Monday, November 16, 2009

Give More Money and Maybe You Would Get More

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Differentiated Instruction and Strategies Lacking":

How old is your child? What kinds of differentiated work would you like your child to get? The other schools in Nassau county don't start their Talents or Excellerated programs until 3rd grade. Teachers need to spend their OWN money to purchase books in which to photocopy from. They need to purchase ink and paper to print up activities from their home computers, you want your kids to have hands on learning experiences, most teachers buy things with their own money when it makessense. If the teachers made what other teachers made locally, maybe you would get more.
From, a local teacher.

1 comment:

  1. We would not want a teacher to buy anything, we are not happy our supply lists have gottne to the point we are buying grading pens for many classes. Our supply lists cost an absolutely large amount of money especially if you have multiple kids. That is where any extra funds IF they had it in the budget should go. To what is needed in classrooms. Not extra in a salary when the bottom line is many teachers and administration alike, but certainly not all, are underperforming. All parents are saying is simply show us your skills and dedication and the parents who are not supportive will see your protest in a more favorable light. By punishing our kids is what has started this all. Try to remember that most were unaware of the circumstances surrounding this all. Expect that is very normal and by bringing it to light is understandable. We would of been listening to your opinions but how this has been handled gives parents an opinion of teachers that is just not favorable. For those who do go the extra mile, who do put the kids first and WE KNOW there are many, I am so sorry you have been stuck in this fight. I wish raises were based on true day to day merit for your sakes. It is really a shame the whole system has not changed. Unfortunatly you see the difference from class to class and those who have REALLY gone out of their way to show our kids their education should not be part of this contract.
