Saturday, February 27, 2010

How Much Shorter Can We Make the Day?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "If You Vote Down the Budget, Don't Complain About ...":

Remember the last time we got into a budget crunch, we went from a regular school day to a 6 day program that resulted in our children losing i class every 6th week of school. Look at the school calendar and you will see that every week in the school calendar you are missing 1 "day1 or 2 or 3 or 4 etc"
are we better off with a 6 day school period? what is next a 7 day school period?

Settle the Contract and Then Cut Services

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "If You Vote Down the Budget, Don't Complain About ...":

If I can not afford to live here anymore will that be any better? Should I sell my home at a loss now and be forced to move somewhere else? I do not beleiove being forced out of my home because the taxes have run out of control is the answer. Realistically speaking, the state is in the hole for billions of dollars, the county has no money, and Obama is not looking to help our schools anymore . So what is the reality here? They are going to cut services in our schools right after they settled that last contract. Should we keep passing budget after budget when the cost is skyrocketing? no

No Tough Decisions, We Need a Change of Direction Here

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is":

Tough decisions
What is so tough about telling the teachers no??

No you can not have a raise when so many people are losing their jobs
No you can not have a raise because people can no longer afford the insane school taxes that we pay
No you can not have a raise because the school district can not afford it. What is so tough about that?
There are loads of good teachers out there that are either making less or do not have jobs that would work in plainview in a heart beat and accept what we offer and not demand these outrageous wages. I see the whole picture and the political garbage that exists and it is horrible. replacing one board member at a time is not what is needed . More residents need to go to the voting booth . And holding the the threat that "if we do not pass the budget our kids will really suffer" does not work anymore . It is definitely time for a change of direction in Plainview

If You Vote Down the Budget, Don't Complain About the Cuts

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board of Ed a Disgrace. Everything is Up Except Wh...":

so your going to vote down the budget? will you be the first to complain when class sizes swell because of your actions? will you be the fist to complain when sports and music disappear because of your actions? will you be the first to complain when other after school activities are cut because of your actions?

Plainview Parents, Take Advantage of What You Are Paying For

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why Isn't the Administration On the Job?":

Why are you driving your kids? PLainview has universal busing. maybe if more parents had their kids use the buses that we are paying for any was then there wouldn't be such a free for all.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Been there...Done that. has left a new comment on your post "Board of Ed a Disgrace. Everything is Up Except Wh...":

Instead of just talking about making your vote count why don't YOU run for a position on the Board of Education. It may not be as easy as you might think to make the tough decisions, when you see the whole picture.

Board of Ed a Disgrace. Everything is Up Except What Our Students Get

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "We are About More Than Classroom Visits!":

This is a disgrace . Right after the teachers got what they wanted that we are talking about student givebacks. Everybody should be at the budget meetings . One of three things will happen . Either they are going to increase class size or reduce the services that our children need. And our taxes will continue to skyrocket. I cant wait to get into that voting booth in May!!

L. I. Teachers Gain Ground and Students Loose It

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Your Money Is Going, Show Up To Next Board M...":

You are right except for the last line. Let me correct that. It should be what are they going to take away from our kids and our kids only. Remember the teachers are a protected class of society on long island. Here unlike the rest of the country our teachers only continue to out pace the rest of the country. So yes we should go to the meetings to see what more are we going be forced to pay and what if any services are our children potentially going to lose.

Incompetency and No Credentials. Is This Our Plainview?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Dempsey-Haphazard Education Has Got to Go":

The discrepancy with just about everything at Stratford Road comes down to the ineffective principal. Do others see how incompetent she is? That's the root of the problem. As far as the ELA director, he's a high school English teacher. He has neither certifications in reading nor elementary education. It's unbelievable that a school district like Plainview would allow these so called "professionals" to maintain leadership positions in the district.

Why Isn't the Administration On the Job?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Your Money Is Going, Show Up To Next Board M...":

If security guards are needed to implement the safe arrival and dismissal of Mattlin students, this is an expense that needs to be undertaken.

It also brings up the question: is additional staffing necessary for other car pool lines in our district as well?

