Thursday, May 6, 2010

For Latest Educational News in NY State...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Property Taxes Rise 2x":

New York Ed Reform Blog Unveiled
Looking for the latest news, fresh commentary, and detailed analysis on New York education reform? You can now find it at FERA’s New York Ed Reform blog. FERA researchers and guests will regularly be offering their views on what’s going right and wrong in New York’s schools, highlight the latest reform initiatives, and summarizing news at the State Capitol, in the Big Apple, and the entire Empire State.


  1. You neglected to say right-wing analysis. Here's an article from the very conservative Daily News on the entangled and essentially corrupt financing of some of the charter schools this outfit promotes

  2. Let us not forget the amount of lobbying money the teachers union spent on getting some bills passed in Albany that were in the best interest of the Teachers over the priorities of our children. The Teachers union is afraid of a little competition that might actuall help children. If this is so right wing does that make the teachers left wing? Do the charter schools have a state pension plan that is in a hole for 29 billion dollars?You call it the Albany charter cash flow , how about the teachers union cash cow on the backs of working class people?

  3. Instead of worrying about the left wingers , how about we look into the reasons why the state is in a hole for billions beacuse of the rediculous pensions given out to the teachers . Then the local issue is that the teachers have the nerve to demand raises when everybody else is either getting laid off or taking reductions in their salaries. Why do they need the raises ?are the leases up for their lexus's? Like the article state , the teachers are in the "Priveledged class"

  4. How. about we get rid of the Board of Ed like Bloomberg did in the city. Something to yhik about
