Friday, October 30, 2009

We Need Consistency and Accountability

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Curriculum Free for All?":

DISPARITY in what is/is not going on in science COULD/SHOULD/NEEDS to be monitored by the building PRINCIPAL/the science CHAIRPERSON/ the CURRICULUM SUPERINTENDENT/the SUPERINTENDENT/the BOARD OF ED - not parents blogging and complaining that their kids aren't getting science.

To the parents whose kids aren't getting any science - thanks for having the courage to blog about this - which at least gets it out in the open somehow. Maybe someone besides you in ADMINISTRATION or on the BOARD OF ED will also lose some sleep about how your kid/and mine is going to get it together for the 4th grade NYS science assessment. And thank you to that Pasadena parent whose kid is getting science who blogged about it - now we know what we are missing. Consistency

No Additional Legal Fees

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Budget for Legal Fees?":





Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Come Back Later":


Ed's note: I cannot verify this. Perhaps we can get conformation (or negation) at Monday nights Board Meeting.

I'd Like an Explanation

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What Are the Buy Backs Annonymous Would Like to Kn...":

What are buy backs? What does the board refuse to discuss? I read on the PCT's website the imformation posted. I'm not sure I understand the differece between what the board is offering versuses what the PCT is requesting. Can you explain?

I also agree that it is harmful to our district to have so many administrative changes and that many seem to be overpaid. Unfortunately, that's not what is being addressed presently. That doesn't mean the board should have to give a larger raise to it's teachers. What can parents and teachers do to resolve this and get the best education for the children of our community?

Most parents were not aware of the salary increases of the administrators. The teachers contract is due to the PCT bringing to the attention of the community.

I plan to go to the board meeting. Initially, I felt that the teacher's should just sign the contract. Now I'd like to have an explanation of what the PCT wants but without involving what is occurring in other district. Several were mentioned on the PCT website, but many surrounding districts were not. I hope the contract gets resolved soon for the sake of the community.

BOE: More Transparency Please

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What Are the Buy Backs Annonymous Would Like to Kn...":

You can ask what the buy backs and conditions are at Monday's BOE meeting. But the lawyer will probably say it's between the negotiating committee. Or maybe he will wow us with another finely detailed, thoughtfully prepared presentation like he did in September. It seems the rules are not consistent as to what is made public. Parents want to know the terms of the contract also. See what we are paying for and what is up for grabs before it gets approved - and be able to comment on it. The BOE should be transparent and offer this ability to the community because otherwise we are left wondering why the superintendent got a $60K raise and how we didn't know about that until after the fact when it was too late to do anything about it.

PTA, Represent the Other Group in Your Membership

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Does The PTA Fit In the Negotiations?":

We should expect that the parent board members have the same voice that the teacher members do. The teachers have taken their stand against the community, the parents and especially the children and that is within the PTA group many of them belong. It is time for the PTA board members to step up now for the families of our community. The teachers have used the PTA and refused to take part in events to raise funds for the kids such as The Wizard's game. What type of message does that send to our kids? More importantly since they continually bring up other communities, all are completely correct about other district teachers having more responsibilities and it is time we have the same commitment from our teaching staff.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Good Teachers Don't Need to Worry About Tenure

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Our Job is to Make Education Better":

any suggestions made and our taxes will just go up more. With the teachers its all about the money. we need to get rid of tenure. this is not a good picture. Did you see what we are paying for their pension? ridiculous. the pension obligations we pay should be part of the total package that is negotiated. Step increases should be eliminated along with tenure. Good teachers do not need to worry about tenure

Good Teachers Don't Need to Worry

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Our Job is to Make Education Better":

any suggestions made and our taxes will just go up more. With the teachers its all about the money. we need to get rid of tenure. this is not a good picture. Did you see what we are paying for their pension? ridiculous. the pension obligations we pay should be part of the total package that is negotiated. Step increases should be eliminated along with tenure. Good teachers do not need to worry about tenure

How About the Teachers Support the Community?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Write a Letter":

The parents support the teachers?? How about the teachers support the community by not asking for outrageous demands. They are the educators so they should have a clue about how bad the economy. Demanding raises? how about demanding that every thing remain the same and being happy that they are not losing their jobs. Lets be real our teachers have it made. Tenure which should be eliminated, step raises which should be eliminated, pension contributions which should be reduced, and the list goes on and on.

