Monday, May 10, 2010

League Director of AAA Division Speaks

Vinny Macchio has left a new comment on your post "Good Sportsmanship is Paramount to Plainview Paren...":

I would suggest that if you have a problem with a manager or coach of the Plainview little league that you contact the little league director in charge of that division. Since I am the director of the AAA division I would welcome a meeting with you to hear your complaints and issues. I can be contact by email. My email is posted on the website and I assure you that I will get back to you. I would like to impress upon you that if you do contact me please have the courtesy and courage to attach your name to the email.

Vincent Macchio

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Vinny,

    Why would anyone trust a board memeber to "resolve" pronblems? Maybe if you actually did a better job evaluating coaches you would not have these problems. It has nothing to do with "courage" NOT signing, but who wants to be blackballed from Little Leauge....yes I am a coach! You already the know the fix it!
