Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rescind, Don't Give In

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Take a Bold Step":

First and foremost the offer on the table should be rescinded. We do not need to hire foreign teachers. For every job opening the school gets hundreds of apps from quality teachers.It is time for the board to step up to the plate and do what is best for our children and the residents of Plainview and not give in to the PCT


  1. There are plenty of Good Teachers that would jump at a job in POB schools.

    Many Quality NYC teachers I spoke to that live in Long Island would love to work hear.
    They would not have to commute to NYC anymore.

    Yes we have some great teachers in our POB schools , but we also have some very bad ones. Once they get tenia their proformance tends to slip since they can not lose their jobs.

    Even though they have all summer off to relax.

  2. Why isn't there any discussion of Plainview's policy of universal busing? Why do children who live near their schools need to be bused? Children today suffer from obesity due to their diets and a lack of activity. Why can't children walk to school if they live close? That is what many other districts do. Why is our district spending huge amounts of money on something that just is not necessary, and something that adds to the pollution of our environment and our continued reliance on foreign oil?

  3. Why do people from Plainview plead poverty? Plainview is obviously a very comfortable suburban community with all the accoutrements of prosperity. Many people drive their kids to school in beautiful Mercedes and Corvettes. Students at the high school drive their own cars to school and many of these are luxury models. The kids have every possible electronic toy from Iphones to Ipods. They dress in the latest fads and wear designer bags, luxury boots and pricy sneakers.
    And Plainview can't afford to pay teachers an average teacher's salary?

  4. all of these teachers that you talk about would still be subjected to the collectivley bargined agreement between the union and the board.