Come Back Later

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where is the Money Going? 66K Raise?!!":

I am afraid the board will not answer me and tell me to come back when their lawyer is there.

Do What's Best for the Kids

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Extra Help?":

Disregarding the obvious VENTING that is going on, I think that post about what other school districts provide is VERY HELPFUL and was WELL RESEARCHED. Our school district DOES NOT provide extra help on the ELEMENTARY level as other districts do. There is NO REASON for this NOT to be HAPPENING especially if there is an OPEN CONTRACT and teachers wanting more money and parents complaining about ALL THE TEACHING THEY ARE DOING AT HOME. CONNECT THE DOTS. Do what's BEST FOR THE KIDS and let's all MOVE ON.

Another Kind of Letter

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Write a Letter":

Great idea to write to the school board members but you left something out - parents who support the teachers and maybe even sympathize with them but just can't afford a higher tax burden since they haven't gotten a raise in 2 years and maybe a spouse has been unemployed or has job insecurity. What letter should they write?

Budget for Legal Fees?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Man Who is His Own Lawyer Has a Fool for His Cli...":

Knowing that this was a contract negotiation year, the BOE probably included additional lawyer's fees in the budget. Anybody know where that is in the budget? Maybe compare it to the year before to see the difference.

Our Job is to Make Education Better

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Attention Teachers:":

Let the union figure out who they want their leadership to be. Parents need to try to figure out how to make education better. Some of these posts about what's going on and what's not going on are not really painting a good picture of education. No science in some classes, not using math books in others, low expectations all around, parents reteaching everything at home - let's fix this.

Homework is There to Learn More...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Am I Supposed to be the Teacher?":

I thought homework was the way for kids to learn more - extra - on top of what school is doing. You mean they're supposed to be able to do this on their own? HAHAHAHAHAHA

It's a Fact! !!!!!!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Extra Help in Grade School? It's All in the Contra...":

I guess this is what's in the superintendent's contract...

From the PCT website IT'S A FACT.

This week's fact is:

The Superintedent of Schools receives a $500 per month car allowance!!!

(Their exclamation points, not mine.)

Can we make things move on the blog for the full effect? It really is eye-catching on the PCT website.

It's a Fact

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Extra Help in Grade School? It's All in the Contra...":

I guess this is what's in the superintendent's contract...

From the PCT website IT'S A FACT.

This week's fact is:

The Superintedent of Schools receives a $500 per month car allowance!!!

(Their exclamation points, not mine.)

Can we make things move on the blog for the full effect? It really is eye-catching on the PCT website.

Don't Compare Apples to Oranges

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Write a Letter":

Why don't the teachers accept the contract that is being offered? Teachers should be grateful that they have job security. A raise is being offered when many people have not received a raise in years, have lost their jobs and have taken pay cuts. It seems unfair to compare contracts offered by other districts. The teachers may work longer hours and/or more tax revenue from businesses may be collected.

If the teachers want to represent their case, they should speak at PTA meetings and include all the facts and their pay structure. I respect teachers and most parents in Plainview do as well. Why aleinate parents by not allowing them to class parties?

Publish this comment.

What Are the Buy Backs Annonymous Would Like to Know

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Who Would Snub a Raise?!!":

The teachers are not "snubbing a raise". They want to know what buy backs and conditions the BOE refuses to discuss.

The Lawyer's Numbers Were Bogus

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Attention Teachers:":

The Board's attorney tried to make this entire community believe all of his "numbers". Any sound person would know it was bogus. Let's see if this gets posted.

Ed's note: As previously stated, all comments are posted unless there is foul language.

Things Are Out of Control

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Save Money, Negotiate Without the Lawyer":

I was at that meeting as well. It is a shame that the Board flat our refused to talk to Mr. Rosenberg. How childlike. To think that the Board is trying to help "their community" by saying no to negotiations. Can't we all get along and speak civilly? This is out of control. I am embarrassed to say that I live here.

Curriculum Free for All?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Update on Science, Pasadena":

Thank you for sharing that Pasadena 4th graders do science. STRATFORD RD. 4th graders DO NOT HAVE SCIENCE and the 1st marking period is almost over!! Thank you for confirming the disparity in our district. Where is the pacing map? Is there none for science? What is going on here? I'm glad your kid gets science. My kid would like to learn science, too. Isn't there anybody monitoring what is/is not going on??? Is our kids education a "free for all"? Tax increase?

Extra Help?

