Saturday, November 28, 2009

Teach Every Child, Then I'll Support the Union

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why is the Bar So Low?":

I too have a gifted elementary age child. Last year, his teacher connected with him, knew how to challenge him and provided instruction that met his needs as well as others of different levels of ability. This year the experience is sadly just the opposite. The instructional slant is in the direction of the those who achieve below average, leaving my son (and perhaps others) bored and unchallenged. Upon my initiation, she now gives him "challenging" work to complete but offers no instruction to match. It's almost as if he's supposed to teach himself.

She's a sweet young teacher who I truly believe has only good intentions. She's not trained nor is she (or the school) equipped to successfully reach all students.

I strongly believe every child deserves a superior education that meets his/her individual needs. There are other districts that fulfull this goal much more successfully than Plainview does. I've seen it.

When the school district as a whole takes measures provides instruction comparable to Syosset where I used to live that does not ignore any segment of the student population, I'll be happy to support the teacher's union.

Tenure, There Must Be a Better Way

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tenure":

The tenure system is flawed unfortunately. Although it protects people from getting released (fired) for no reason at all, it also protects those teachers who have clearly "lost it". There is a very minimal number of teachers who should not be left in a classroom alone with children. When there is an obvious problem, the union defends its members without considering that their member may be at fault. It seems as though paying union dues guarantees each teacher a "defense attorney" that will provide them with intense job security. It is because of this major flaw in the tenure system that it appears to fail. It costs more to begin the process to get rid of an incompetent employee (teacher) than to actually keep them on the payroll. There must be a better way!

Set the Example, Then Ask for Money

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Try and Find a Corporate Job....":

Anonymous post from a teacher under Try and Find a Corporate Job -
"If you want your community to be comparable to Syosset and Jericho, then why shouldn't your teachers be paid at similar rates to those teachers?"

For our community to be comparable to Syosset and Jericho our children's educational RESULTS would need to be comparable and our home values would reflect this as well. Overall Syosset and Jericho students outperform Plainview. Pick up a Plainview house and put it in Syosset or Jericho and it would instantly increase in value because of the reputation of those school districts. Show me my kids getting results like Jericho and Syosset and my home value increasing and I'll gladly wear a Contract Now button and march with you every morning.

It has been pointed out that other districts like Syosset have longer school days and more working days and therefore comparing salaries without taking this into account is not totally accurate.

If teacher salaries correlated to student achievement then its like saying that a teacher earning $106,000 per year gets your kid certain curriculum , a certain type of teaching and test results, and the same teacher earning $112,000 would get your kid more curriculum, better teaching and better test results.

That doesn't make sense. Especially if teachers are saying that they work hard, love their jobs, love our kids, etc. If teachers are doing their best then paying them more won't change anything for the students.

Advice to teachers - Change the bottom line and then ask for what you want. That's how it works in business. Our district is a $127 million dollar business. The community wants to see results in keeping with the per pupil spending we're doing. Listen to what parents are griping about and work to make it better. Strengthen your relationships with parents instead of antagonizing them. If the perception is that you are not doing your all - and rumors to that effect are starting to go around - then you'll never get the support of the community and you'll lose whatever trust you had.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Take it Or Leave it.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Just Settle This":

How about the board just tell the teachers this is what you get. If you do not like it there is the door. one small ad in Newsday and I bet the Board will be flooded with apps from qualified teachers looking for a job

Fair is Fair

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Everyone Should Just Play Nice":

I agree its unfortunate that the union chose there "freedom of speech" in a manner that could only agitate parents. As far as I'm concerned, unions were initially formed to protect workers from unfair and unsafe working conditions. What was meant by unfair working conditions was working long hours without compensation and wages that were severely low. This does not apply to the Plainview teachers. If you wanted to show solidarity, why didn't you speak at PTA meetings about your concerns or provide some other method that didn't directly involve the children?

I have three children, all went to Pasadena. Two are now at POB middle school and I have one in high school and I agree that teachers should not be ostricized for being part of a union and many do put on extra time. Overall I have been happy with their teachers.
That being said, I think the teachers make a good salary ( which most deserve, since that is the rate on the island) and should accept the POB's offer.

