Friday, October 9, 2009

Letter from the Teacher's Union, Anyone care to comment?

Just got my plea from Morton Rosenfeld President of the PCT to let me know that my BOE is not negotiating with them. I am disturbed by many aspects of this letter but the attempt to induce guilt is by far the most absurd. I find it laughable that I should feel the least bit of remorse for employees in this economy to be complaining about a raise (any raise)that is being offered. How many people in our community would love to be in such an envious position. I applaud the stance the BOE has taken and offer my continued support to stay the course. I am curious how other's have reacted to this letter and welcome them to comment here.


  1. I am fighting mad. I just got the letter from Morton Rosenfeld in my mail box. Is he trying to make me feel guilty that i am not giving his teachers a raise when my friends are out of work, and my taxes have gone up $7,000 in seven years?

    Surely he jests!

    And, he compares the scores to that of Syosset's! HAHA HAHAHAAH. Mr. Rosenfeld, have you had a look at Pasadena's and Stratfords scores?!

    I will be willing to pay more when a parity in scores exist! And while we are at it, lets talk about the amount of time that teachers are available to students at these other schools. Somehow I hear that it is quite a bit different from the laissez-faire attitude I know exists here.Why don't you compare us to Jericho, who has students in school everytime ours have a half a day, or day off? Put out or shut up. I say.

  2. What a croc, Mr Rosenfeld must be getting desperate.

  3. New Video out on youtube. Mr.Rosenfeld is now comparing his union to the Yankees. The teacher reports that the report given by Mr. Guercio was skewed. As any teacher knows, statistics can be skewed any way you want them to be. The teacher says take out the A-rods and Jeters out of the equation and they are way underpaid. The truth of the matter is that they are like the Yankees, they have more A-rods and Jeters than they have utility players. I guess the teacher's union is using the "New Math" approach to negotiating.

  4. Based on Mr. Rosenfeld's ridiculous comparisons and complaints, I would like to suggest the board give the teachers a limited amount of time to accept their offer and then, it should be removed from the table. What a load of ____!

  5. Give Mr. Rosenberg a call as he suggested. Ask him about the administrators raises. THAT will shock you!