Enough already has left a new comment on your post "Extra Help in Grade School? It's All in the Contra...":

Perhaps the author of this posting needs to do some research BEFORE he spreads misinformation. Extra help is provided on a daily basis for ALL STUDENTS at the high school! In fact, 9th period was created as a means to give our students the chance to come voluntarily to their teachers "after school" so that they could receive remedial instruction. Do you really think that we should get rid of all of our teachers? Does that seem rational?

Ed's note: I believe the Extra Help quoted in the previous letter was with regards to Elementary School.

Extra Help in Grade School? It's All in the Contracts...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Write a Letter":

WHATS IN THE CONTRACTS???(all public record)


as a part of the negotiated contract, teachers must remain in class 15 minutes everyday afterschool, just in case students or parents have any questions.
They also have to be available a total of 60 minutes per week, the time of their choosing, before or after school for the purpose of assisting pupils and for conferring with parents. The times must be posted so parents and the children are aware of the times.


all teachers that are assigned to classes K-12 must provide 60 minutes of extra help per week. Time can be at the teachers discretion, however, parents and students must be notified of the available times.


teachers will make themselves available before or after school for any assistance to the children who either request it, or need the extra help


teachers must provide 30 minute session two times a week to conference, help or assist with work. Parents and children must be notified to the hours.


teachers must provide before or after school sessions for extra help, and the hours should be posted.

And the list goes on and on.
District after district, except PLAINVIEW of course, offers extra help to THEIR children. The teachers in these districts must realize it is a joint teaching effort between the parents and the schools, and WE must do what WE can to see the students excel for the benefit of the student as well as the district.

Many of our teachers have lost their way. They as well as you Morty, should reread the current contract the teachers are working under.

It specifically states

The union and the Board subscribe the principle that differences shall be resolved by peaceful and appropriate means without interuption of the school program. The Union, therefore, agrees that there shall be no strikes, WORK STOPPAGES, or OTHER CONCERTED REFUSAL TO PERFORM WORK by the employees covered by this. Agreement, nor any instigation thereof.

Now I am no lawyer, but has there not been interuption to the school program, havent they refused to perform work.

dont we have a reason to get rid of them all and start all over, maybe with teachers who are young and enthusiastic and can teach with new ideas.

Write a Letter

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Does The PTA Fit In the Negotiations?":

The parents should support the teachers by writing to their school board members and asking them to come to the table and negotiate. If the parents do not support the teachers they should also write to the school board members and congratulate them on their ability to avoid negotiating with the union.

Bring the Lawyer, But Leave the Raises

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Save Money, Negotiate Without the Lawyer":

I would guess that the lawyer has a lot more experience with negotiating contracts than the board members. Although I do not agree with giving the teachers any raise. Maybe what we need is for another professional negotiator to step in and put up an offer for some concessions:}.

A Man Who is His Own Lawyer Has a Fool for His Clien

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Save Money, Negotiate Without the Lawyer":

That would be a mistake. As one lawyer told me once: you take a bad lawyer and he is still better than the smartest person trying to act like a lawyer who does not have the education or experience

Attention Teachers:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Save Money, Negotiate Without the Lawyer":

Why should the board talk to him? he tried to make them out to be the bad guys by telling them that they should be embarrased . He is the one who should feel guilty. His big mistake was thinking that he was going to get anywhere by bringing all the teachers into the board meeting . Now the whole negotiations for the contract is open to every resident and they are angry and unsympathetic to the union and their outrageous demands.
ATT TEACHERS :Maybe the Union president needs to be replaced !!!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Update on Science, Pasadena

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What about Science?":

My 4th grader (at Pasadena) is getting regular science lessons, homework and tests and has had 2 EFA science lessons this year. I have not received a schedule, though.

Needed: Elementary Extra Help

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It Shouldn't Be Just About the Money":

I agree, homework help after school should be offered at elementary schools. I know this is provided for the upper elementary grade students in Great Neck twice a week. A nine period day is in place for all high school students in Great Neck, I'm not sure about Syosset.

