Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The PCT is Acting Unprofessionally

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Would We Be Without the Teachers Union?":

The reason why the PCT would be acting unprofessional is simple. If employees at a business were to go on strike, would they go to the owners house and picket in front of his children coming home from school ? no they would not because children should not be involved. Teachers walking around with buttons on their clothing with "no contract". What purpose does that serve when children are the only other people in the school besides the union members? You do not get the children involved. The second reason is that when unions are negotiating for higher wages , a good union normally bases their demands on the needs of the members , the ability of the employer to pay, and the effect the demands will have on the public at large. That given, the union does not appear to care for the ability of the school to be able to pay and for the ability for the residents who may be unemployed, lacking the money to pay their taxes etc The unions only concern seems to be "we deserve more money" regardless of the economic downturn that has been disastrous for some.


  1. I've asked the same thing a number of times but nobody is willing to answer this.

  2. they would picket infront of their place of business which in the case of teachers is the schools and the district offices. When unions negotiate for higher wage for their constituency they base these demands on the prevailing wage that members of similar unions providing similar services get, in this case that would be the prevailing wages of other districts on the island. contrary to what you state the union carfully considered it's position and only asked for a percentage increase that would maintain it's salery scale around the 50th percentile in the county. As to your statement that the union should consider the public at large, I think they have, the average tax increase even with the governors actions, will only cause the average tax bill to increase about $150 per year.

  3. The PCT is a special interest group that acts to serve their own interests. They have made it quite clear in their actions and statements that they don't care about the financial welfare of the community or current economic conditions. While they claim to be doing a deserving job our test scores don't stand up to enighboring communities. It's gotten cold outside. Let the PCT bundle up and keep on walking. Their Contract Now signs can keep them warm.
