Monday, November 2, 2009

You Ehat You Pay For...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks Out":

"teacher speaks out" has it exactly right. If the first commenter thinks that plainview teachers are paid on a par with the rest of the county they are saidly mistaken, as it stands know they are paid lower then most of the districts on the island.
as to the point you made about milk, you pay the going rate, and if the going rate for education is lower here then elseware on the island then the residence of Plainview should pay the going rate.
as for the teachers snubbing the boards offer nothing could be further from the truth, It is the board who has refused to negotiate.
as to point 5 if you don't think that the posts are insulting to teachers maybe you should reread what is being said.
There is an old addage that says" you get ehat you pay for" maybe if parents in this community
want to pay less then the going rate, they should expect less.


  1. Teachers are spoiled
    who else in the world has a job for life ?
    who works 8:30- 3:30?
    180 days a year
    for every job in plainview the school gets 100 apps
    If your that unhappy there are more than 100 other schools to go work in!!
    teacers need to enter the world of reality and get out of the education bubble
    go to Manhattan and see who is getting on the train at 3:30 pm to go home not alot of Plainview residents I bet

  2. You should check your grammar and spelling. It figures that you agree with what that teacher is saying. I think your facts are as correct as your spelling and grammar.

  3. The parents of Plainview already "get what they pay for". And the Teachers Union wants more. That's the reason for all of this. Duh.

  4. Your spelling and grammar in this blog doesn't represent you very well as an educator. I hope you teach better than you write.

  5. the person who wrote this blog made one grammar mistake. lighten up people.

  6. It was more than one. You're still making mistakes. Own up, the person who wrote it was...YOU.

  7. I thought it was a poem - you know - one of those free verse things

  8. Wow, you people are petty.. How about you address the point of the post instead of attacking his/her spelling skills.

    Besides, what if it's a math teacher who wrote that? Us math geeks can't spell to save our lives.