Why the Low Standards?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Can Plainview Get It's Act Together?":

Forget the textbooks!- I get classwork home that is checked, but has the wrong answers! If I ask my child do they know why it is wrong, they don't. If a teacher is so casual about checking work, how will they know if a child has mastered the concept? This is the second time this has happened on this concept alone. Yesterday, I was forced to sit down and teach the lesson myself. One of my other children hands in work with cross outs, doodles,shapes, and misspellings, when I request that the work should be organized and neat, my child says it's not a problem, cause another kid in class marks it. There doesn't seem to be any instruction on organization of work. In school my child is not getting the message that it is important to hand in work that is neat and organized. Penmanship or pencil holding is never addressed, and it seems that a general low standard is accepted and is the norm. What seem like basic learning skills are being ignored,(like straight memorization of math facts).Is this an example of our terrific school district. Am I alone with these problems that shouldn't be?

What about Science?

Stefanie has left a new comment on your post "Can Plainview Get It's Act Together?":

Science textbooks for 3rd and 4th graders in every elementary school were part of the budget this year.

My son mentioned that he hasn't done any science yet this year. He misses it.

I pointed out some articles in Time for Kids and Scholastic News were sort of about science (global warming)but he didn't go for it.

I don't either. I'm particularly concerned about preparation for the 4th grade science test and the timing of how that happens.

Does anyone know the schedule for the Enrichment for All science program? That was great.

Save Money, Negotiate Without the Lawyer

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "New Negotiations: Start With Concessions":

At the last Board meeting Morty tried to start to talk with the Bd of Ed. He was told to speak with Gercio (sp)-I was there and witnessed this. Is this how the Board wants to negotiate? Keep spending our money to pay an attorney who is probably on retainer in a dozen school districts!!!!!! Why wouldn't the board want to talk with the Union? Why push them off to Gercio? This is ridiculous

The Damage is Done, Now Let's Fix It

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "All Comments are Posted":

Did I miss anything? Parents picketing against parents? I think that the entry that you referred to was about doing something (I.E. parents informational picketing) as opposed to getting writers cramp typing on this site. If the teachers can do "informational picketing" to push a point, the parents should be also. As far as media attention or property values lowered, don't you think that what's been going on in this district has already done that? Yeah sure, Plainview, great school district. The teachers wear black as in mourning and buttons that say contract now. Drive by Parkway. The teachers all have bright orange signs in their car windows telling the world about what's going on here. And as a special treat, your kids will be reminded that they have been drawn into a contract war by their teachers. ANYTHING that is not in the current contract goes out thei window (I.E. Stratford Rd basketball game). Not to mention that the buildings and grounds for the most part are out of 1956 with a coat of cheap paint over it. Yeah, sure..I would want to move here. If this goes on for an extended time, this WILL get media attention...I think everybody remembers East Meadow...I think the damage is done. Don't put your head in the sand. There are problems here.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Math Book Information

Stefanie has left a new comment on your post "Is this District Approved? Having no Book to Study...":

All grade level math should be covered by all classes but the materials will probably vary from class to class. Some teachers follow the enVision textbook and workbook page by page, they may add in supplemental materials (Xeroxes), others may not follow the textbook or workbook so closely and use more separate sheets. I don't know how much of a difference not using the textbook or workbook will make as long as all the math concepts are covered.

I agree that the Xeroxes are cumbersome to keep track of – you might want to get a binder or folder to keep them in. The upside is that they are more durable than the workbook pages which seem to rip every time my child erases them. The workbook only offers limited practice so supplemental Xeroxes with more examples on a topic are probably a good thing.

The district created pamphlets that specify elementary grade math concepts - it's online on the district website - this is the link to the 4th grade math curriculum

This aligns with New York State standards which are available here:
Sample state assessment tests are available here:

The 4th grade enVision textbook is available online. You should have received information to access it. You can ask your child's teacher for their username and password. It is easy to navigate and there are practice tests and reteaching tools you might find helpful.

Also, copies of the enVision textbooks are in the Children's Center of the public library if you would like to look at them.

You might like AAAMath to be helpful for extra math practice – it’s online - this is the link

Can Plainview Get It's Act Together?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What You Put In Equals What You Get":

Does Syosset have 4th grade science text books? Stratford Road doesn't. Fourth graders in Queens already do weekly science lessons. We are now 7 weeks into the school year and NO science. No ELA prep, no science. Why can't Plainview get their act together??

Am I Supposed to be the Teacher?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Shut Up and Do Some Work":

It seems many teachers just "give work" but don't actually "teach it." That's seems to be the parents job. Homework should be based on what kids learn in school. It is not always the case in this district. I deserve a lot of money for all the teaching I have done for my kids.

