Sunday, October 10, 2010

Who Knows About Retirement Waivers?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ready For Your Next Tax Raise?":

Can a new thread be added for this posting?

Does anyone know anything about retirement waivers in New York State? Is our superintendent's license compliant with these guidelines?

Go to the NYS Department of Education website -
Click the icon for Parents.
Next, click Certification Verification.
Enter the superintendent's first and last name.

You'll find that his retirement waiver for the POBCSD issued on 7/1/07 expired on 6/30/08. It appears to have been reissued on 8/1/08 and then again expired on 12/31/08. The status indicated for both these waivers is "pending."

Is this something we should be concerned with? I know it is possible for online records to sometimes be outdated. I'm just curious if anyone knows more about this.