Saturday, October 24, 2009

With All Due Respect....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Rosenfeld: Responds and Chastises Board":

Well, yes, if they feel their position is correct, with all due respect sir, what don't you understand? they don't want to give you more than offered already. Negotiation is over. They are not giving you more. Let me say this again: the BOE seems to be finished negotiating oh wait! maybe you want to sit down with them again at the "table" and hear that they don't want to give you more? What don't you get? are you not understanding? the winter is rapidly approaching and it's cold out there. In fact, today there were only 5 teachers out there this morning and not in black. So, is it a handful of stubborn people like yourself who don't understand? because we all get it! and you still don't understand! - ok - I will say it in another language and perhaps you will then understand it? no more patience for you!

Anyone Care to Comment?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where is the Money Going? 66K Raise?!!":

Very odd that there is not 1 comment here!

PCT: Reap What You Sow

Mr. Rosenfeld can you possibly be serious?

How could you even attempt to suggest that it is the Board that "seems more interested in whipping up the emotions of the public"?

Was it the Board that told the teachers to dress in Black?

Was it the Board that told the teachers to picket Back-to-School Nights?

Was it the Board that had the teachers wear orange buttons in school?

Was it the Board that told the teachers not to decorate their Bulletin Boards?

Was it the Board that told teacher to withhold college recommendation letters? (I have first hand experience on this one so don't even try and lie about it).

Was it the Board that had the teachers place orange signs in their cars while parked at our schools?

Was it the Board that told the teachers to take this situation to our children?

NO, MR ROSENFELD... it was you and your arrogance. You have incited this community...

It was your choices and the lemming-like behavior of your teachers that put our children in jeopardy...

And now as the saying goes you shall reap what you sow....

We need to take our schools back and protect our children from this arrogant, delusional and morally bankrupt teacher's union.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Shut Up and Do Some Work":

UM, excuse vote is for the kids and parents too and think the teachers have accomplished misery, however refrain from using the words slow or stupid.

How Wonderful Are Our Teachers ?

Do we really have such wonderful teachers if everyone has to hire outside tutors for everything?

Doesn't this mean that there is something desperately wrong with the entire system.We pay such an outrageously high tax rate for education and then we have to go out and spend more money on tutors so that our children can succeed...

Ed's note: And Administrators.

Credit ....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Give Credit, Where Credit is Due":

The district loves to brag about kids that participate in NYSMMA. How many of those families are supplementing their children's school music education with private lessons in order to compete in those festivals which the district takes full credit for?

This post is in no way being writing to offend to the wonderful music teachers in this district - we are truly lucky to have you - and you do a great job with our kids - but fair is fair - the NYSMMA kids get outside help - and it's time for the district to recognize that on many areas of school pride learning is going on after school and paid for by parents.

Who Does the PTA Advocate For?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Some Real Talking?":

and why not pta boards? pta is in everything - arent they supposed to advocate for the kids? really? pta should make more noise than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what is the matter now? stop unbreaking the rules... everybody else out there has their own are you now? please tell this man and the boe to get on with it. Our kids are not learning

New Start to Negotiations

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Negotiation is....":

Maybe the negotiation process needs to start again. The BOE can offer 0%. Then they can negotiate with the PCT. Then they can offer 0.1% and so on until they get back to 2%. But in light of what's gone on, they should probably stop at 1%. After all, we need to save some money to pay off the lawyer for all his hard work in all this.

Ed's note: An Alternative; Each day the PCT does not accept the original offer it should roll back .5%?

PARENT Teacher Association

Good point - why won't the PTA take a stand?

Are they Switzerland?

PTA took a stand on cupcakes. Did you know that the district Health Committee made up of representatives chosen by PTA supports taking away classroom birthday celebrations and ban PTA pretzel and ices sales? Thankfully the BOE has been too busy with contract negotiations to stop these traditions.

PTA takes stands - when they think it won't upset any teacher and without bothering to ask all the parents who are members how they feel about it.

Ed's note: We welcome a response from the PTA

Shut Up and Do Some Work

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time for an Ad?":

I kind of like this idea - let's see if someone is unhappy working where they are, why don't they look for a better deal elsewhere, POB seems to be a lousy place to work - so why don't you all just get out of here...go work elsewhere and find yourselves a better union....they way these teachers are "teaching" lately.....I have to hire a tutor again....not because my child is slow, or stupid but because some of these teachers really don't give a darn. The ones holding up the signs.....wearing the idiotic buttons and wearing they know what is like not to have food to feed their families? shut up and get back to work! all of too Mr. Rosenfeld.

Give Credit, Where Credit is Due

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Thank Goodness for Tutors":

Elementary school has become babysitting with a little enrichment. The real learning happens at home when parents have to sit with their kids and help them get through homework and assignments that often have little to do with what was done in school. The work even gets sent home addressed to Parents and Children. Parents have to sign off on homework, reading logs, projects. Some teachers go so far as to have parents sign contracts that they are their partners in education. There are middle school science fair projects that ask kids to include a dedication to the people that helped them with their project.