All Comments are Posted

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Is this District Approved? Having no Book to Study...":

Why wasn't the information posted about parents picketing against parents????? This will certainly not make our community desirable. Imagine if that went on the news "Parents Picket Against Teacher in Plainview"-That would create havoc for our community and it would be very difficult to sell our homes and our property value would go down!! Think before you act

Let's see if this one gets posted

Ed's note: Some Comments are posted as comments, some as post entries, but, ALL are posted on the blog. A VeryPlainview is only censored for foul language.

Why the Difference in Long Island Lunch Costs?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hard Times/ Hungry School Kids":

Why does Mineola pay $1.50 for lunch and Plainview pays $2.10 and $2.20??? Does food cost that much more a few towns away?? I know we had an increase for better lunch trays, but that accounts for only $0.25. Why the disparity? Buying lunch is a commodity here in Plainview.

Is this District Approved? Having no Book to Study From?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Chairpeople Should Call the Shots on Textbooks for...":

Just wondering if the elementary teachers are required to teach with the Pearson Math books?

My 4th grader in Stratford Road tells me they don't use the text book or the workbook. Photo copied sheets come home everyday from a different math company.

If I did not keep the sheets my child would not have anything to study with.
Are teachers allowed to do this? How do I know if what my child is learning is good enough, if it is not approved by the district. Does this happen in all schools and classes?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sitters Available During Board Metting.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA: Are You Representing Your Membership?":

Don't forget the next Board of Education meeting is one week from tonight on November 2nd.

Gymboree has offered to provide child care for a fair fee the evening of the Nov. 2nd Board of Education meeting. If you are interested in taking advantage of this child care so that you may attend this most important meeting, please contact Robin at You will need to give her the following information:

How many children?
What are the ages of the children?
What hours you will need (7:30-8:30, etc)?

Please contact her by Wednesday October 28th.

Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested.

Ed's note: This blog has no affiliation with Gymboree, I am including the post as a service to the community.

PTA: Are You Representing Your Membership?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Continue to Support the PTA":

it's been said that pta is being "neutral" in all this

neutral means that you don't let your own opinions override the opinions of the people you are representing - neutral doesn't mean it's an excuse to stay out of a controversial conversation - leaders are supposed to listen and respond to the groups that they are leading - and go with what the majority of the group wants - otherwise why have a group to begin with

what's going on here is affecting the kids of the pta - it isn't about taking a stance on something like abortion or capital punishment -

how can a group ignore what's happening here and still say they are representing their members when their members are speaking at board meetings and clapping and cheering for each other - how can they pretend nothing is going on?

It Shouldn't Be Just About the Money

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hard Times/ Hungry School Kids":

syosset teachers had to do things for the additional money they are getting - the boe should not just be bargaining about money - plainview should have extra help hours for elementary kids, email between teachers and parents, websites with classwork and homework

Where Does The PTA Fit In the Negotiations?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Continue to Support the PTA":

How can you expect the PTA to have a voice in a contract negotiation between the BOE & the PCT?

Mr. Rosenfeld, Please, Tell Us Where To Find the Money

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Do You Care If You Have Support?":

I for one support the teachers! We have

wonderful teachers and they deserve large

raises! But only one problem. Where do we

get the money from? Our taxes are unbearable

and unfortunately the community can't foot

the bill for the raises that are proposed by

the union. Mr. Rosenfeld you seem to know

all how to we give the teachers a raise and

still afford heat and food?

This is What High Plainview Taxes are Paying For?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Chair people Should Call the Shots on Textbooks for...":

they use

basic subscription is $19.99 a year - and figure 20 kids in the class - so it is less than $1 a kid - for ALL subjects - what a bargain -it's even cheaper for a school license - 19.99 for the first 10 teachers and then 14.99 afterwards for each addtl teacher - that's like $2 a class or 10 cents a kid for the first ten classes!

is this what Stratford is using instead of workbooks that the other schools are buying? Is this how they are keeping costs down - online generic materials - or do teachers do this on their own?

the FAQs says the site is good for busy teachers, parents, homeschoolers, supplemental help

reviews seem OK

Nothing says edhelper aligns with NYS standards or is specific to a grade - work ranges over at least 2 grades, sometimes 3 grades

I'm paying high Plainview taxes so my kid can get prepared for the ELA with generic online materials??????? while other kids on the same grade are using grade specific NYS aligned workbooks??????

