Friday, November 6, 2009

Another Stratford Parent

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Other Schools?":

My kid gets Xeroxes of spelling work at Stratford.

Stratford Parent Logs In

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Four Separate Teams in Plainview?":

Stratford parent here. Totally agree especially about the reteaching and reading.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Teachers are not greedy. Really?":

What does the superintendent do? That should be a new thread. We can all takes guesses based on our experiences.

Why the Outside Consultants?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Rescind, Don't Give In":

It's a Fact from
For the 2008-09 school year, Plainview spent $754,157.22 on educational consultants. With an elaborate administrative bureaucracy, why is still necessary to hire consultants to do the District's work?

- Plainview will spend $12,000 this year for a consultant to teach building administrators how to do observations of teachers. Didn't anyone check to see if they knew how to do this before they were hired?

- Last year the Assistant Superintendent for Business received a 10.75% salary increase. The members of the PCT received an increase of 3.575%, the average increase in Nassau County.

-The Superintendent's contract obligates the District to pay him a car allowance of $500 per month. Members of the PCT who uses their cars for District business are reimbursed the IRS mileage rate.

- Teachers who retire from the District receive payment for heath insurance of 50% individual or 36% family coverage(s). Central office administrators in our District, who have substantially higher pensions, get 75% of either individual or family coverage paid by the District.

- Despite having layer upon layer of administration, the Plainview- Old Bethpage School District had to spend $754,157 on outside consultants last year.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rescind, Don't Give In

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Take a Bold Step":

First and foremost the offer on the table should be rescinded. We do not need to hire foreign teachers. For every job opening the school gets hundreds of apps from quality teachers.It is time for the board to step up to the plate and do what is best for our children and the residents of Plainview and not give in to the PCT

Take a Bold Step

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Buybacks: definition":

Take the Bold Steps - POB Board - When there is vacancy - Hire Teachers from Asia - Philippines,China or India - Alabama and Georgia School Districts did this first to the anger of community and then - Guess what the Children did so very well -Math and Science grades increased 25% in about a year - The foreign teachers just as a new immigrants worked very hard for a lot less and made a difference in the quality of education - POB Board must consider such measures -and rescind the raises altogether - and replace the picketing teachers and ones that are disrupting the peace of the our school district with foreign hire for a lot less - this could set a precedence in the tri-state area and could eventually also help our economy and reduce school taxes by a third.

BOE: Make Sure Things Are Equitable

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BOE: Independently Run Schools are Not Working":

Parkway and Old Beth parents have been speaking out. They do realize that it all affects them and they are very concerned. They have friends with kids in Stratford and Pasadena. A speaker from Parkway at the BOE meeting this week pointed out that all parents have helped their kids education- by sending them to pre-school, by tutoring them,etc. Another speaker from Parkway spoke about elementary extra help. There were plenty of Old Beth and Parkway names on the math petition even though those schools did a lot better on the math tests. I think the community does a great job supporting each other and caring about all kids on all sides of town. The BOE needs to make sure things are equitable across the board and make sure that there aren't 2 sides of town - the haves and have nots.

Ed's note: I agree, this IS a community thing and we are good about supporting each other, but we need to make sure the board gets it too- This is a priority for us.

BOE: Independently Run Schools are Not Working

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Attention BOE:Take Some Action Where It Counts!":

Faulty Towers is more like it, with our lawyer patting the BOE on their heads. Parkway and OBP parents need to wake up and realize just because it's not happening in your school, doesn't mean it isn't affecting you. The standards bar is too low, tolerating that schools operate as satellites is ridiculous. Two schools are achieving reasonable goals, the other two not. Best practices would have all the schools operating as one with only the buildings locations as the differential factor. The BOE needs to wake up, the Admin in these schools need to be policed heavily or replaced. This system is not working for half of the district. The BOE needs to step up to the plate and make a change.

