Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's Time to Partner to Address the Real Issues

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time for Fiscal Responsibility":

Yes, responsibility is an important word. It needs to be defined on a local, state and national level. It's time for the community, the teachers and the administration to partner together for tax reform. We need to form a coalition to get our voices heard; taxes are way too high!

The system of taxation in NY is broken. Monies collected on Long Island are not being returned to our communities. It is time that we fix it. Let Paterson know, let King know, let Albany know and let Obama know.

How can we do that? I think we need to work together; community, Board, PCT and NYSUT. Teacher's salaries are not the real issue, just the issue du jour. The real issue is that LI taxpayers are paying more than their fair share, that Albany is skimming money from LI and that NCLB is broken beyond repair.

Site based management works. We have a wonderfully productive district that produces phenomenal graduates. We have issues that we can fix. A partnership will provide synergy to an already active community.

Let's partner, not divide. Focus on the real issue - taxes!

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