Chairpeople Should Call the Shots on Textbooks for ALL the Schools, Equally

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Available to All?":

Only teachers in certain schools decided they didn't need books. If 3 out of 4 schools (the teachers) decide an ELA test prep book is useful, why wouldn't the other school use it also? especially when that school has notorious low scores in ELA. Our district has a curriculum superintendent, an English chairperson, a science chairperson,etc - why aren't things the same across the board, across the grade, across our district? What is the point of these people if things are so different and decisions are made in every school? It would be ok if the results were the same but you can't compare Old Beth and Parkway scores to Stratford and Pasadena. And you can't compare backpacks either. Why should my tax dollars only give some kids (not mine) workbooks? What are they using instead? Maybe no one needs those workbooks then and we can all save a lot of money by not buying them at all.

Continue to Support the PTA

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA: -Where Are You?":

I agree that the PTA needs to have a voice since the association with the teachers has apparently been lost. The problem with not supporting the PTA through membership or fundraisers is that will DIRECTLY have a negative impact on the children. The PTA needs those funds that are for the sole purpose and benefit of the children. Aren't we trying to keep the children out of this? If we go up against the PTA then we really have no one on the side of the children. But yes, I agree, the PTA needs to step in give a voice to the parents, especially since the "T" has left the "PTA".

Hard Times/ Hungry School Kids

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...":

OK Mr. Rosenfeld let me give you a direct quote from todays NEWSDAY: "Hard times, hungry schoolkids." "Survey finds surprising spike in middle-class areas". What are they referring to? Children who qualify for free lunch! POB School District had one of the highest spikes at a rise of 51% from 07/08 to 09/10 and worse, a 99.07% spike from 05/06 to 09/10. To quote directly from NEWSDAY again, "The trend has been most pronounced in the middle and upper-middle class districts over the past two years, as the recession hammered the local economy, causing job losses or reduced income." The overall rise in all school districts surveyed was 16% from 4 years ago. As you can see Mr. Rosenfeld, POB is far beyond the average in the increase. When are you going to understand that families of this school district are facing severe financial burdens right now. We are not choosing Prada bags over paying our teachers, we are choosing to feed our children instead of buckling to your tactics. You have picked the wrong battle and the worst time. I FULLY support the BOE in their reluctants to waist their time (and our money) by negotiating with you. As far as I am concerned, the proposed raise should be pulled from the table and a 0% raise should be offered for this year. You should be ashamed of what you and these teachers have brought on and you have some nerve asking for a raise for doing less.

Ed's note: Newsday article:

Do You Care If You Have Support?

Leslies has left a new comment on your post "Dear Morty Please Listen to Reason":

I too feel that teaching is 1 of the most important jobs out there, but I must confess at this point I feel frustrated and annoyed. I have a good friend that has been out of work for 1 year...not to mention many other people who have lost their jobs or who have seen their salaries reduced. THIS IS NOT THE TIME! I was opened mined at the beginning of the year but now I am annoyed. My son will be in Kindergarten once and I do believe both my son and myself are missing out on some special moments that i did get to share with my older daughter. Quite frankly i feel like i am also missing out on sharing in my daughters year also. Sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture and now the economy is in serious trouble and we all have to make sacrifices. I genuinely hope that you do get what you want when the time is right but if you continue this battle when so many are suffering I feel you won't have any parents left in the community that will still support you.

PTA Purpose

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Who Does the PTA Advocate For?":

pta members who advocate for kids get blackballed - they are too controversial and pta is about making nice

Bad Advice

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "With All Due Respect....":

Harlem Wizards,Teachers Back Out!!!

Teachers signed up to participate in the annual Teacher vs. Harlem Wizards game, that was until they were "ADVISED" to back out of this community event. Wow you have some teachers who were putting aside the fact that "they didn't have a contact" and participate in the event. It's a shame when teachers are put into a position to go against what they initially wanted to do. This just goes to show you that the Union doesn't care about the community it's members work in and some live in.

Freedom Of Information, when, where, what , how

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "GO!":

Click on the link on the left District Payroll - for the See Through New York website. You enter a name and get a salary.

For Freedom of Information Law or FOIL requests

explains FOIL and gives a sample letter to use.

has frequently asked questions and explains timetables that have to be followed, how to appeal, etc.

The requests for our school district would be addressed to: Records Access Officer, Plainview Old-Bethpage Central School District, 106 Washington Avenue, Plainview, New York 11803 and you can drop them off in person with Harriet Fischer, District Clerk.