Parents in this district won't let their kids fail. They will work with them at home, hire tutors, send their kids to Kumon and tets prep review classes at the JCC, go over everything with a fine tooth comb and correct all errors before it gets packed up and sent in.

Parents should be getting paid by this district for their role in education. The contract can step raises based on how many kids you have and which schools they are in (more money for Pasadena and Stratford parents - sorry Old Beth and Parkway but you guys get more materials and you always do better so it's only fair). Since parents, unlike teachers, are happy to tie their compensation into results, if your kids score well on state exams, SATs, etc. or gets into a prestigious college you get a bonus. If you are paying for outside tutoring you get a tax credit.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Negotiation is....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr.Rosenfeld, Be a Man":

Thank you whomever you are.... negotiation is people sitting down and going back and forth. One offers and the other comes back with a different proposal - the Board of Ed has done right! they won't sit down anymore with you because - you are asking for more than they can give - really, after all this, no one should get a penny! I also think that most of the teachers are very unhappy with the situation and are quietly annoyed - but won't dare speak sad.

The Test Scores are a Result of Tutors

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "High Quality Education for Everyone!":

I agree! My children can't spell. The only way they passed math was because I paid for tutors! How can teachers point to test scores being up as a reason they deserve a raise when everyone I know has a tutor for their children?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Make What Doctors Make? WoW":

$100,000 for 180 days of work? That's over $500 a day. That can't be right.

Where Should the Money Come From?

Mr. Rosenfeld,

I already wrote a blog to you, but I have one more thing point I would like to address. Where do you propose the money come from to give the teacher's a 4+ raise? Either Plainview resident's taxes will go up to cover this, or there will be cuts in our schools, or will both occur? Governor Paterson already issued school aid cuts --- not sure I understand where the money will come from. I would like to know the answer to this?
Thank you.

Wall Decoration is Not Just for Decoration

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Are Adminstrators in charge of classes, or teacher...":

I have to disagree to the parent who does not care about walls being decorated and the manner in which the teachers are dressing. They are starting off the day aware they are being defensive and ready for confrontation. What does that attitude do inside a classroom? It is not simply decoration, but it is our children's work. The work they have pride in and the work that hopefully with the small gesture of displaying it will insprire them to continue to do a good job. The teacher's are showing they DO NOT CARE. It goes both ways, they have forced us not care anymore, but a child's perception of what their teacher thinks of them can last YEARS, and the teacher's in this district who are taking part in that behavior towards the kids should be making a different career choice.

Rosenfeld:Trouble Maker

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...":

Mr Rosenfeld, you could not be more wrong! The Board has not been "whipping up emotions" at all actually, why do you suppose we support them? Lets face it, this is the attention you want to try to force the BOE hands via parents and kids emotions. You have a community filled with parents who are in complete agreement you are deserving of the title of a plain old simple "troublemaker". Unfortunately for the teachers, you have hurt them most of all with the tactics you are allowing. You think parents make too big of a deal about hanging the kids work? That inspires them, it shows them their teacher has pride for their accomplishments and acheivements. You need to step down and get out of these negotiations, and don't leave behind any teacher spokesperson you have had so far. It is time for a change where parents will trust those in the union and maybe start working together. Would you like some recoomendations?

Time for an Ad?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dear Morty Please Listen to Reason":

heh, as the taxpayers who pay their salary can we put in ad in Newsday and hire up a whole new batch?

Some Truth Please

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Taken From the PCT site:":

Blah blah blah blah blah. Noone cares because we have no trust in you to be truthful. What about an organized meeting between Union, BOE and regular old school parents? Not the ones that can't take "a stand" because some years ago some overacheiver of a parent actually thought The PTA would be a great way for us all to work together (you would have to go to Bethpage, syosset or jericho for that honestly). TOOOOOO Bad The "t" in PTA is ALWAYS missing in our district meetings unless on the one or two occasions they wanted to shut up the "p" half of our happy little union together. Put it out there Morty. Organize a meeting. All our welcome.

Mr Rosenfeld, .....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why are Our 8 year Olds Part of Negotiations?":

Please comment Mr. Rosenfeld

Some Real Talking?

Mr Rosenfeld,

How would you feel about sitting your teachers down with a panel of parents (not pta boards)and potentially members of the BOE. Have someone stand by to mediate but done in a way the rumors really will be put to rest. Allow some some real talking to begin, where all voices are welcomed to be heard. If you are in agreement please post to connect.

Thank Goodness for Tutors

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "High Quality Education for Everyone!":

I agree! My children can't spell. The only way they passed math was because I paid for tutors! How can teachers point to test scores being up as a reason they deserve a raise when everyone I know has a tutor for their children?