Attention BOE:Take Some Action Where It Counts!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Differentiated Instruction and Stratefies Lacking":

No differentiation. No science (except for that lucky kid in Pasadena). No math. No reading instruction. Kids grading other kids. Low expectations. 60 seconds of homework. ELA workbooks in all schools except one. Teachers not hanging up student work or welcoming parents into their classrooms, even after a letter went to them from the superintendent. Parents walking through a teacher picket line on back-to-school night. Kids being taught by a funereal staff with Contract Now buttons. I read this blog and wonder - is this is school district or a Monty Python sketch? The Board of Ed is in a stalemate with the union over contract negotiations. The community seems to be OK with that although some feel any offer is too generous in these hard economic times and many clearly want something in return for any teacher increase but suggestions like eliminating half days and adding elementary school extra help are being ignored. So if the Board wants to put more money into a system that is clearly broken they need to work on fixing it also. They can start by directing the small army of well-paid administrators to spend some time reviewing the academics and curriculum of the elementary schools and take some action where it counts - creating high standards and consistency in the classrooms and in the backpacks.

Ed's note: Well said. The standards are too low, the accountability seemingly non-existent, and every school seems to run as it cares to, regardless of the outcome.

Differentiated Instruction and Strategies Lacking

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks Out":

This whole situation is indeed unfortunate, to say the least. Yes, teachers in Plainview should be earning a fair salary with an appropriate cost of living increase that balances the tough economic times we are living in now with the comparitive figures of other Long Island districts.

Where the Plainview teachers are making a huge mistake is in the unofficial "job action" they have instigated which, I must add, is in violation of the law. The superintendent issued an order that teachers should be following past practices in regard to parent participation in class parties. Some are compliant with this order. Others are not. In fact, there are many past practices that are being avoided all in the spirit of unity.

My child's teacher fails to differentiate the instruction for academically advanced students as it goes beyond the scope of her job. My child is being held to a standard of mediocrity that. His homework is completed in less than 60 seconds, no joke. It is now November and I have yet to see a notebook come home. I therefore have no idea what strategies this teacher utilizes to teach the class or how I can support and/or extend upon it at home. As she is "working without a contract," my child's instruction (or lack thereof) is being severely impacted. Although I have a tremendous degree of compassion for what the PCT is fighting for, it has gone way too far. Teachers need to realize that angering the community is a mistake. You are still collecting a paycheck born of the money we pay in high taxes. You are responsible for the education of our children. Some of you realize this and continue to provide exemplary instruction. Many of you do not. For you, this is a job. For us, it is our children. Do not forget that.

How About REAL Grading?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A No-Show in a Stratford Classroom":

Let’s assume the teacher grades the work – and it’s not a multiple choice test so there isn’t a numerical result. Does anyone know what a smiley face means? Does that translate into a 3 or 4 on the report card? Does it depend on how big the smile is? Did your kid ever get an unhappy face? Is that a 1 or a 2? If it has tears it probably a 1, right? And while we're on the subject, what does a 3 really mean? Almost a 4 (great) or just above a 2 (not so great)? Our kids are graded with doodles and numbers that are at worst meaningless and at best approximations - it's no wonder they have little concern about the quality of their work or incentive to strive higher. What sense of accomplishment do you get from a star? Is a star good? Or should it have a smiley face inside? Why would something as important as education use a vague system of communication? Are our kids so fragile that they can’t tolerate a grade that tells them quite clearly that their work is unacceptable, they didn’t make a decent effort, their handwriting is illegible, that they need to do better? Or should we have them live in the dream world that all they do is wonderful until they get the harsh reality of not getting accepted into the college of their choice because while they were content getting smiley faces - with big smiles – other kids were getting constructive criticism that helped them improve their work and the bar was set high for expectations that got the most out of them. Or better yet, getting into the college of their choice and not having the faintest idea what to do when they get there.

Why Isn't There Instructional Parity Among the Schools?

Stefanie has left a new comment on your post "When Textbooks Aren't Ordered For All, What is Use...":

To continue this thread, I'd like to share that I've spoken about the disparity in educational materials used at the elementary schools at several Board of Ed meetings - starting in the spring when I noticed a discrepancy in the budget numbers of schools with lower populations spending more money on textbooks than schools with larger populations. This didn't seem right to me and I eventually got data from the BOE that detailed what was planned for purchase at each elementary school.

I'd like to share more of less what I said at Monday's BOE meeting:

I’d like to once again bring up that the current school budget did not include ELA test prep books for Stratford Road 3rd and 4th graders. All students receive the same Math test prep book and I’m curious why it would be any different for ELA.

I have been told that our schools do things differently. I have repeatedly asked to see what is being used in a side by side comparison to see the equality among the materials used by the different schools and have not been shown anything.

I am not going to be satisfied until I see and have explained to me how the different ELA test prep materials are equitable.

