Monday, May 10, 2010

Someone Please Sum Up-"Meet the Candidates Night"

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Transparency Please":

Can you please make this a new topic

Unfortunately, had to work tonight and couldn't make it. Could someone who was there include some highlights or pertinent info from evening, please.


  1. Yes, let's hear what happened monday night. I would like to know. I would also like to know how many people are voting for this capital reserve fund that is being floated separately. I am voting no. I am also voting no to the library increase.

  2. Why do you care how other people are voting if you have already decided to vote no? It doesn't sound like you're going to change your mind. Do you even know what a capital reserve fund is? It doesn't sound like you care. Most people support the library budget and you've made up your mind about that also. Voting should be done in an informed manner not in anger.

  3. I would not vote no on the library increase . If there is one thing that children should not be limited to is there educational resources at the library. As far as the Capital reserve fund , I am voting no , no , no on that . The current BOE members should of thought about the capital reserve fund when they were gib=ving the teachers the raises. Just think, we could of gotten alot of the buildings repairec if we did not give in to the teachers.