Zero Percent Raise

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Taken From the PCT site:":

I read all of these "rumors" and "facts". I don't care about any of them. The only thing I see is Spin Doctor Rosenfeld and the greedy teachers with their hand out, stopping me on open school night wearing black trying to tell me about their hardships. I hope you negotiate a ZERO percent raise for your membership.

Wake Up BOE

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The School Board is "Us"":

I agree. I have seen handouts for my kids with errors, and tests graded incorrectly on more than one occasion. I think this should be a wake up call to the BOE also to make sure they know what is going on in the schools.

Why are Our 8 year Olds Part of Negotiations?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...":

Mr. Rosenfeld, there have been teachers who have been talking to the kids about this matter in class. Is it appropriate for 8 year old's to be told the teachers want more money?

Teachers-Gimmie a Break!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "High Quality Education":

Our children see their teachers walking every morning outside in front of the school they attend. The middle school teachers walk into the building with the students, how are they prepared to teach --- teachers need time to get ready for their day not walk in along side the children. The children's work is just now beginning to be displayed --- why is it October 22nd and is the work first going up? What about the hallways, there are still bare bulletin boards. What about keeping the parents away, the children aren't robots they are individuals and know what is going on. Teachers need time to lesson plan, prepare for the day and make sure their classrooms are in order --- this is no longer happening because the teachers are too busy walking outside. Lastly, I wear black often too, it is slimming --- but to wear black because you want to send a message of mourning is horrible. Thankfully nobody died, but I do feel for those children who did loose people near and dear to them --- this is a terrible message to send to them and there families because death and mourning loss is very different and shouldn't be compared with contract negiotations --- gimme a break!

High Quality Education for Everyone!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "High Quality Education":

Your standards must be different than mine if you consider education here to be "high quality." Or maybe you just bought your house on the right side of town (Parkway/Old Beth).

Put Focus on the Kids

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Be a Parent":

Do you mean parents "bickering" that kids' work isn't being hung up and the "backstabbing" that teachers did when they invited class parents in and then uninvited them a few days later? It's the teachers that seem to be very needy lately not the kids. It's time for adminstration to administrate the teachers and not be their friends. That will never happen because they will get the same increase the teachers are fighting for.
Your math is wrong - some classes have 3 class parents and some grades have 5 classes. Figure in 4 elementary schools and all the kcenter class parents. That's a lot of volunteers who were told to not come in and a lot of disappointed kids whose parents had to tell them they weren't allowed to come in. Anyone who has ever been a class parent knows that it is a special gift for your child and to get that and then have it taken away because of contract negotiations was a terrible thing to do. I'm glad parents spoke about this to the Board of Ed. What would be next - no parents allowed at Field Day? Moving Up Day? The union puts adults first, not kids. There should not have been ANY noticeable change in our childrens' school experience because of the contract negotiations. Parents are being parents when they speak up to KEEP THE KIDS OUT OF THIS.

A Poetic View

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...":

Buttons, signs, picket lines
Chants of Solidarity Now
Are we at a Detroit factory closing?
it's just how
We send our children to school
in Plainview-Old Bethpage

Ed's note: Where is Michael Moore?

Teachers, -Nice Try

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Be a Parent":

Obviously, if the teachers were doing something "bad" or "illegal", they would be removed. I think that the people of this community are not so much complaining about the petty circumstances that you bring up, but rather that we feel that the teachers are being greedy and getting the children involved. Who the hell are the teachers trying to impress by wearing black and wearing buttons to class. I think that this whole thing is a scam to piss off the parents of this district and to think that the pressure will be on the BOE to settle. Well, that backfired.

Rosenfeld, give Up and Say You Made a Mistake

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...":

Mr Rosenfeld...You have gone down a road that has become very bumpy, and you expected it to be smooth. The only people that I hear whipping up the emotions of the public are my kids when they come home from school and tell me what the teachers are doing today to protest their lack of contract. The BOE was not doing the imformational picketing at open school night. Your members were. Some way to welcome parents to the school. Just give it up and tell the community that you made a mistake and let due process settle the contract. Stop talking about what Jericho and Syosset teachers make. Become president of their union then. POB teachers are in median salary range for LI. As I think this blog proves, you are certainly getting a helluva lot of feedback that your tactics are wrong. Stop with all of the spins. I think it's pathetic. I'm sure that some might disagree on that, but I think most will agree. Stop ripping apart the community.

Ed's note: I think the community is now more aligned then ever

Mr.Rosenfeld, Be a Man

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...":

Mr Rosenfeld. This woman poured her heart out to you and the only thing you had to reply was that very little of the mail you got was negative? Be a man and answer every one of her points. Folks, go back and read Olga's blog and Mr Rosenfeld's reply. See what we are dealing with. By the way, Mr Rosenfeld, as far as compromise, the Board was willing to give your members a raise. Just not as big of one as you want. Isn't that compromise also?