Last spring I raised concerns that materials my child was using for ELA were copyright infringements and was assured this wasn’t the case by the superintendent as well as the building principal.

I brought in examples of 3rd grade ELA materials that were copyright infringements to a previous BOE meeting. ( I brought in over 100 pages of materials that were clearly copyright infringements to the last BOE meeting) What is the resolution of this?

(response by supt that there was a meeting and principals and teachers were told not to do this anymore)

I have recently heard that an entire book was xeroxed for a high school English class. Living author. I find this embarassing and troublesome.

(this got a small reaction and I said I would share the title of the book privately after the meeting so as not to put any teacher on the spot)

(at some point there was a response by supt that they might consider ELA test prep for Stratford for next year's budget - I countered that the ELA workbooks coat about $8 each and for about 200 students the cost is $1600 - not much in a $127+ million dollar budget - and that the ELA workbooks should be purchased for Stratford students this year)

In the event that the decision remains to not provide Stratford students with ELA test prep workbooks, I would like to request that my child be given a copy of the 4th grade ELA test prep book that he would have received had he been a student at Old Beth, Parkway or Pasadena. I believe that this material serves an important purpose and would like my child to have the opportunity to have the same benefit as other children in this district.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Another Thread-I'm New Here, Can You Recommend a Good Restaurant in POB?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A No-Show in a Strattford Classroom":

I would like to start a new topic-but I don't know how-I hope you don't put that sentence in and just start a new topic

My family and I moved into Old Bethpage during the summer. We would like to find out what restaurants people recommend. They could be in the neighborhood or surrounding neighborhoods.

Thank you for your help.

Ed's note: A little food break here....Butera's on Jericho Tpk, Italian, huge servings,VG food, child friendly (menu), a bit noisy entrees 14+. Laguna Grill right next door, Tex Mex, good food, child friendly. Anyone else care to chime in?

A No-Show in a Stratford Classroom

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why the Low Standards?":

Did a Stratford parent write this? My child at Stratford has not had ONE teacher corrected piece of work. Not one comment. No work has been hung including something made specifically for the locker, we have seen zero science and the teacher seemed to forget about the reading logs. The year seems to be a wash.

Top Heavy Replacements?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Top Heavy District":

Sounds like a teacher here!! get rid of the deadwood so we can put our deadwood in their positions! LOL!! When will the comedy end. LOL!!! Worry about getting rid of all the deadwood teachers in your union first!!!

When Textbooks Aren't Ordered For All, What is Used Instead?

Stefanie has left a new comment on your post "Four Separate Teams in Plainview?":

Based on budget information from this year:

4th grade social studies workbook to coordinate with textbook
Parkway and Old Beth getting one
Pasadena and Stratford are not

Map Skills
Pasadena gets books grades 1,2,3 and 4
Parkway and Old Beth grades 2 and 3
Stratford grade 3 only

ELA test prep 4th grade
all schools except Stratford

ELA test prep 3rd grade
Parkway - 3 books
Old Beth and Pasadena - 1 book
Stratford - nothing

Social Studies DBQ (data based questions)
Old Beth - one book
nothing for anyone else

4th grade Science test prep
Parkway - one book
nothing for anyone else

Some of this may have changed - and schools may have additional resources not included in their budget - the science test review books were written by our district's science chairperson so they may have been taken out

Other changes might have been made

I Wish We Could Buy Our Milk Elsewhere...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Would Go To Another Store....":


Reality is Pay Cuts, and 12 Hour Days

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Many Teachers Work 6 Hours Plus":

Hmmmm, my husband works 12+ hour days everyday with not only no raise but a paycut and was making less than the majority of our teachers to begin with. Welcome to reality. Good thing he doesn't take it out on his boss and employees at the workplace like the teachers have done to our children. Afterall he has no tenure.

When They Go the Extra Mile

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA Has Kids at Heart, But Also, Limitations":

Plainview is a mix of the average Joe and the well to do! My husband and I both work full time to afford our 1100 sq ft house, in what I thought was a good school district! As the years go by I am learning that as a parent of young children you need to fight tooth and nail and have a lawyer present for any issued with the school district. So why should we pay our teachers more when they will not go the extra mile to give the appropiate support our kids need (extra help in reading, writing, handwriting. etc...)For all long as I can remenber my sister-in-law has been complaining to the school about teachers and the responces she gets are we know but they have tenior, or we are waiting for them to hit someone.....what the hell kind of an answer is that?

