Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two Angry Parents

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Account of Last Nights Board Meeting":

Teachers can get a raise but they should be asked to do something for it.

Hicksville has extra help for elementary students in the morning before school starts. It's optional for but is available two days a week. Syosset has elementary help also.

Why aren't these things happening here? Now's the perfect time to do start something like this since the contract is open.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Are Adminstrators in charge of classes, or teacher...":

do the teachers actually believe these deplorable tactics will actually sway parents and the district to give in to their extremely greedy demands. Most parents in our community are busy working harder to cover work loads for people who have been laid off and then they go into their employers office to "congratulations you still have your job" forget about the raises, or the bonuses. Its appaling, the lack of respect these teachers have for the parents of their school, especially those teachers who live in this community. Lucky for them, parents of our good district have much more class, then to retaliate through the children, who suffer the most. And the teachers actually have the gall to say, their main concern is the children. Yes we the parents can see you really are here for the children, demanding pay increases while their parents are all struggling.


  1. Affordable living on Long Island is tough for parents AND teachers. To say that the top of a teacher's pay scale is living large would be wrong.

    However, most jobs do not guarantee step increases, yearly raises or guaranteed pensions. When taxes go up the money has got to come from somewhere. But where?

  2. hey blog person - my post about Hicksville and Syosset extra help - I wasn't angry.

    I was trying to put something on the table that might help kids and make the inevitable raises more agreeable to the community.