Oh My

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Make What Doctors Make? WoW":

When I look at the teacher's salaries on and multiply them x 12/10 (to get the annualized salary) the result absolutely boggles the mind.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Anon Replies Don't Compromise!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Board Should Compromise....?":

Why should they compromise? They're right!

Teachers Make What Doctors Make? WoW

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...": lists LAST YEAR'S salaries for the POB district employees. Considering these salaries are supplemented with all of the benefits (health, vision, dental, pension, vacation, sick, etc)...these numbers are so much higher than I expected. Are they really serious about seeking a raise? And now? Oy gavolt!

Go to the NYS job opportunities website and you find that Doctors (requiring an M.D. degree - with far more schooling and far higher academic requirements) get roughly $140,000/year on average. Long hours, being on-call, working 365/24/7.

If the average teacher salary really is approaching 100k in Plainview...then I they honestly think that teachers (in NYS) should be earning anything near what a doctor makes in (working for NYS)?

Wow! The system is truly broken.

High Quality Education

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld I Live in Plainview and I am a Teach...":

Our children are receiving the same high quality of education which they have always received. Why is the community so upset-because the teachers are not coming in earlier or staying later that they have to?????

Where is the Money Going? 66K Raise?!!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Miss Teaching Opportunity":

Why was it ok for the Board to approve a 10.75% increase for Mr Ruff (in one year)? Why was it ok for the Board to give Mr Dempsey a $60,000 raise and provide him with an allowance of $500 per month for his car expenses? Why did the Board approve $12,000 to spend on staff development to teach administrators how to observe teachers? Why were all of these things (and others) approved by the Board? Why doesn't the community know this information and all of the other hidden expenditures????? The community should voice their concerns and ask the Board to show them a list of how THEIR money was spent.

Ed's note: Again, Show up at the Board Meeting and Ask

Be a Parent

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "POB Community Stands Together":

Since I do have children in various grades and schools, I feel I can speak to your emotional comments- only class parents were invited into the rooms for Halloween for at least the past 6 years,so basically you are talking about 12 parents if there are 4 classes on a grade. The only school that invites all of the parents is the Kindergarten center and they have done so. When does school stop being a country club and start being a place for our kids to learn? Isn't an entire day on Saturday enough? Didn't we as parents put pressure on the district several years ago to begin a "wellness committee?" We wanted all snacks taken out of school?! Halloween = Snacks. Was your parent in school ALL THE TIME? Our we raising such needy children that they cannot separate from their parents for a regular Friday of school? I just attended a class trip- rooms were decorated, children were happy & well cared for. what purpose does inviting parents into classrooms for parties serve other than taking away from the time our kids have to learn? The PTA's of each school are hosting their usual events. Do the children really need 48 hours of halloween? You are bickering and backstabbing people because of HALLOWEEN? be real - it's a hallmark/candy company extravaganza! In my experience, only the 1st grade classes & maybe some 2nd grade invited those class parents in. You are supposed to be a parent to your children, not their friend- they will appreciate you more for parenting them

Be Heard

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Dempsey, What About Us?":

We are now finally being heard loud and clear. That is all I can say at this time. The present POB residents outpouring of anger has woken up everyone.

But if you want to be heard personally and also hear what is going on Please attend the next BOE meeting which is on November 2.

Ed's note: Attending BOE meetings is the best way to be heard

Rosenfeld: Responds and Chastises Board

mortrose has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld I Live in Plainview and I am a Teach...":

We would be more than happy to work with the Board of Education to find a compromise to our dispute, but that can't happen until the Board expresses a willingness to explore ways to accomplish that. You probably heard their attorney the other night. The Board believes its position to be the correct one and refuses to consider other possibilities. It's very hard to find compromise when they behave like that.

Morton Rosenfeld, President
Plainview-Old Bethpage Congress of Teachers

Mr. Rosenfeld Responds...

mortrose has left a new comment on your post "Dear Morty Please Listen to Reason":

Negotiations is not about accepting the other side's offer. It's about finding compromise. We are willing to do that. So far, the Board seems more interested in whipping up the emotions of the public.

Incidentally, very little of the mail I've gotten is hate mail. Most of it seeks information that I am always happy to provide.

Teachers; Time for Givebacks, Like the Rest of the Workforce

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dear Morty Please Listen to Reason":

Hi Olga,

I'm sorry but I think that that ship has sailed. With the governor talking about additional decreases in state aid... I think that Morty and his cohorts need to start thinking in terms of givebacks... as many of us taxpayers have already had to do at our jobs.

I personally can not afford another increase in property taxes, I will loose my house. And its not because of a high mortgage interest rate or a highly leveraged house. It is because my taxes are more than my mortgage (p&i).

Government at every level has to start becoming responsible and not spending more than they or we can afford. I work 60 hours a week and haven't had a vacation in two years. Our teachers work less than 180 days a year, for only 30 hours a week and get every holiday and two months in the summer off. To say nothing of the fact that after they get "tenured" they have guaranteed jobs and income for life.