The Committee on Open Government, NYS Dept of State gives advice on FOIL and Open Meetings Law (law that governs the BOE meetings)

They can be reached by phone at 518-474-2518.

There is information on the web at

Available to All?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Test Prep: Unequal Distribution":

That's because the teachers said they didn't need those books! Those books are available to all the schools there aren't any inequities.

Publish this comment.

Equal Treatment

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Give Credit, Where Credit is Due":

I would like to see a list of materials that are provided at Pkwy and OB and not Pasadena and Stratford so we can start advocating for equal treatment.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Excuse Me

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Some Real Talking?":

not PTA boards?? not PTA boards??? you must be a PTA board and shame on you! speak up now. Who is stopping you anyway?? where are the big cheeses when we need them - not funny - I am mad and so are many who have been in support of pta - maybe we dont go to all your meetings and events but we send our dollars and help.


Just go to the district clerks office and request the information. They have to give it to you under the "FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT"

Storm The Admin Office Request Freedom of Information Act

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why Isn't There Accountablitly?":

If you really want to send a message then everybody should go to the administration office and request a copy of all the salaries of the teachers as well as the expenses that were paid out for the teachers. This information is all accessible under the "FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT" What did our tax dollars pay for health care ? and how much did it go up? all accessible information that anyone can see. Lets post that on line. I am sure the union would like that :}

November 2nd -Request a Cut in Taxes

Norman Coelho has left a new comment on your post "Where is the Money Going? 66K Raise?!!":

The raises are out of proportion. It's getting to a point where we need a whole new approach towards incentives, periodic testing of teachers.

Such Salaries and raises are unheard off in these difficult times. I thought we had with the election of the new board members, we would have more transparency and every expense - even -
$1.00 would be posted on line - ? Those promises of the newly sworn in board members in the last three years have been forgotten - It's time to send them a reminder of why we elected them ?

If every resident is present at the next Board of Ed meeting 11/02/2009 and there after
We can cut our taxes into half - that should be the goal !

POB Board meeting dates:
November 2, 16; December 7, 21; January 11, 25; February 8, 22;
March 1, 8, 22; April 6, 19; May 4, 17; June 7, 21

Bring facts and figures, suggestions and you idea's - We need to speak in one voice to see change . If not get ready to pay more every year and it will be business as usual.

Go To PTA Meeting.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA: Time to Speak Up":

Consensus is consensus. There are more parents than teachers - take a vote and see how the chips fall. Of course parents would actually have to go to a PTA meeting to do that...

Test Prep: Unequal Distribution

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What You Put In Equals What You Get":

Don't complain - my kid isn't even getting an ELA workbook -we're at Stratford.

What's Up With That- Test Prep

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Test Prep: Unequal Distribution":

What's up with that? Why don't all kids get the same stuff?

Parents VS Wizzards?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Do Less;, Again":

That is unbelievable to me, how awful. If anyone would like to make this a parent vs. wizards game please post. I'm game.

PTA: Time to Speak Up

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA: -Where Are You?":

On one hand I agree, on the other so many of those funds go directly to programs for our kids and without them they will miss out on even more. The PTA needs to start understanding though that even though it is a shared association with teachers, they have gone against us SO much that the parent Board's need to now have a voice.

PTA: P Stands For.....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA: -Where Are You?":

The "P" stands for "Politics". I think that nobody really cared about that until it was time for them to do something. Get rid of them too.

True Colors

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Do Less;, Again":

Another slap in the face - to parents, kids and PTA. Kids go to this event to see their TEACHERS. Instead of trying to patch things up, they just figured out another way to do something spiteful and ruin a fundraiser. True colors are shining through. Parents are left holding the bag. Maybe administrators could play. Or is that too close to crossing a picket line for them?

Time To Organize and DO Something

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Do Less;, Again":

OK..Now what? I think we need to do a few things. 1) EVERYBODY has to show up to the next BOE meeting 2) maybe we need to have a "day of outrage" by keeping our kids out of school for one day. Or, 3) The parents need to do some morning "informational picketing" at our kids schools or Morty's office on Sunnyside Blvd. This would be a GUARANTEE for some media attention. As far as anybody is concerned, we sound like a bunch of fed up parents that's DOING NOTHING. I'm not that computer savy, but maybe somebody can get something going online. Count me in. Any ideas?

