Monday, April 19, 2010

Shorter Day the Problem? And What About Those Raises?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Home School Too! -Who Else?":

Why do the children need to attend EXTRA review sessions to meet MINIMUM state based ELA requirements?

Why aren't the education requirements being met during class time? Aren't they learning what they need in class? If not, shouldn't we be addressing that issue?

Does anyone remember having to attend extra classes to meet state standards when they were children?

Is it because our district has a shorter day than the standard for schools in our region (only 6 hours vs. 6.5 everywhere else)?

And if so, shouldn't our teachers only be receiving 92% of the comparable pay (6.0/6.5)?


  1. How about when we changed from a 5 day schedule to a 6 day schedule. Why did that happen? Likely because of budget issues and the teachers who did not want to give anything back in their contract. So when we talk about the fear bof voting down a budget because our children might be negatively affected, we should remember this one when we voted for the budget and our children got shortchanged again. When this district runs out of money it will be our children who will take the hit first not the teachers

  2. Days are even shorter in elementary school classrooms where teachers have kids "pack up" at 2:45. Sure, everyone wants to go home but if you add up all those minutes, maybe our kids could learn the "new concept" in school instead of bringing it home for mom or dad to teach!! Also, extra help is only on Tues and Thurs in middle school. Whoever is responsible for that one really won big for the teachers. I guess my kid can't have a question if it is a Monday or Wednesday. Of course, there is the exceptional teacher who makes himself available during his lunch if given a day's notice. Thank you to that teacher; he knows who he is!

  3. THE PTAs of two of our elementary schools (Parkway and Old Beth) maintain websites. Parkway School's website in particular should be commended for its ease of reading and wealth of information. Their website is exemplary. Too bad Stratford and Pasadena PTAs cannot get on board. Again, there is great disparity in our schools.

  4. Stratford and Pasadena have a website, too.

  5. I agree about the packing up so early in the day. Walkers get out of Stratford at 3:05 and the buses are all loaded before 3:15 and leave exactly at 3:15 on the dot. The lost 10 minutes a day adds up to 50 minutes a week, about 4 hours a month - which is about a day at school times 10 months - is about 2 weeks lost during the year.

    I remember back in the olden days (when math had numbers not words and reading was done with books and not xeroxes with flow charts to fill in) looking at the clock and we didn't get ready to leave until the bell rang - at 3. We left at 3. Not ten minutes early.

    Since I'm reminiscing...

    We had homework that was about what we learned in school that day. We wrote in one notebook no matter the subject and didn't need a folder to keep track of loose papers.

    We sat in desks by ourselves that gave us personal space and made it easier to concentrate. Our desks all faced in the same direction and since there was a front of a classroom we knew where to look and how find the teacher at all times.

    When we learned script we were expected to use it for the next few years - it wasn't an option. Everyone did this - not just some classes. We were proud of our handwriting that separated us from the younger kids.

    Teachers were never absent - we always wished they would be but they always always showed up.

    I don't remember crazy projects that my parents had to give up their weekends to do for me. I don't really remember much homework either - at least not until upper grades.

    And best of all,no cell phones back then so no teacher texting problems.

  6. If Stratford and Pas have websites, where are they? There is nothing. If you search on district web site and click on Schools, there is NO active pta website link for Strat or Pas as there is for OB and Pkwy. I checked yesterday and there is nothing. Where are you looking?

  7. All PTA'S have website linked off main PTA website.