The time has come for the teachers to be grateful for all that they have and try and help out the community that employs them.

If they really think that things would be better in another school district where they may get paid more money, than I think we have to let them leave, but of course most of them won't because they wouldn't want to loose their tenure.

The School Board is "Us"

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PCT Response to Super's Letter":

The truth is that their fight is with the community and its children, the school board is "us". We have lost all control over the way our children are taught and the way their teachers behave. We have high school English teachers -- teaching honors classes -- handing out tests with spelling and grammatical errors -- we have teachers taking six weeks to hand back tests and essays -- we have students who can't get college recommendation letters.... and there appears to be nothing that anyone can do about it.

The time has come for us to take back our schools -- tenure most end !!! Guaranteed pay increases must end -- Great teachers should get raises and bad teachers should get fired (we have both in Plainview).

Our children are the ones that should come first -- NOT THE TEACHERS!!!

Bad Blood Between Parents and Teachers

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers-":

I agree,I believe that the teachers might have burnt their bridges of goodwill between them and the parents. It's sad that the one true ally they've had (the parents), have been pushed no shoved into this discourse between the BOE and their union. How this all plays out no one knows, but this has definitely left a bad taste in the mouths of parents. I believe that Ms. Weinkrantz and her fellow union members who hold to the same views have done the relationship between parents and teachers a disservice.

Mr. Dempsey, What About Us?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Dempsey; Do You Care?":

Maybe the title of this post should be Mr Dempsey are you there?

How can a supertinedent ignore what's going in and let parents get bombarded with handouts from picketers on back to school night, letters in their mailboxes from the union and not write to the parent community about what's going on?

Making statements or better yet having the lawyer make statements at board meetings that there isn't even room for every parent who wants to come to listen is not an acceptable solution.

We pay a lot of taxes and we deserve to be kept informed.

Self Explanatory

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Miss Teaching Opportunity":

What a bunch of hypocrites!


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers Miss Teaching Opportunity":

Where are the BRAVE and DEVOTED teachers?
Why are they a silent majority in all of this? We have teachers writing letters viscerating the parents and the community about how they are being viewed throughout this process. Why are the good teachers sitting idly by as their union leader and his cronies destroy all the goodwill the teachers have worked their whole career's to build. There are more of you than there are delegates; call for a vote on what's been offered, don't let the actions of a few ruin the reputations of the many.

Taken From the PCT site:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Rosenfeld I Live in Plainview and I am a Teach...":



The Plainview-Old Bethpage Board of Education's unfortunate decision to discuss the details of our contract negotiations in public has caused a flurry of rumors to spread around our community aided by the speed of electronic communication. While people are of course free to disagree with positions taken by our union, it is essential that their disagreements be based on factual information. The following are some of the more frequently heard rumors circulating in Plainview-Old Bethpage. Want to check on something you have heard about our negotiations, send us an email at

RUMOR - The PCT is untruthful when it says that there are no negotiations going on.

FACT - Do the chief negotiators for both the PCT and the District speak? Yes they do, but as Mr. Guercio, the Board’s lawyer said on October 19, the Board has not changed its position. Just repeating one’s offer again and again without exploring possible ways to bridge the gaps between the parties to negotiations, is not negotiations at all. To call it that is to debase the language.

RUMOR - The union is being asked to contribute more towards its health insurance and they don’t want to. That’s what’s holding up a settlement.

FACT – The members of the PCT already contribute 25% of the cost of family health insurance – one of the highest rates of contribution in Nassau County . Health insurance is not and has never been an issue in these negotiations.

RUMOR - Many educational programs have been cut in order to pay teachers.

FACT – The academic offerings of this district have grown almost every year of its existence. Many of these programs have been initiated by the members of the PCT. While there have been some adjustments in the way reading services are provided, those changes were made to bring some coherence to the reading program and to avoid duplicative services.

RUMOR - The Board announced last night that due to the state education cuts, POB will lose $800,000 in state funding.

FACT – The Board of Education reported that Governor Paterson has proposed cuts in state aid to education. The Governor does not have the power to make these cuts. They can only be made by the legislature. The PCT is working very hard through its state affiliate to lobby the legislators to avoid these cuts. A recent poll done after the Governor’s announcement shows his popularity declining even further as a result of his proposed cuts. Legislators looking at the effect of his proposal on his poll numbers are sure to seek other solutions to the state’s fiscal problems. But we are not counting on that. Citizens are welcome to join us by writing to their legislators. The PCT webpage provides links to our representatives.

