Sunday, March 28, 2010

Where is the BOE on This?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "There's an Arrogance here....":

The word "the administration" keeps coming up. Yes it is the fault of the administration but it is also true that the BOE is in charge of the Superintendent who is in Charge of the whole administration. If the administration is not doing what they are supposed to do then it is either someone gets replaced in the administration or the Super goes. The BOE is ultimately at the wheel of our vehicle. The level of arrogance among teachers is horrible


  1. As a community, we need to put pressure on the board to hire a new superintendent. For many reasons, he's not the right individual to have running this district.

  2. Our superintendent won't be here for very long. As it is, he's a returnee from retirement. Don't know much about the other higher ups - heard rumours that Gierasch isn't very popular. Parkway principal is the best. Stratford principal - can't get over she makes over 140K to do what she does. Plainview needs a change. The schools here aren't as good as Syosset and Jericho and they can be. We need a need a total overhaul of the district. Don't know if the board sees this.
