Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ready For Your Next Tax Raise?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Math Spiraling in the NewTeachers Contracts, or, W...":


October is the time when taxpayers receive their school tax bill. When you look at your tax bill it is time to question: Why is my tax bill so high and why does it keep going up every year so much? who is responsible for this?
the blame falls right on our fiscally irresponsible BOARD OF EDUCATION
Even if we have to replace this board one member at a time . with the exception of one new member, the rest of the board members needs to be REPLACED. They can take claim for all the great things that they have done, which does not mean anything when you can no longer afford to live here. Our biggest cost is LABOR and the board refuses to do anything to contain these costs. The board states that the children come first. If that is true than why do they continue to give big raises to the teachers at a time when we are in an economic depression and our aging school buildings are in need of MILLIONS of dollars of repairs . The school's attorney even stated at a board meeting that our school budget would be in a deficit with the loss of federal and state aid coming to an end . Yet they still continue to ignore the financial realities that we are up against. The longer this continues , the harder this district will fall wth layoffs, cutbacks etc

Sunday, October 3, 2010

New LInk on Side: Suffolk County Bullying Bill

Math Spiraling in the NewTeachers Contracts, or, When 0+0+0 = 3...

I'm a tax paying parent has left a new comment on your post "What Happened At the Meeting and Why This Group Ne...":

New post please!

I have read on this blog that the teachers and the BOE have started their SECRET negotiations for the next contract.

How about the district offers the Union what they really deserve instead of what they want?

0% first year
0% second year
0% third year

Even with these 0% increases the overall salaries of the teachers will still increase by about 3%.

It’s amazing that 0+0+0= more than 3%.

BOE it’s time to try to keep us from going deeper and deeper into our pockets!

Do something about it NOW!