Saturday, October 10, 2009

Call for Protest

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Justified raises":

In this economy, when most people are working more, taking paycuts and fear losing their jobs, it is ridiculous that the teachers union has turned down a raise.
Most residents do not have guaranteed health care for life and a pension. We have watched our 401k's plumet, house prices drop etc.....

Is it true the teachers have guaranteed rate of returns on their IRA's?
The PTA cannot take a position because they have to be nuetral. It is up to the parents and residents to let the teachers know that enough is enough.
Their protests are affecting the classroom. If your not happy with your job ,GO GET A NEW ONE! We pay enough in taxes.
I agree with all the comments about extra help at school. Why aren't we offered that? Why do we have to go out and pay $50 an hour and up to get a tutor for our kids when they are falling behind?
Has there been a survey to see how many school districts have the capability of emailing their teachers? If this district is so great why are we not able to send our teachers email? Other districts do! How about getting that on the contract? Don't we have computers in all classrooms? What's the hold up?

How much money did the union spend on the letter they mailed out? It is insulting. Teachers wearing black and pins on picture day. Are you kidding me? How do they expect to get our support doing that? If teachers are not willing to decorate the classrooms and hallways because it's not in their contract. How about asking for parent help. I am sure many parents would be willing to go in and help out. But no, we are not wanted in the halls. God forbid we see what is going on!
We should protest at the union office!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough is Enough!!!!!!!!!

Justified raises

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Letter from the Teacher's Union, Anyone care to co...":

My friend lives in Syosset. Her daughter in second grade is having trouble reading. After one week, the school made a plan for her. She drops her daughter off early - at 8:30 - 4 days a week for extra help. Twice with her teacher and twice with a reading specialist. The child is not classified. The school district justs wants her to learn to read and the teachers put in the extra time.

A contract is on the table. We all know the teachers are going to get something (2% is being offered). Why not demand that OUR kids get extra help? That OUR kids can see reading specialists before school?

If the PCT wants to earn what Syosset does, they need to put out like Syosset does.

The BOE should get a copy of the Syosset contract (and any other district that the PCT is comparing themselves to) and see what those teachers are required to do for their salaries.

Teachers want a raise - that's fine with me- as long as the students are getting additional definable services.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Letter from the Teacher's Union, Anyone care to comment?

Just got my plea from Morton Rosenfeld President of the PCT to let me know that my BOE is not negotiating with them. I am disturbed by many aspects of this letter but the attempt to induce guilt is by far the most absurd. I find it laughable that I should feel the least bit of remorse for employees in this economy to be complaining about a raise (any raise)that is being offered. How many people in our community would love to be in such an envious position. I applaud the stance the BOE has taken and offer my continued support to stay the course. I am curious how other's have reacted to this letter and welcome them to comment here.

Administrators and Teachers: strange bedfellows

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What About Adminstrators? And Principals?":

Managers need to manage. That's why they make the big bucks.

Principals should not be hiding in their offices letting inappropriate things happen in their buildings when they stand to indirectly benefit from unoin strong arm tactics.

It's a conflict of interest.

Maybe this is why administration never really hold the teachers accountable to much anyhow.
They don't want to bite the hand that feeds.

Where is the accountability?

It's up to the superintendent (who has his own personal contract and not affected by PCT negotiations and is paid for his expertise in this very type of situation) and the BOE (elected representatives of the community).

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can you Say Inappropriate?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What About Adminstrators? And Principals?":

From the school district calendar
Code of Conduct

Student Dress Code
All students are expected to dress in a manner that, in the judgment of the faculty and adminsitration, is safe, appropriate and does not disturb or interfere with the educational process.

Perhaps the teachers need a dress code.

Odd that the assumption is that faculty have the judgment to figure out what is appropriate when they themselves are clearly dressing inappropriately (although civil rights allow it).

Also, what would possess teachers at Pasadena to dress in black and wear CONTRACT NOW buttons in their class photos?

