Tuesday, April 27, 2010

PCT- What About Your Community?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ms. Nelkens- the Only Voice We Hear From?":

I hope the Board of Ed is reading the newspaper this morning about thousands of Teachers taking pay cuts on long Island. Where is the PCT and BOE? Mr. Rosenfeld do you have a comment on this? Does the PCT care about the community to which they serve like the thousands of teachers who have agreed to pay, cuts, freezes and deferments ? And why should I vote for this budget when our teachers union could care less about us and our ability to handle the cost of their outrageous paychecks and pensions?


  1. The 5 BOE trustees who approved the contract should be ashamed of themselves and go back and hide thier heads in the sand.

    As far as where the teachers' union is, they are out celebrating.

    I'm sure Mr Rosenfeld wont comment, or at least nothing worth reading.

    The PCT cares that they got a 2% raise + increment. There is no way the PCT or the fine teachers of POB care eniugh to give back anything.

    Voting for the budget wont hurt the teachers, but may hurt the students. Passing the budget is important.

    If you want to make a change VOTE YES BUDGET and VOTE NO GARY BETTAN (he voted for the teachers' contract).

  2. Now is the time to take back the school from the PCT and the misguided BOE. VOTE NO BUDGET and make them go back to the teachers and renegotiate. and yes the BOE should hide their head in shame. Unless I see the change in the teachers contract, I will continue to vote no on the budgets and definitely NO on the extra money they want to hide in the capital improvements fund. It is time we show the BOE that someone has to have the guts to stand up and say NO TO THE BUDGET and stop this reckless spending of taxpayer money. NO way NO how .


  3. The question to ask the PCT and other teacher's unions throughout the state is why they are against signing the race to the top funding agreement. We stand to lose much needed federal funding due to their refusal. This question goes for Gary Bettan also, he is one of the many PCT puppets on the board

  4. The reason that the New York state Teachers union that includes the PCT are against the race to the top funding is because it interferes with there tight grip that thaye have on the residents of New York as well as all the politicians in Albany that they have in there in pocket. Some of these people are afraid of school district becoming too efficient because it might affect their $$$$. Instead New York is in a race to the bottom. Look at California that could very well be us in a few years if we do not fix our problems in this state which the biggest part is the state pension plans. That is what is killing us

  5. The argument unions use against Race to the Top or RttT funds is that (1) it supports charter schools and (2) it ties teacher to their student's test scores.

  6. Any comment someone might make on this blog is worth reading. Especially the head of the PCT. Like it or not, the union is a important presence in our district. If we are not willing to look at and consider all sides of a concern we are going to be missing the best solution. We need to be open to various opinions even if we choose to agree to disagree. And we should do so respectfully.

  7. "Any comment someone might make on this blog is worth reading. Especially the head of the PCT. Like it or not, the union is a important presence in our district."
    All Rosenfeld wants is his voice heard! Any other solution and he dismisses it. Have you seen him at board meetings making snide comments at everything said, Oh wait you probably don't attend. The union has been running this board long enough, get rid of his puppets when they're up for Election. Bettan and Weinstein are up and we know how they voted, BUH BYE!

  8. Weinstein is not running again.
