Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Final Word

Debbie Lindell has left a new comment on your post "Good Sportsmanship is Paramount to Plainview Paren...":

As the parent of two sports involved children, I have probably watched over 30 coaches interact with, teach and guide my kids over the last 8 years. I have also worked with kids for over 25 years, in school and community settings. Without a doubt Joe Franco is one of the most compassionate, supportive, kid friendly coaches I have ever met. Any kid would be lucky to have him as a coach and any parent can rest assured that their child IS learning how to be a team player, good sportmanship, how to support each other, how to lose graciously and other imporant lessons.
When his team lost the playoff game two years ago Joe had the team take turns shaving his head. Why? Because he knew they would go back to school talking about that instead of feeling down about losing the playoff game. He understands kids and gets them to see what is important and how much more there is to learn than just baseball techniques.
I am also saddened to see how easily an anonymous letter could be posted here, that attacks someone so viciously. For me, that takes away from the credibility and value of this blog. If you have a problem with ANY coach, you should also know what appropriate and DIRECT avenues you can take to address it.

Ed's note: Both sides have spoken, no more comments on this topic will be posted. As previously posted, in the future, any problems with individuals who are not elected officials should be addressed within their venue

1 comment:

  1. hello this is joe franco and would love to know who edits this waste of energy blog because if it was me i would have choosen to omit all slanderous entries. i was not given a chance to explain myself and decline to as this is beneanth me. people are entitled to their own opinions no matter how one sided they may be but as my mother always told me if you dont have anything nice to say keep it to yourself.maybe more people should judge others on their whole body of work than one game.it is a shame that their lives are so miserable that they feel the need to makes others miserable also. please refain from using my name in the future but it doesnt matter i wont be reading it anyway as i will be outside playing baseball. sincerely yours joseph franco. GET A LIFE....