This is an unfortunate Picture Day in POB history. Let's hope it's not repeated at all the elementary schools.

Maybe the photographer can airbrush the pins out - and send the bill to the PCT.

Administrators and Principals Agreement:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What About Adminstrators? And Principals?":

This link shows the Agreement between POB CSD and POB Administrators', Directors' and Supervisors' Association

July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2009

4.5% raise each year for the past 2 years 07-08 and 08-09
4% raise the first year 06-07

Appendix A (page 59) is a list of the salaries for 2005-2009. Names are given with initials but they can be figured out easily.

In October of 2008, in response to the Newsday expose on pension double-dipping, NYS passed a landmark pension-reform law that requires school districts to break out all compensation and benefits paid to school administrators and to post that information on their web sites.

To date, this has not been done in our district.

Or did they?

Who can find anything on the district website?!

What improvements?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Post and Reply":

When I moved to Plainview 96% of our graduates went to 4 year colleges; last June (2009) it was 80%. The percentage has been slowly going down year by year, not related to the economy.
What improvements are the teacher talking about? The state tests where the passing grade is lowered every year?

ed's note: The NYTimes has had a few articles examining the validity of recent state tests. There is strong consensus among educators and administrators that it was, inappropriately " dumbed" down and needs to be reworked in order for it to be an acceptable tool. This past test recorded an unusually high amount of passing grades that did not reflect actual student's work.

What About Adminstrators? And Principals?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time To Break the Union?":

To make one correcttion, no administrator has received a raise for the 2009-2010 school year. No contract have been approved to date for any increases or any bargaining unit.

ed's note: But I do think that Principals were given a raise and new contract: if anyone can confirm or negate that it would be appreciated.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Time To Break the Union?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Post and Reply":

As a parent with kids in school I am quite concerned about the current situation in our schools, both from the teachers union and from the administration. What I say next is not directed towards any specific individual but to the group as a whole and I apologize if some take offense to this but we are talking about our kids and that is by far the most important thing.

While everyone wants more money this is certainly not the time to increase payrolls. The teachers in my opinion are making a very fair salary and the benefits are equally as good, not to mention all of the vacation time.

I wish I could same the same thing for my business, I just laid off one employee and reduced everyone else's hours.

The teachers still have jobs! They are still getting a weekly paycheck based on the prior years contract, nothing has changed in that regard (am I wrong??)

To hear that the teachers are unwilling to let parents in the classroom for these extra activities or refusing to write letters of recommendation for college is unheard of.

I even overheard one teacher mention that in the past years the Plainview test scores have been low and we worked really hard to get the kids to do better and now those scores are higher and that is why we deserve a raise. Guess what you were doing your JOB!!!

As for the administration they are doing nothing? Maybe it is because they got their raises and feel sympathetic to the teachers (why, because some of them were teachers once before). They are not stopping the activities in the schools with the teachers, why???

Has anyone noticed how the teachers are all wearing black and most if not all are wearing a pin in regards to the contract. What about the school pictures. Did anyone notice that most of the teachers wore black as well.

What type of message is this sending to our children, your students??

Maybe it is time to break the union???

Basically we have the teachers and the teachers union throwing a temper tantrum!!!

If they are so unhappy with their contract then maybe they should leave? I know plenty of people who are dying to get a job and they would not be asking nearly as much.

Start thinking about the KIDS!!!

Non Plainview Union Teacher Responds:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Union NYC Teacher Responds:":

As a NYC employee and a union member myself it's rediculous that the teachers are responding with a resounding "No" to their contract offer! I have also received contracts where they expired as soon as I got it and have received contracts where they were multi year and the first 2 years were 0% so as not to receive back pay! They are getting offered 2% and 2.5% raises and they are turning it down.
If I as a union member were offered this contract I would jump on it with the economy the way it is! Maybe the union members should take a long look at who is negotiating for them and see whether or not it's really in their best interest. Can Plainview afford to give a higher raise than what they've offered without the prospects of layoffs in the future? If there are young teachers out there reading this ask yourself that question!

