Monday, November 9, 2009

M Rosenfeld: Here's a Concession to Consider..

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Another Stratford Parent":

Here’s a concession for Morty to consider:

Why don’t you cut teacher union dues for a year?

Or even better, why don’t you reduce your PCT union salary?

Aren’t you already a retired teacher drawing a pension from this district?

If we increase teachers salaries is Morty going to just increase teacher union dues?

Did you know that for year ending 8/31/08:

-Morty took a salary of over $65,000 from the Plainview teachers union

-That the teachers union is sitting on well over half a million (almost 600k) in cash

-That the union earned over $25,000 last year on interest income alone

-That the union collected nearly $400,000 in dues from the teachers members last year

-That nearly 17% of union dues goes toward Morty’s Salary

And was all this money collected for lawyers to negotiate teacher benefits? Not really. They only paid their lawyers $12,000 last year. So then why does the union need to sit on all of this money?

Anyone can see this information for themselves. The teachers union is required by law to show their financials to any member of the public who request to see them in person or by mail.

We’re in a cash strapped district and the union seems like a cash cow. The union must be broken. Our real estate taxes are creating a monster!

We need a line item on our real estate tax bill for teachers union!


  1. You mention a line item on your real estate tax bill for teacher's union, but as you must know, the Union is funded through membership dues, not taxpayers. Also, part of monies collected go to NYSUT, state organization.

  2. Does any one know how much the District puts into the Union's Wefare Fund?

  3. Ask Ryan Ruf at the board meeting on Monday night.