Safety at arrival and dismissal time is a bonafide concern. It was said at the BOE that the needed security at Mattlin was because of "one parent not following directions."

Was this really about ONE parent who is a bad egg or is the current system of how they are doing things truly working?

Last winter there was a big changeover at Stratford Road arrival and dismissal car pool line. This change incorporated (1) staff monitoring of children getting in and out of cars in the morning and afternoon and (2) the elimination buses from the same area as passenger cars. Kids as young as 5 year old were being let out from school to find their parents without any supervision (other than other parents who happened to be there waiting for their own kids.) Parent vehicles and buses had uncomfortably close near-collisions. How could this go on? Why would the district not be overseeing this in general and not realize that Stratford was the only building that this was happening?

Stratford building administration did not take any initiative to fix things despite repeated concerns by the parent community. Ultimately parent pressure as well as input from Transportation created changes for a safer arrival and pickup.

While an unstructured, unregulated "anything goes" policy might work (more or less)when there are 20 cars dropping off kids it might NOT work anymore when there are 21 or more cars in the same area at the same time.

Arrivals and dismissals at all district schools should have a plan that has is checked several times a year by the district safety officer to ensure that arrival and pickup at all buildings are orderly and safe.

It's pretty easy to NOT know what to do at arrival or pickup at most schools in our district. Unless you've done it before and know what to do, the signage and "unwritten" rules of how things work are not clear.

Information regarding the appropriate pick up and drop off system for each school (they are all different) is not accessible on the district website. It should be. Signage should be improved.

The more you tell people what to do, the better chance you have of them doing the right thing.

What sort of role models are we being if we are bringing and picking up our kids to and from school in chaos? Once kids enter school property there should be order and regulation. If the car pool is a free-for-all, the kids will believe school is a free-for-all.

Final Thought:
It shouldn't be up to parents to be constantly policing our school district, telling administration ot the BOE when things aren't working. Administration should be "on the job" ever vigilant, making necessary adjustments, being responsible for shortcomings as well as successes. That's what good managers do. The budget shows our community to be paying administrators generous salaries commensurate with top managers in other fields. It's time to get our money's worth.

What's Up With This?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board of Ed Meeting, PCT Contract Ratified":

So has the teachers' contract been settled? Did the POB Congress of Teachers ratify the contract? One would have thought they would have made some sort of public announcement about this. Are the teachers keeping quiet about this because they ultimately didn't get what they wanted?

We are About More Than Classroom Visits!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Your Money Is Going, Show Up To Next Board M...":

POSSIBLE BUDGET REDUCTIONS-Monday, March 1st - Board of Ed Budget Meeting 7:15pm in the Board Room at Mattlin. Also under budget review: Pupil Personnel Services; Technology; Art; Music; Science Research; Library; Private and Parochial Textbooks; 4th R; WPOB. Plus a discussion of the Capital Reserve Fund. There is Public Participation at the end for budget questions ONLY. Bring your questions! Show the board of education that this community is about more than just classroom visitations. We care about the whole picture!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Where Your Money Is Going, Show Up To Next Board Meeting-Budget

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Plainview; This Strikes Close To Home":

Current times will tell all about this community. Budget time started tonight at the Board of Education meeting. Where were all the people concerned about the teacher contract? The Memoranda of Agreement voted on tonight settled the contract for custodians and aides mirroring the teacher contract at 2% and 3%. Not sure if they also had extra welfare money like the teachers received. But more importantly, the community needs to listen to the budget discussions. Instructional staffing was discussed tonight...proposed staff cuts at the high school, one board member (up for reelection) asked about what the policy and teacher contract says about the maximum class size. The parents in this district have worked very hard to bring the class sizes down to the current numbers which are below the district and contract policies. We need to keep them at current levels. This same board member commented how one increase in security staffing was due because parents can't follow directions. Last September, the community was told that the district cannot afford to pay the teachers more than they had offered because times are tough and getting tougher. Compromise is a given and the teachers deserve gold, but not on the backs of the kids or the taxpayers. I think everyone should come to the board meetings and listen very carefully to the budget process. The district contracts are important, but more important is what they do after they settle these contracts. What are they going to take away from our teachers and kids?