Monday, November 30, 2009

To the Editor, From the Editor

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teach Every Child, Then I'll Support the Union":

to the editor,I left a post recently regarding the fact that the information that you posted under "teacher Pay-Average and Median", asking you why you posted information that was almost 5 years. strange that you didn't post my question! maybe it's because you are seeking to twist peoples opinion. I also asked you why you would post something in the upper left of the blog which stated the opinoins different from yours are not worthy of being taken seriously.that sounds a little self serving.

Ed's note: To the writer above: The scores are from 2008. The teachers salaries compiled are Newsday's most recent.(Perhaps you should drop them a corrective missive as well!).You can find a link that had been at the top of the page for several weeks in the, "Links You Should See" section; which lists all current teacher salaries for NY State. You are welcome to do research and send correcting information in the future instead of whining and pointing fingers.

The content of this blog is almost 99% submissions at this time, and are posted both as comments and as posts. There are very few submissions that are trashed. If you feel I am not presenting your opinion or one that is slanted you are entitled to be wrong. (it is MY BLOG after all)- and feel free to create your own blog at

The upper left hand corner's post I believe was intended to quell such posts as yours. It clearly does not say anything about anyone else's opinions it merely states that people who do not appreciate the fact that I started and continue to maintain this are not worth being taken seriously. Based on comments received from teachers as well as taxpayers (including Mr. Rosenfeld, of the PCT) very few have objected to a slant or bias and have used this site frequently to post their opinions.
This is not a pissing match, I will no longer post or respond to: challenges to the site, bias, adolescent complaints about spelling, or grammar. I will not post anything that is offensive or obscene. I will no longer post anything that says, "I challenge you to print this," or it's ilk. This is not a pissing match.

To those who are concerned that all this free talk is effecting the value of your property, you are right, in the long run it will improve your values. Ignoring problems will only exacerbate them, much like a leaky roof. Do you think raising taxes and not improving schools will raise the value of your property? Until a year or so ago the board,administrators and the teacher's union went virtually unchecked by parents and taxpayers alike and that is how we got into this mess.

I welcome the wide range of ideas, opinions and information intended to resolve ongoing issues for the betterment of our schools and our community. I will continue to post as many submissions as I see fit. I will not address these challenges again.

-A special thanks to those who attend board meetings, it is important to show up, voice your opinions and make a difference, this blog can only go so far.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. To the Editor
    Thank you for your time and effort in this blog.I just hope other people will step up to the plate :}