Ed's note: The above excerpt can be found in it's entirety on the PCT website:

There is a Curriculum? Hello Anybody?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Salary Information":

What curriculum? Writer's Workshop? That one is as bad as Investigations was for math. There's no writing in it! Write what's on your mind. Kids pick whatever book they want to read. Parents are not told what level their kid is reading on until its too late and the kid is two years behind. Kids in middle school are learning science with fill in xeroxes. Parents get together to go over answers to see if they are correct. We have to do better than this. Maybe the teachers aren't hanging up work BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Rosenfeld I Live in Plainview and I am a Teacher

Dear Mr. Rosenfeld,

I would like to express my feelings about teachers, because I am a teacher. We are not valued as other professionals are. We work hard and deserve to have the utmost respect. Many times we have to give things up or add more work hours to get a fair raise. We must be certified and keep that in good standing, have a Master's Degree and go to yearly workshops and school professional days. I get it, I sincerely do, however, I also get the other side as first and foremost I am a mother. My husband and I bought our house in Plainview 4 years ago knowing the wonderful schools you have and the outstanding education they would receive. We knew financially things would be tight, but thought that would be temporary. The last year has thrown a wrench in our financial picture and savings because of the economy. I pray all the time that my husband doesn't come home and tell me he lost his job. He has no job security, no contract, and hasn’t received a raise wither, he also has no guarantee other than putting 10+ year at his company, which means nothing these days.

Please consider negotiating with the BOE and coming to some kind of agreement. Things may be different in two years when the next contract would be up, then you can review the economic times and make decisions for that time period. Please understand that I am conflicted too, but my children deserve the same quality of education that they have had in the past. Please consider how many people are being affected by the economy and to ask so much is absurd. Please think about how the children are being caught in the middle that is so unfair. Please think about the outstanding relationship the parents have always had with the teachers in this town, and how this fight will sour us. Please Mr. Rosenfeld, please just listen to our outpouring and help us.

Thank you for your time and I am confident you will do the right thing for everyone involved and you will end this peacefully and fairly.


Shari Krinsky

Teachers Miss Teaching Opportunity

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "POB Community Stands Together":

We have not forgotten that teachers are people and are members of this and other communities! The teachers have forgotten the golden rule!!!!
In times of trouble, we're to work together to tighten our belts and think about geting the BIG problem solved before we think of ourselves. It isn't like the BOE offered you 0%, you work 180days a year, you pay very little for your health care costs and instead of jumping at the BOE's gracious offer you and your colleagues choose to bring the children and their families into your fight.
The children you teach are directly affected by this economy, it is one of their parents or both who may have lost their jobs or taken a pay cut. These same children then come to school and the people who say they are DEVOTED to them set an example of spite and greed! This could've been a GREAT TEACHING moment for you and your colleagues but you have dropped the ball!!!

Enough is Enough

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PTA Letter to Class Parents: Teachers say, " No p...":

The PCT needs a reality check. How many residents in Plainview have either been laid off,forced to work more hours for the same pay, or lost their job only to be forced to take a pay cut. It is time we stop the PCT from running the school district. Enough is enough. No raises! freeze everything for the next 3 years. Who else has tenure?? step increases, pay raises , raises for taking classes. when do we say enough??

Dear Morty Please Listen to Reason

Olga Portnoy has left a new comment on your post "PCT Response to Super's Letter":

Dear Morty,
You are probably getting a lot of "hate" emails and letters - this is not one of them. I am addressing you as a parent in the district. I happen to see your point of view. I am a parent of 5 daughters and a huge part of me is from the old school. My oldest is 28, my youngest 10. I believe in respect for teachers, principals and any educator. One of my daughters happens to be an English teacher in NYC. I do believe that teachers are underpaid for the amount of work they do. However, I must plead with you to please realize that this is not the right time anymore for a better negotiation. This whole thing has turned sour. The parents in our district are now furious with you and the worst part, children, especially the younger ones think that their teachers don't like them anymore. I don't think this is what you want and I know you would love to hear, "ok, Morty, we give in and you can have what you want".....but, it doesn't look good.
Please accept the offer made and stop all the nonsense....the black clothing, picketing, put the teachers back to work like they are supposed to - Do you have children? perhaps grandchildren? is this what you would want for them?
I happen to know too many families whose husbands have lost their jobs and have depleted their life savings because they have been unable to find proper jobs....... This is where the parents are coming from......yes, the teachers of POB are lucky to have their jobs!!!!! And you too Mr. Morty.
All we ask, is that you think about it deeply and ask yourself if perhaps you can address the issue later on, at a better time, take the offer and accept it graciously and then perhaps the next time you have to negotiate, you can be seen in a different light.
Best wishes to you and to all the teachers.
Olga Portnoy

Teachers in Job Action . Whine Someplace else

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Contract?, No Can Do.":