In Response

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Other Jobs To Compare....":

In response to the anonymous post that says:

"The Westbury board just wisely settled a 5 year agreement with salary increases of 2.5.%, 3%, 3%, 3% and 3% plus increment...Plainview will not be a desireable town to live in soon."

I don't know if having a 5 year teacher contract in uncertain economic times is wise or makes Westbury a more desireable place to live but at least the teachers there left negotations out of the classroom and focused on the kids instead of creating a freedom of expression free-for-all sideshow.

A Newsday article entitled "Back to School: Teachers Welcome Students to Class" ran on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 and highlighted:

Westbury's preschool program and kindergartners reading simple books by the end of the school year

Oyster-Bay/East Norwich superintendent using You Tube to communicate with residents

William Floyd using whiteboards

Commack teachers winning a $25K grant for playground equipment for disabled children


"In Plainview-Old Bethpage, district officials confirmed teachers picketed outside a school board meeting Tuesday over a contract dispute. Classes will not open there until Wednesday, however, and regional representatives of the New York State United Teachers union expect no strikes this week."

Again, Just the Facts
teacher pay comparison chart

Try and Find a Corporate Job....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "These Tactics are Being Used Because the Board Isn...":

The only thing the board should be blamed for is offering the teachers any raise at all. They are overpaid. If the teachers feel they are so underpaid then they should start sending their resume out now. The reason they will not is because there are thousands of teachers that would replace them in a second and be happy. The teachers should try to find a corporate job for the same pay they receive now and the same hours. They will not find one because nobody out side long island teachers get paid like that. The teachers are overpaid and spoiled.

Just Settle This

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Stop Screwing Around With My Kids":

Caustic atmosphere towards education created by parents. Hmm.

Education here is what it is. Did you think you could stir the pot without some of the ugly stuff on the bottom surfacing to the top?

Maybe you should wear your black outfits and Contract Now buttons when you do your errands and visit with family and friends on Thanksgiving. If you truly believe in your cause tell the world. Contact Newsday and News 12 and have them do a story in your favor. Don't just save your message for the classroom. Spread your good cheer around.

If negotiations are at a stalemate, get an arbitrator and settle.

Why is the Bar So Low?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Everyone Should Just Play Nice":

I have 2 children in elementary school at Pasadena. It has been my experience that the teachers do care, communicate with me and address my concerns for the most part.

What disturbs me is the bar seems to be set so low. One of my children is bored in school. He has no need to study for tests, and even aced the beginning of the year tests that gauge where they are at. There seems to be no challenge for those who are not in PC but require more enrichment. Everyone tells me to wait for middle school, but won't they just stagnate until then??? I supplement where I can, but with all the extracurriculars already in play, it makes for a loonnnggg day.

Just the Facts.

Please take note of the links on the right side of the page.

The Scores Tell it All

Old Beth #45
Parkway #88
Pasadena #142
Stratford #259

Stratford Road is #216

Old Beth is # 10
Parkway is # 36
Pasadena is # 136

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reflection and Summation

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "These Tactics are Being Used Because the Board Isn...":

Our community has learned a lot about free speech these past few months. This blog is another example of that.

Overall, the community is encouraging the Board of Ed NOT to negotiate. Many parents who have spoken out at Board of Ed meetings about their disappointment with union tactics have specifically mentioned this. So, you might want to consider that your action plans, guaranteed or not by the US government, and expressing solidarity or not, are not working in your favor.

As far as rankings go, there is much truth to the discussion on the group effort education has become - kids are learning at home and at school. Before you rest on your laurels, make sure they are strong enough to sit on. Realize that parents in this community will not let their kids fail, no matter who takes the credit.