Other Schools?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Four Separate Teams in Plainview?":

4th graders at Parkway school have a spelling workbook - do 4th graders at any other school have this?

Show Me

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "You Ehat You Pay For...":

In almost any job, one is given a raise based on their ability to be determined in proving their worth. You may have to work harder and longer than those around you to do that. It is sad to say that despite being fond of many in our teaching staff, they are unwilling to prove that they are invaluable. They have only proved that they will not go above and beyond to succeed and that is not a message I would want the children in this community to receive.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Perhaps We Need Better Coaches?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Four Separate Teams in Plainview?":

Two teams always make the championships while the other two never even make the playoffs.

This Says it All

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks Out":


Top Heavy District

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA Has Kids at Heart, But Also, Limitations":

If the PTA really wants to make things better for students, they need to take a look at how top-heavy our district is with administrators and administrative salaries. We could buy so many more teachers--and keep class sizes so much smaller--if we got rid of some of the deadwood at central and in the department offices.

PTA Has Kids at Heart, But Also, Limitations

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA,? Speaks":

Parents appreciate PTA for all the good they do the kids - holding fundraisers to raise money for cultural arts events and scholarships, sitting on committees to discuss how to make things better here, working on yearbooks and events like picture day, book fair, and more. I don't think anyone thinks PTA doesn't have the kids best interests at heart. Most parents recognize that PTA has limitations in what they can do about what's going on and that's frustrating. Class parents were front line casualties when they were told they weren't needed for class parties. It was an unexpected and shocking change in tradition. Halloween has come and gone and not all classes ever invited parents back in. PTA must be frustrated also.

Four Separate Teams in Plainview?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks Out":

HIT - your kids teacher is doing science - MISS - your kid isn't doing any science - HIT - math homework has numbers - MISS - you're playing Investigations games for homework - HIT - you've been told your kids reading level - MISS - kid reads whatever they want- HIT -teacher insists on kids writing neatly, using script - MISS - teacher accepts anything - HIT - class does special project or class play in class - MISS - class does not do any special project - HIT - your kid can do their homework independently - MISS - you are reteaching your kid everything - HIT - Parkway School, Old Bethpage - MISS - Pasadena, Stratford Road

You Ehat You Pay For...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks Out":

"teacher speaks out" has it exactly right. If the first commenter thinks that plainview teachers are paid on a par with the rest of the county they are saidly mistaken, as it stands know they are paid lower then most of the districts on the island.
as to the point you made about milk, you pay the going rate, and if the going rate for education is lower here then elseware on the island then the residence of Plainview should pay the going rate.
as for the teachers snubbing the boards offer nothing could be further from the truth, It is the board who has refused to negotiate.
as to point 5 if you don't think that the posts are insulting to teachers maybe you should reread what is being said.
There is an old addage that says" you get ehat you pay for" maybe if parents in this community
want to pay less then the going rate, they should expect less.

I Would Go To Another Store....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks Out":

Are you kidding? You ARE getting paid median salary for teachers on LI. Did you use "Investigations" to figure this out? And as your Fairway comparison, I would go to another store if I didn't like the price. So, if you really are a teacher, then go to another school district and try to get paid better. And as far as why people are angry; at least I can tell you why I am... that's because YOU took this to the classroom and the schools involving MY kids. After SEEING how greedy and insulting the POB Teachers Union is to the community and to my kids, I think all of you should be fired. If you really are a teacher, I think you are in the wrong profession. Hope you're not expecting holiday gifts this year....It's not in the contract. about the quality of teaching in this district in recent years. The way the "handouts" are given out, with incorrect information, missing information or spelling errors, or copied so much they can't be read. Tests being graded incorrectly, because other kids are grading them instead of the teacher. Why do I feel like I am doing the lessons? Where is the extra help? It just shows how the teachers in this district are doing their jobs. Btw, sorry if you feel insulted. Oh well. I am and I don't think your union cares.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Teacher Speaks Out

Concerned has left a new comment on your post "Are Our Teachers Underpaid?":

Why doesn't Plainview want to pay teachers the going rate on Long Island? Is Plainview a secluded island that is not attached to the rest of the county?
Why don't you go to Fairway and tell the cashier that you don't want to pay $1.09 for a quart of milk? Everyone else on Long Island should pay the going rate, but people in Plainview should pay less because they are fiscally responsible!
Teachers have taxes to pay, children to educate, spouses that may be unemployed and groceries to purchase--just like everyone else.
Why are angry people taking their frustrations out on teachers? We are the ones who take care of and educate your children. We have devoted our professional lives to Plainview's children. WE are with them every day. Many of us spend more time with them than their parents do.
Why do people on this blog feel a need to rudely insult teachers? Don't you want teachers to treat your children with kindness and respect?
If you are concerned about the children and you want a tone of normalcy to return to our schools, call the Superintendent and members of the Board of Education and tell them to put an end to this standoff.

