Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fed Up in Plainview

I am fed up with lies has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks in Defense":

My children are NOT being prepared for the standards set forth by NYS for elementary ELA, math or science. I spend hours teaching them what they SHOULD be learning in school.

Many IEPs are NOT followed. In fact, our district writes IEPs with lanugage like "teachers MAY" instead of "teachers WILL."


  1. Why are kids taking classes after school to pass the ELA tests? is it because they are not being taught what they are supposed to be taught during the day? looks like it

  2. the reason that the language states teachers may and not will is because of "contract language" which the BOE rolled over and signed. They just let the teachers have what ever they want

  3. File a state complaint through VESID about the language in the IEP if the district won't fix it.