Everyone Should Just Play Nice

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's Time To Make Changes in the Classrooms":

I am amazed at how many negative comments there are about the teachers in POB. Although I cannot speak for all teachers, I do know that there are a great number of caring, hard-working people out there who give it their ALL. No profession can claim that EVERYONE who chose their career path is terrific. However so many of you feel the need to teacher-bash on this blog - it is truly upsetting to those of us who LOVE our job - who look forward to teaching your children every day - who take pride in what we do. Many of you point out what teachers do not do rather than focus on what we do on a daily basis. I do not want a medal or even a pat on the back from people who are so angry about the fact that I earn my salary. Are you the same people who refuse to watch professional sports because of the athletes' astronomical salaries???
Many of my colleagues and I are perfectionists. I strive to get the best results (and understanding) from my students. I am there to help them during extra help whenever they need it. I welcome them back in subsequent years to help them even when they are not my student any longer. I truly take offense to the negativity and animosity displayed by many of you. Can't everyone just play nice and display some commcon courtesy? I'm pretty sure that everyone would be a lot better off!


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tenure?":

Tenure works like this :
A teacher is hired and works for 3 years trying to impress everybody in sight: parents, other teachers, administrators , the union president by going above and beyond the duties of their job teaching. All in an effort to get reccomended to the board for tenure which means that except for getting arrested, they can never be fired. Even if when they stop going above and beyond because they have tenure. Bad teachers can not be fired, just moved around from building to building. Tenure should be eliminated. If you do your job then you would not have to worry about being fired.

Don't Fool Yourself....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tenure?":

I hope all of the people reading and typing on this blog decide to come to the next board meeting . If you don't then we are all fooling ourselves if we beleive that something will change.

No Other Jobs To Compare....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Benefits: Comparison Please.":

We can not even begin to compare a teachers salary to any one else because there are no other jobs beside a teacher who make on average $96,000 for working 8:30-3:30 , 180 days a year and has an $80,000 pension that is free from New york state income tax on top of the 8% guaranteed interest 401k plan. The benefit plan is overly generous on the backs of Plainview residents who have to work in Manhattan 10-12 hours a day to pay their school tax bill

These Tactics are Being Used Because the Board Isn't Negotiating

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This is Nothing to Do About Money...":

All of the things you have mentioned, "work in hallways, "Teachers wearing black," "Buttons with frown faces and Plainview on it, "Bright orange posters in teachers cars," and "Informational picketing," are expressions of free speech. Since public employees are prohibited from striking by the Taylor Law, these are the only ways to express solidarity.

These tactics are being used because the Board of Ed is not negotiating. Rather than trying to restrict free speech, encourage your board to negotiate.

You state "the educational experience for my kids is degraded." Whose fault is that? By many measurements, POB ranks in the top 20 of 114 districts on Long Island, yet your teachers pay is in the bottom 25% of Long Island. Why is that? Why does POB continue to perform at top levels while their teachers are paid less than 75% of the island?

If POB performs top 25 with bottom 25, how is it that "the educational experience for my kids is degraded?"

I can guess why.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's Time To Make Changes in the Classrooms":

The New York Times has an article today:
White House Pushes Science and Math Education

My 4th grader is very interested in science, but the problem is that there hasn't been any science in the classroom yet this year.

Perhaps the White House should look closer at what's going on in the classrooms - and NYS should start auditing educational content instead of just school district finances. For what we're paying in school taxes and for my kid to not have any science so far this year is another form of robbery.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Benefits: Comparison Please.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teaching at Home and Teaching in School":

All the talk about comparing Plainview teachers salaries with those of others in Nassau County, has there been any comparision of Benefits the teachers get? A little birdie recently suggested to me that the POB Teacher's Union is extremely strong, and has benefits way way better than most districts around. Can anyone find this out? I am guessing it's not just the salaries, just like it wasn't just about how bad the math was.

