about the opposing players, especially when not only all the players but also the coaches and parents can hear you?

We all lead by example - it needs to be GOOD example.

Patrice Finkelstein

A POB Poem Dedicated to the PCT

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "POB Education is Broken and Needs to Be Fixed":

Tenure Tenure
The great protector
A golden ticket
For the right to picket
Or use your phone
When you're with kids alone
Enough is enough
We need to get tough
And say no more
And if you don't like it, there's the door!

Not Ms. Nelkens-Ed's Note and Correction

To The Readers:
There has been an error attributing Ms. Nelkens with the thread about sportsmanship or lack thereof in Plainview-OldBethpage. The original and it's subsequent comments all came anonymously. To the best of my knowledge, none were from Ms. Nelkens. (who has commented under her own name.)

In the future, personal attacks might best be handled in a personal manner however, general statements regarding sports in Plainview are welcome. In this case, neither Mr. Franco nor any other coaches are elected officials, any praises or difficulties with your team/coach, should be addressed with the POB Baseball League;

Transparency Please

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "POB Education is Broken and Needs to Be Fixed":

Why is this the first year that the PCT contract came to our attention? 2 reasons
1 Because the BOE has never made it public knowledge of the deals that they have been giving the PCT for years
2. Because the PCT strategy backfired when Mr Rosenfeld thought it was a good idea to go to the BOE meeting and whine about why he needs more and more money for his membership

I now want to see every labor contract exposed. How about the contracts for all of the principals, assistant superintendents, and all other administrative staff not covered by the PCT contract.

POB Education is Broken and Needs to Be Fixed

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Education; It's Simply Not Good":

No one -not even Stephanie Nelkens - is going to micro-manage the teachers here. You give her far too much credit if you think she can do that.

Dempsey and the principals and department chairpeople need to manage what's going on but they are afraid to. The nonsense that went on last fall during the negotiations shows that the teachers can pretty much get away with anything they want.

Maybe you consider getting rid of a bad math program like Investigations micro-managing teachers. This blog is full of posts from parents complaining about homework that they have to teach at home, teachers texting during class time and inconsistencies among and even within the schools. Why the right things aren't just happening here with all the administrators we have here is the bigger question. Parents should not have to get so involved. It's broken and it needs to be fixed.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Good Sportsmanship is Paramount to Plainview Parents

Note to Editor:
Sorry to take away from the pressing issues of the Budget. Please post as a separate item. Thank you.

An Open Letter to Joe Franco and the Plainview Baseball Board:

Mr. Franco,

The parents of the 5th grade Boys AAA Division want to let you know that your juvenile attitude and cut-throat antics as a coach are disgusting. Your win-at-all-costs tactics and negative comments and actions towards members of the other teams and their coaches are so completely disrespectful that you should not be allowed to coach.

Don’t get me wrong, we all want to win, but to win at the cost of good sportsmanship is not only a black mark against the great game of baseball, but also against you and your morals. When exactly did this turn into something so critical that you don’t know how to be respectful when you don’t win a game? You need to lead by example and show your team that it is more important to play a fair game and not to twist the rules to your advantage in every situation so you can take advantage of the other teams.

THINK next time you open your mouth in front of these impressionable 10 and 11 year old boys and THINK about how you are acting, what you are saying and how you are saying it – and remember that EVERYONE can hear what you are saying about a hitter not being a good hitter or a pitcher not being a good pitcher. Good sportsmanship is paramount to winning a game. The only way to get respect and not be classified as a bully is to give respect – not only when things are going your way, but especially when things don’t go your way. Taking the moral high ground instead of stooping to schoolyard bulling is one of the things we are trying to teach our boys along with the game of baseball.

It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game, Mr. Franco – and, frankly, you suck at how you play the game, regardless of how many games you win.

Concerned Plainview Baseball Parents