Sunday, June 17, 2012

Are Backyard Fireworks O.K.?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Plainview Diner Doesn't Care About Plainview Citiz...":

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What is the general feeling about amateur fireworks being done by residents in the streets or in their backyards? Do people consider it dangerous? Is it something that, although illegal, is tolerated? Thoughts????


  1. Illegal. Not tolerated. Cops are out all day/night long during 4th of July.

  2. The answer is simple , let the pros take care of the fireworks. I am sure you call up any hospital and they will tell you how many people come to the E.R. with injuries who believed that the fireworks that they were using were "safe". Years ago there was a resort owner in the mountains who would put on a fireworks display every year. One year he put on the display and the fireworks backfired, blew out the cinder block and ripped into his hip. He now has a rod in his leg and does not walk like he used to. Then there was the other incident where I was at a block party and some adults were setting off bottle rockets in the street. I was on the side walk and a bottle rocket intended for the sky almost hit me . Lucky for me that I ducked fast enough and I was at least 10 feet away .

  3. Hmmmm. Interesting. They do fireworks on my block ALL the time. Nobody ever complains and cops never come around at least that's how it seems. In my neighborhood, the houses are so close together, I'm always worried one is going to hit my roof. We may just go away this year on July 4th.