What You Put In Equals What You Get

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why Isn't There Accountablitly?":

Syosset is using am ELA test prep program called Kaplan from grades 2-5. They've already started working on it. My kids aren't doing yet anything to prepare them for the ELA. What we do here in Plainview is sit around and wonder why our scores will never be as high as Syosset. What you put in = what you get out. What you do for the KIDS = how the KIDS will do. More pay for superintendents, principals and teachers and the same curriculum WILL NOT EQUAL better test scores.

Better Test Scores?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why Isn't There Accountablitly?":

One way our scores went up is that the state tests got easier.

Teachers Do Less;, Again

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "With All Due Respect....":

Harlem Wizards,Teachers Back Out!!!

Teachers signed up to participate in the annual Teacher vs. Harlem Wizards game, that was until they were "ADVISED" to back out of this community event. Wow you have some teachers who were putting aside the fact that "they didn't have a contact" and participate in the event. It's a shame when teachers are put into a position to go against what they initially wanted to do. This just goes to show you that the Union doesn't care about the community it's members work in and some live in.

Answers to Many Financial and Budget Questions:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where is the Money Going? 66K Raise?!!":

Under the freedom of information act , you as a resident have the right see all of the teachers salaries, all expenditures, all bills, any money spent at the school as well as the profiles of all teachers with regard to their education , where and when they graduated. All you have to do is go to the school district administration building and file a "FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST" with the district clerk who is Harriet Fischer

New Negotiations: Start With Concessions

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "New Start to Negotiations":

They should start the negotiations again and start with a request for concessions.Lets be real. in this economy they should feel lucky to have a job.

PTA: -Where Are You?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PARENT Teacher Association":

The fact that even the PTA has not advocated for the children can only mean one thing-- they no longer need our support. They are useless to us in times of need. Why should we support them when they are not interested in supporting our children? We should all send the PTA a loud, clear message by abstaining from membership for the next school year. If we substantially reduce the membership numbers (and the $8.00 membership fee); I think they'll find their voice during the next contract negotiation.

Who Would Snub a Raise?!!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...":

Exactly what compromises are the union proposing? You need to understand that we do value the teachers but they are paid well, and this is a deperate time and many, many people are struggling to keep their heads above water. I don't know how you beleive the BOE whipped up emotions, but I do know my emotions where whipped up when I was met back to school night by teachers in black, undecorated classrooms, pins on the lapels of the teachers and a lot of tension in the school buildings. My emotions were again "whipped up" when I received your letter in the mail. They were again "whipped up" when the teachers wore their "protest uniforms and pins" in the class pictures. The bottom line is you should not be taking your frustration out on children. Especially not on elementary school children. My teenage son thinks that it is amazing that in such a deep recession anyone would actually snub a raise. I think you have done irreparable damage to the parent-teacher relationships in this district. Even my children can understand when our family cannot afford something-they can understand that yes some families(or school districts) can afford to spend more money than ours and that's just life.

Tax Credits For Not Being Taught?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Credit ....":

The New York Times reports that Disney is offering credit to people who bought Baby Einstein videos. They didn't work - the babies didn't get any smarter from watching the videos.

Can we get tax credit for a school years that our kids didn't learn what they should have?

Why Isn't There Accountablitly?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "How Wonderful Are Our Teachers ?":

You're absolutely right - they system is broken.

One example is our "guided reading" program in elementary school:

Kids are tested to be on a certain level and then they are guided to read books on that level.

Do you know your child's reading level? Did you even know such a thing existed? It's not on the report card - although it could be.

NYC schools follow this program. They send home letters during the year with the kid's reading level and their teacher's goal for their reading progress. The program is not a secret and your kid's reading level and progress is not a secret.

Are your kids getting books from school or are they told to pick out their own books?

Many teachers in our district don't believe in guided reading. They will even tell parents this on back-to-school night. I don't follow that program. I don't believe in it. Doesn't matter that your kid was using it a different year, doesn't matter if your friend's kid in the next class is using it - your kid's teacher chooses not to.

But what are they doing instead? In some cases - not much - because no one is looking to see what is actually going on each and every classroom.

No specific goals are set, many classrooms do not have reading groups or reading instruction of any kind.

Our kids are lost in literary space and it's no wonder they aren't improving in reading since their progress is not monitored on a measurable manner.

So how are the kids learning to read? How are district scores going up?

Parents recognize what's going on (or really what's NOT going on). They are working with their kids at home, hiring tutors, sending them to Kumon.

Parents will not let their kids fail. They will pick up the slack while teachers take the credit and ask for more money in their contract.