At this point, even if the Board was willing to give POB teachers a more "generous" contract or even able to, I say you should get nothing...BECAUSE YOU have brought your dispute...not the the classroom and to the children. Mr Rosenfeld and his underlings should be embarassed of themselves. Mr Rosenfeld talks about other districts pay. So what? This district still pays in the median range compared to other LI districts. Just not the top. Oh well. Leave. Go there. I would of been happy to see the teachers get an even more than fair contract before they brought their dispute to the classroom. Not any more. The teachers would eventually get a contract, and with back pay. There is no reason for their actions other than greed and power on the behalf of the Union. I am a union worker and have gone up to 3 years without a contract, letting arbitrators do their job while I did mine day in and day out without whining or any type of job action. And that's what my union told us to do. And eventually, my contract was settled fairly. Yes, job action. That is what the teachers of this district are doing. I think the whole lot should be fired and get some younger teachers here for less that want do their job and be happy to be here. You know what...lets go for it and really try to cut our taxes. It will be an even greater savings to the district and we can get rid of these teachers that are whining and making such a negative impact on our children. There are many families in Plainview living off of Unemployment Insurance (no, I am not one) while this Union puts their hand out for more. A real class act to teach children.

Mr. Dempsey; Do You Care?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Contract?, No Can Do.":

I'm paying thousands in taxes to be bullied by the teacher union and no one cares. My kids are being bullied and principals in their schools are not helping. 6 weeks after the fact when the damage has been done the Superintendent sends a letter threatening a letter of insubordination against the teachers. Meanwhile classrooms are still undecorated. Teachers can do whatever they want and are getting away with it. Thanks Mr. Superintendent. Great job. Stay another 3 years and collect more money. You don't care about our district. You let things get out of control. A letter in a file is really a big threat to someone with tenure. That article that teacher wrote shows how much teachers respect your authority. NOT! It's only a matter of time before the teachers get a contract and more money including retroactive payments for the time they were abusive and didn't do things because they didn't have a contract. Take the offer off the table. Plainview can make headlines in Newsday for not giving into union demands. Let's be an example to other school districts that in hard economic times it's OK to say NO. NO 2%. Not even .2%. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.

New Teachers?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Reality Check":

I do not know Ms. Weinkrantz, but I agree with the previous comment. Ms. Weinkrantz doesn't get it. All of the "nice things" that teachers were doing appeared to stop because of the contract dispute. And the important fact about that is that it shows where the mindset of the PCT and membership is. If it pains these teachers so much, maybe they should find another profession. Lets get some teachers from NYC that would love to be here and not complain so much. Maybe even do a better job.

Teacher Salary Information


Hicksville $64638
Bellmore $68750
Farmingdale $69838
Bethpage $72467
Herricks $75539
Garden City $79030
***SYOSSET $79065*****
***POB $81163*****
Jericho $83150
Roslyn $87277

Makes one wonder where the teachers are getting their information from, considering all of this is public record.

Seems to me our teachers have it pretty good if they only trail Jericho and Roslyn,


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No Contract?, No Can Do.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PCT Response to Super's Letter":

While I commend Ms. Weinkranz's devotion to her students, I feel her anger is misplaced. The Superintendent is simply responding to a situation CAUSED BY HER COLLEAGUES. She should speak to them. They are the ones who told students (I can name the teachers if she likes) that they cannot write their college recommendations "because they do not have a contract". They are the ones who told parents they cannot come into the classroom "because they do not have a contract". They are the ones who told children they cannot hang up their work "because they do not have a contract".

Reality Check

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "PCT Response to Super's Letter":

Ms. Weinkrantz is a very well-spoken individual but I'm wondering why she is missing what is going on here. She is so sensitive to the emotions of teachers working (GASP) without a contract yet she does not seem to grasp that children are sitting in undecorated rooms and walking down dismal hallways because teachers are (GASP) working without a contract.

Teachers' "generous gestures" have amounted to parents who have lost faith in their school district and want the board of ed to rescind whatever offer is on the table.

Please Ms. Weinkrantz, leave the fruit and cupcakes home and tell your colleagues to focus on educating our kids. Leave the chips on their shoulders home also. Show up to work with a smile on your face that you are healthy and walk out the door to a job that gives you the summer off as well as many paid holidays and vacations. Many people in our community don't have those basic pleasures yet they don't go around making the world miserable because they (GASP) are working without a contract.

Give me a break.

POB Community Stands Together

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers; Wake Up Call":

Let's get real here, why would a teacher who has TENURE leave this gauranteed job in this economy, you know the one where people are getting laid off or asked to take pay cuts and pay more for their health care. The teachers would just rather B&%ch and Moan that they are underpaid and hope they can be a nuisance enough to get the community to put pressure on board of ed., well we know how that's working out for them. The teachers have misjudged the community, they've glavanized the community.

PCT Response to Super's Letter

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers; Wake Up Call":

a teacher in the union responds to the superintendent's letter telling teachers to do whatever they have done in the past they are contractually obligated to continue to do - Random Acts of Kindness or Good Will Hunting (and Killing)by Jane Weinkrantz

cut and paste this in your browser to read entire response

main teacher union website is
and the article is the latest edition of the Pledge

Teachers; Wake Up Call

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Union NYC Teacher Responds:":

The POB Teachers Union has shown its true colors. A BIG RED GREEDY PIG.
How Dare they reject any raise that was generously offered to them in this terrible economy.