Teaching at Home and Teaching in School

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers: Do Your Job. TEACH":

I know the teacher isn't teaching a lesson when the homework given is not the same as the classwork. HW should be an extension of classwork and that is NOT the case in some classes. It is not a matter of a kid paying attention. It is black and white when classwork and homework are separate entities and parents end up teaching lessons that should have been taught in school. Quality time with my kid means free time to pursue interests non-school related. Yes, my teaching decimals is time spent with my kid but it is time that can also be spent pursuing other interests. Take a survey. Count how many pay for tutors. Then count how many don't pay but do the teaching at home. Then see how many kids do work without help from tutor or parent. What should those numbers be? Maybe it all comes down to getting a "good" teacher. There are some in this district. However, if curriculum were the same across the board (as it is in other districts), maybe the problem could be remedied. Along with teachers asking for a raise, we need parents to write a list of what we want for our children (i.e.: when will science start getting taught at Stratford Rd.?? First quarter over and still waiting...)

Ed's note: Make the list and bring it with you to the next board meeting.

Stop Screwing Around With My Kids

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This is Nothing to Do About Money...":

OK,a comparison....How many people commute to NYC?
Would you be compassionate to subway workers if they decided to have a "job action" and slow everybody down getting to work?...For the sake of safety? Job actions don't work. Especially in this economy. This does not have to do with money anymore. It's about bullies. Yes, it might be "one or two more tankfulls of gas" for a family to pay for more for the teachers. But in this economy, tell that to the family who is on unemployment. One day suit and tie and the next day working in a retail store 70 hrs a week. Teachers, you "should of played the game". You probably would of gotten what you wanted. Ask your Union president what's in it for him to do this instead of taking the "high road" and probably getting the respect of the community. Even if you "win", you really won't. Opinions have been made. I don't really blame the teachers because this would not of happened without the go ahead from your Union. Think what you want, but the intrinsic value of your jobs decreases everyday because of this. Just like people that are not protected in their job and sweat out Fridays, whether that layoff is coming or not, if you don't like the place you work or feel you're worth more, get your resume together and get a job elsewhere. Stop screwing around with my town and kids.

Anyone have stats on how many people in POB are on Unemployment Insurance and what's the average income for residents of POB ?

It's Time To Make Changes in the Classrooms

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Another Happy Plainview Parent":

A recent post on this blog compared the time our kids spend in school to how much babysitting costs. Do we send our kids to school because we need a place for them while we're working or doing our errands and we’ve already pre-paid the babysitting fees with our taxes?

Kindergarten parents are wondering why their kids had more academics going on in nursery school. Elementary school parents wonder why their kids come home from school with homework they can't do and need after school instruction in reading, writing and math. Middle school parents are busy helping their kids study for tests by filling out study guides for science curriculum that they don’t have a textbook to reference and high school parents readily sign their kids up for Regents review courses conveniently located at the JCC.

Parents on this blog have brought up alarming concerns focused on education. These problems transcend the union job actions and have plagued our district for years even when the teachers had a contract they were happy with. Parents have been helping their kids with reading, writing and math for years - even when teachers didn't wear Contract Now buttons and classrooms were decorated on the first day of school. There has been concern about 4th grade science test prep being a 2 week cram session during years when teachers wore colorful outfits and didn't come in early to carry picket signs.

It's time to make some changes in the classroom - all classrooms - so school isn't so readily compared to babysitting for reasons beyond financial ones and more instruction is happening in school and not after school. The focus needs to be on what the teachers are doing, not just what they are getting. If the community was happy about what they were getting, they would be less inclined to grumble about how much they are paying for it.

Teachers Not Babysitters

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Happy Plainview Parent":

I think the one thing that some are just not understanding is that the quality of our kids education and work is being questioned and it is understandable as to why, the bare minimum being we are not seeing enough work displayed and minimal contact with some, not all, teachers. Additionally lets not forget we as parents get to CHOOSE our summer camps and our babysitters. If we are not happy with either, we don't need to hire them again so that dollar for dollar comparison is N/A. Are you trying to say that the work of the teachers is a "get what you pay for" type of mentality now? I think a lot of families are feeling in that case, no, we don't get what we pay for. We didn't hire a babysitter, we hired teachers.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Contract Clarification":

Thank you for answering that question. Now can someone please explain how the tenure system works? I know it has been explained and challenged on this blog but hoping for yet again, more clarification.