One idea: Pull the Offer Off the Table

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Account of Last Nights Board Meeting":

Enough is Enough! The board should pull their offer off the table. The union is spitting in the face of the community. They are getting a raise, they're not being asked for any givebacks. Still can't get over the teacher who at the board meeting said "we all have our sob stories" wow talk about compassion!


Teacher/BOE negotiation points from Sept Meeting

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Two Angry Parents":


Two Angry Parents

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Account of Last Nights Board Meeting":

Teachers can get a raise but they should be asked to do something for it.

Hicksville has extra help for elementary students in the morning before school starts. It's optional for but is available two days a week. Syosset has elementary help also.

Why aren't these things happening here? Now's the perfect time to do start something like this since the contract is open.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Are Adminstrators in charge of classes, or teacher...":

do the teachers actually believe these deplorable tactics will actually sway parents and the district to give in to their extremely greedy demands. Most parents in our community are busy working harder to cover work loads for people who have been laid off and then they go into their employers office to "congratulations you still have your job" forget about the raises, or the bonuses. Its appaling, the lack of respect these teachers have for the parents of their school, especially those teachers who live in this community. Lucky for them, parents of our good district have much more class, then to retaliate through the children, who suffer the most. And the teachers actually have the gall to say, their main concern is the children. Yes we the parents can see you really are here for the children, demanding pay increases while their parents are all struggling.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Account of Last Nights Board Meeting

Involved Parent has left a new comment on your post "The Morning After - were you there?":

I attended the meeting last night, as well as the last meeting a few weeks ago. BOE room at Mattlin was full. I will only provide a report about the meeting and not provide my views.

Morty Rosenfeld (PCT president) and additional members of PCT were there, as were many PTA members. There were several other parents who do not fit into either category, several former BOE members were present.

The topic of the teachers contract, was not discussed all that long, only during public comment period. I think 4 parents got up to comment about this (all were very well spoken in my view): all felt that the teachers are acting inappropriately and that they are starting to "take it into the classroom, comments on all teachers wearing black, and teachers not permitting parents in the classroom, worries about college recommendations."

District counsel (Guercio) then made a speech (which he directed right at Mr. Rosenfeld) that the district will look into all allegations raised and take appropriate action. not sure what that action is however.

Over all a quiet meeting.

My House has left a new comment on your post "Account of Last Nights Board Meeting":

Summary - Last night’s BOE meeting room was filled with concerned parents and the crowd overflowed into the atrium. Agenda items were discussed. Except for a few comments, public participation focused on parents’ concerns that the current teacher-BOE contract negotiations were ending up in the classroom. Actions like dressing in black and wearing buttons saying Contract Now were not disputed to be within the realm of American freedoms but the ethical question of is this the right thing to do in front of children was raised. Lack of parent participation in classroom activities, cancellation of holiday parties, loss of ability for parents to be allowed into school to take photos for yearbooks and lack of feeling welcome in school, teachers’ reluctance to write college recommendations and sealed college recommendations were brought up as concerns. Many statements were prefaced with compliments about the school district and teaching staff. Several parents told the BOE that although they brought up these concerns, they did not want their interest to be construed as putting pressure on the BOE to settle the contract.

In addition, some parents spoke of the Board of Ed goals for this year that were discussed at the meeting and asked for a schedule of when they might be achieved. The importance of school administration-to-parent communication was brought up several times. A parent showed samples of curriculum materials that were possibly illegal Xeroxes of copyrighted materials and questioned why Stratford Road students were not receiving workbooks for ELA test prep as students in the other district elementary schools are. The PTA Council President mentioned the PTA Council website as a resource for information about the school district.

At the conclusion of Public Participation, the school district’s attorney spoke to several concerns raised by parents. He explained that some school activities are necessary and therefore enforceable while others were not. Those that can be addressed will be looked into.