The POB Teachers have always been supported by the community and been given high salaries.
The average salary is $ 90,500 a year+ full benefits for only working 180 days a year

If the teachers think they should get more $$ because syosset and jericho teachers are paid more then I say get the Hell out of our schools.

There are 1,000s of teachers that would jump at a teaching job in POB schools for a lot less money.

It is time for the teachers to realize they are not the Bosses and that working in POB schools is a HONOR not a right.

I also would like to say to any of the POB teachers that are being greedy , would you be happy working in an URBAN Crime/Drug infested school making less money.

This is a Wake up call to teachers.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

O% Offer

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Bravo to the Board":

If the union chooses to disregard the BOE's offer and this goes on I believe the BOE should offer them 0% for the first year! This has been done to other unions in this state. Why reward them for dragging this out. I understand that the BOE has offered 2 and 2.5% but if they drag it out make it a 3yr. contract with the 1st. year 0% and without that 1% (shadow ?) raise the lawyer Guercio spoke about.

Bravo to the Board

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No One At the Table?":

As a tax payer and parent I am THRILLED that the BOE will not come to the table to negotiate, that is exactly the response that I want. The offer to the teachers is more than generous for these economic times and should not be raised at all. BRAVO to the BOE for not giving in to bullies who want to steal our lunch money!

Keep Showing Up and Keep Talking

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What to do? Any Ideas?":

although it's hard when people disappoint you, do your best to rise above - being disgusted is unhealthy and unproductive-

i'm a parent and this is affecting my kids also - i'm not thrilled about what's going on either teacher wise - but i think a lot is going on from parents also

what you can do -

attend the next board of ed meeting and every meeting until the right thing is happening in the classrooms - whether or not the contract is settled

support the board of ed in waiting out the negotiation process

when no one shows up at the board of ed it's assumed everyone lost interest and the issue has blown over

don't let that happen

talk to friends and neighbors about what's going on

invite them to join you at the next board of ed meeting

speak out during public participation at the next board of ed meeting

post on this blog

tell your friends about this blog

just don't assume someone else will take care of letting adminstration or the board of ed know your thoughts

some people said that what's going on is "dividing our community"

i think it's the opposite

parents are coming together with a common goal - to make sure our kids the best education we can

this issue is affecting all of our kids across the district

we all have friends who have kids in every school and in every classroom

different faces are coming to board of ed meetings, getting involved, speaking out

and we're all supporting each other

our kids are lucky to have -

parents who are upset because they were made to feel unwelcome as a volunteer at their child's classroom

parents who want to take pictures for yearbooks

parents of elementary kids who are concerned for parents of high school kids who need college recommendations

parents of high school kids who are concerned about the feelings of parents of k center kids who are caught up in this

parents who took offense to contract now buttons being worn in class photos

parents who are concerned that their kids are in the middle of an adult conversation and it's spoiling their school experience when classrooms and hallways go undecorated

i think there is something going on, it's real and it's something to be proud of

Monday, October 19, 2009

Late Night Edition...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board Meeting Tonite!":

According to information from the meeting tonite, the BOE is at the table- but the teachers don’t like what’s being served'

What to do? Any Ideas?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It's Time to Start Over":

What should WE do?? Any REAL ideas?? This is affecting our children..yet I dont know what we can actually do about it. I think the teachers are acting so inappropriately and I am disgusted.

No One At the Table?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board Meeting Tonite!":

Find out WHY THE BOARD WILL NOT COME TO THE TABLE TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE UNION-the board has claimed they have been meeting with the union-LIES

Ed's note:

In reading the posts that have come in, I must comment,the board made an offer, the teachers tried to negotiate the offer up. In this economy there is no room for negotiation up. Unemployment is at an all time high. The taxes in this community are quite high for the value of the houses and the school's test scores.

Teetering on the brink of unemployment, the sky rocketing taxes, and the lack of superior scores, the people of this town are simply saying no more. If the board is no longer coming to the table, perhaps it is merely representing the opinions of the taxpayers.

Board Meeting Tonite!

annon has left a new comment on your post "Hold the Sympathy":

This is a reminder that there will be a Board of Ed meeting tomorrow night, October 19 at 7:45 at Mattlin Middle school. I urge everyone to come. Here is a link to the agenda:

Hold the Sympathy

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lies?":

The teachers in this district have been afraid to say anything against district policy or the Principals policies. Now all of a sudden they are all out like crazy pushing their "new found beliefs". The teachers would not be going out on a limb like this if their union did not tell them to....And why? Could the Principals contracts which I believe come up next year be a factor ? The union, and more importantly, the School Board has to realize who is paying these teachers salaries, and that many families in Plainview are on unemployment. There should be no sympathy to these people by Plainview residents. Especially after they have shown their true colors to the children by taking this to the classrooms.