Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Everyone Should Just Play Nice

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's Time To Make Changes in the Classrooms":

I am amazed at how many negative comments there are about the teachers in POB. Although I cannot speak for all teachers, I do know that there are a great number of caring, hard-working people out there who give it their ALL. No profession can claim that EVERYONE who chose their career path is terrific. However so many of you feel the need to teacher-bash on this blog - it is truly upsetting to those of us who LOVE our job - who look forward to teaching your children every day - who take pride in what we do. Many of you point out what teachers do not do rather than focus on what we do on a daily basis. I do not want a medal or even a pat on the back from people who are so angry about the fact that I earn my salary. Are you the same people who refuse to watch professional sports because of the athletes' astronomical salaries???
Many of my colleagues and I are perfectionists. I strive to get the best results (and understanding) from my students. I am there to help them during extra help whenever they need it. I welcome them back in subsequent years to help them even when they are not my student any longer. I truly take offense to the negativity and animosity displayed by many of you. Can't everyone just play nice and display some commcon courtesy? I'm pretty sure that everyone would be a lot better off!

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, in a way, you are right, it is not fair to the teachers who are giving it all. However since many of us have more than one child and spent many years in the district you also need to understand that it is the teachers themselves who are taking the very strong approach to put our kids in the middle that is making it hard to see past their behavior. I can tell you in speaking with many parents in the community, those of you who do give it your all despite what is happening are truly appreciated. Unfortunately, the sad truth is you need to make those in the union who are taking this out on the kids recognize that they are responsable for parent perceptions now. There actions are hard to see past. As a parent I am asking the teachers to be understanding and realistic to what we are seeing and experiencing from our view as well.
