Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why not a Union Free District?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Take it Or Leave it.":

Why can't Plainview be a union free district, then they are not bound to a union contract? This is reponse to the 1st comment. I'm not saying that should happen. Some say Plainview's schools aren't good, I disagree. Can it be improved, yes, but overall our children do recieve a good education.

I do think the board should negotiate at this point but with the goal to improve education in Plainview. Its not good for the anyone in the community for this to continue. Possibly, lengthen the school day, provide after school help for elementary grades and definitely make an enforced, districtwide curriculum. Old Bethpage and Parkway performed very well on the ELA and Math assessment. I know Strafford Road has the self-contained classes. Can those students bring the scores down that much? Are more students in Parkway and O.B. being tutored? Or is it the teaching or the curriculum? I the board should be looking at what is being done differently and make changes accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. There are 124 school districts on Long Island. NONE are union free.