Comments and Thoughts – The meeting showed the community’s priority is the education of their children. Parents were well-spoken and courteous. BOE responded in kind although specifics were not always shared.

Details of the contract negotiations were brought up and Superintendent Mr. Dempsey told the audience that a presentation was made at the September 21 BOE meeting and was available by FOIL. PTA Council spoke publicly that that particular information is posted on their PTA Council website, and this direct link will get you there:

In general and for future reference visit for an explanation of the Freedom of Information Law and a sample letter to use. The requests should be addressed to: Records Access Officer, Plainview Old-Bethpage Central School District, 106 Washington Avenue, Plainview, New York 11803 and you can drop them off in person with Harriet Fischer, District Clerk.

The Morning After - were you there?

The POB board meet last night and obligations kept me away. I await a report about it.
Comments, facts and opinions would be appreciated.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Comments back.....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA Responds":

Pasadena PTA did a great thing by promoting community involvement and attendance at a BOE meeting.

They wrote: We urge everyone to go to find out what might be occurring in the district and to have a say in it.

What's wrong with that?

Why would they want to take that off the blog?

Ed note: To see additional comments on this post, please click comment button under PTA Responds

PTA Responds

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Even the PTA is urging you to go!!":

While we believe in a person's right to post an opinion about anything, PTA does not take sides in this matter. We respectfully request that you take this off your blog since it looks as if the Pasadena PTA posted it. Please email us at to let us know when you have taken it down
The Pasadena Executive Committee

Ed note: The post in question was sent in anonymously. This blog is a forum to promote discussion.

Post and Reply

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA Letter to Class Parents: Teachers say, " No p...":

I believe this blog serves a great purpose, but I would prefer people to post their own words and not copy and paste an email sent out to class parents. It is misleading.

ed's note: Thank you for your comment. Blogs often incorporate public documents, newpaper articles and reference other websites. The posting that you refer to was sent out and posted in it's entirety.

Who will pay indeed!!

Annonymous posted:

The higher the salaries the higher the pension costs will be.

Who's going to pay for that?

ed note: I had to post this instead of putting it into the comments. Think about it, it's Staggering!

We'd love you to stay, but if you don't like it here's the door

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Even the PTA is urging you to go!!":

Its simple supply and demand. If the teachers don't like it, go find another job. There will be plenty of well-qualified teachers ready to take there positions.
If the salaries dropped by 10%, they still wouldn't have a problem filling those positions. While I am not advocating teachers leaving, they should realize how good they have it. Many of the people who pay their salaries are getting no raises this year (step or COL) or don't have any jobs. Remember that many of these teachers who are fighting for a raise will still get step increase even if they don't get a COL increase.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Even the PTA is urging you to go!!

This is a reminder that there will be a Board of Education meeting tomorrow night at 7:45 in the Board Room at Central Administration Building at Mattlin Middle School. We urge everyone to go to find out what might be occurring in the district and to have a say in it. The following is a link to the agenda:

The Pasadena PTA

Go to the Board Meeting already! Say it there.

All this anger and rightfully so. It's time the Parents of Plainview-Old Bethpage stood up to the teachers -en masse.
Go to the board meeting Monday night. Stand up and be counted. You guys are the one's footing the bill. Speak up and say what's on you minds. You can do this without being nasty, ergo, no retribution on your child. How about like NYC; "I'm sorry we love you guys, but we just don't have any more money to give you right now".
At the very least be a body there. Be among the counted. Decide how much of your money (if you have any left) is going toward someone else's raise this year.

Are Adminstrators in charge of classes, or teachers?


This leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. If parents are asked to donate then parents have the right to be allowed in. Shouldn't the administration be dictating if parents are allowed in classrooms etc? Children should not be used as a bargaining chip. They are the innocent caught up in adult greed which is deplorable. They are at school to learn and teachers are there to teach. Simple as that. If teachers want to play politics, then they should change careers.