Monday, May 10, 2010

EyeWitness to Bad Sportsmanship

Patrice Finkelstein has left a new comment on your post "Good Sportsmanship is Paramount to Plainview Paren...":

I was a witness to these actions and incidents and I WILL sign my name.

I was appalled by the behavior that took place, not only that it came from a parent, but especially that it came from a coach. It was absolutely uncalled for - regardless of his attempts at explanation. It was outright retaliation to a previous situation that he took offense to.

The motto of Plainview Baseball is
Let the players play
Let the coaches coach
Let the officials officiate
Let the spectators be positive

The coaches need to remember that they, too, MUST remain positive with their comments about both their own team players AND especially the other team players and coaches.

Why would ANYONE EVER make negative comments about the opposing players, especially when not only all the players but also the coaches and parents can hear you?

We all lead by example - it needs to be GOOD example.

Patrice Finkelstein


  1. please explain what you witnessed. just because his voice is louder, because he is not afraid to let anyone hear what he is saying, does not make him wrong, and the post was absolutely off base and should not have been posted. maybe what you think you heard or what you were told is not really what happened. . also anyone else who SAW OR ACTUALLY HEARD please feel free to post as his actions im sure were with his team and the players best interest in mind.

  2. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Good Sportsmanship is Paramount to Plainview Paren...":

    John Musgrove at it again.......??????

    Did anyone see the criminal behavior where John Musgrove went on the Middle school practice field and screamed and cursed at a 13 year old boy who was arguing with (name withheld by editor)?????? This poor kid started to cry! John Musgrove did this in front of the entire 7th grade Middle School team....and coach. Outrageous!

    He should be arrested and banned from the field....when has this become acceptable????? Why aren't the parents and the school all over this?????

    Publish this comment.

    1. I HAD AN INCIDENT on my sons bowling team. the mother and son were abusive to my son for hinm having a bad game. typical plaihnview

    2. had an incident TYPICAL PLAINVIEW ON MY SONS BOWLING TEAM A TEAMMATES MOTHER WAS abusive to my 11 year old for having an off game and the boy has been abusive to my son in school an all the team. he had a chance to play with other kids but my son din/t want to leave him in the lurch. now the mom is saying behind my back my son is off the team. very low class and disrespectful. if it wasnt' for my son her son would have had noone to lay wtih the first season. He couldnt' get a team together abused my son and is discaring me and him like trash. the mohter was yelling and acting badly to my son