Many Teachers Work 6 Hours Plus

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Are Our Teachers Underpaid?":

Your characterization of an entitlement system in our tax structure is brilliant.

In all fairness though to many teachers (not all), their work goes beyond the 6 hour work day (planning at home, etc.)

PTA,? Speaks

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA: -Where Are You?":

The PTA is disgraced about what is happening, and we have certainly been advocating for our CHILDREN via various venues. Our children have suffered as a result of the Union's actions, so do we have any interest in advocating for the teacher's?, NO. And, by withdrawing membership, who are you really hurting....once again....the CHILDREN being that the money raised through the PTA goes to support programs for the kids.

Are Our Teachers Underpaid?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "November 2nd -Request a Cut in Taxes":

POB Teachers should be overpaid because other district teachers are overpaid?

This situation proves that we have created an entitlement system in our tax structure. Teacher's expect and feel they are entitled to raises because other educators somewhere else have gotten one. Can you imagine trying to employ that logic in any other context?

Goto to see if your child's teacher is underpaid after a 2% raise from their current salary for 6 hours work/10 months a year.

Write to Your Congressman, It's the Union That's Driving Up the Price

Get rid of the Unions and Union Bosses from all education institutions - A federal law should ban teachers and non teaching staff from joining unions - write to your US Senator, House of Reprensentatives, State and County Legislators
- Believe me it will work if they get 10,000 of you emails.

They will do POB and other school districts what
became of General Motors and Chrysler - They have no mercy.

To those residents that may be members of a Union - my sympathies - A Union job provides good pay, health benefits, job security in general a comfortable life style. But let's face the fact - Union shops drive up the price of doing business - this is no secret especially in the tri-state area.

The Teachers are not greedy. Really?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why the Teachers are Not the Only Ones":


There is a new posting on the PCT site from Jane Weinkrantz, where she tries to quell the notion that teachers are greedy in their raise requests.

She compares the average teachers salary to that of the super high salaries of households in Plainview and Old Bethpage.

There is an error in her comparison. According to,, and the average salary of the two locations does range from a high of 130,377 to an average low of 111,895, however, these are HOUSEHOLD salaries most often obtained by TWO people working, (which is necessary to pay our high taxes), and, that they are salaries based on working a full year, with usually only 2-3 weeks vacation, three to five legal holidays, and five sick days. Not 180 days.

Ms. Weinkrantz might consider a more equitable comparison to teach us about.

Publish this comment.

Why the Teachers are Not the Only Ones

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "We Need Consistency and Accountability":


The management of the Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District has attempted to depict the members of the Plainview-Old Bethpage Congress of Teachers as greedy and unconcerned with the welfare of the District. This area of our website suggests reasons why the public may want to think otherwise.

1 - Last year the Assistant Superintendent for Business received a 10.75% salary increase. The members of the PCT received an increase of 3.575%, the average increase in Nassau County.

2- The Superintendent's contract obligates the District to pay him a car allowance of $500 per month. Members of the PCT who uses their cars for District business are reimbursed the IRS mileage rate.

3- Teachers who retire from the District receive payment for heath insurance of 50% individual or 36% family coverage(s). Central office administrators in our District, who have substantially higher pensions, get 75% of either individual or family coverage paid by the District.

4 - Despite having layer upon layer of administration, the Plainview- Old Bethpage School District had to spend $754,157 on outside consultants last year.

Buybacks: definition

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I'd Like an Explanation":

buybacks are for example: if a teachers husband has insurance with his job, then the teacher may not use the insurance that the school is paying for. So the district takes the teacher off the medical plan and the teacher receives 50% of the cost savings that the school receives for not giving the teacher medical insurance. So if the isurance costs $10,000 then the teacher would receive $5,000 for not using the insurance.