Friday, November 20, 2009

Another Happy Plainview Parent

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Happy Plainview Parent":

You must be a happy plainview parent who is also an over compensated Plainview teacher. Lets look at it from another point when we compare teachers to the real world. Other than plainview teachers:
who works 830-330 ?
who only works 180 days a year?
who has a guarenteed job?
Who gets off all major holidays + spring break, winter break, christmas/ hannakah break?
who has a pensionplan that guarentees 2% a year for every year you work which equates to a plainview teacher retiring on a $78,000 pension after 39 years?
who gets a guarenteed 8% return on there 401k plan? answer teachers do. That is why they are over compensated on the backs of plainview residents who work 7-7 to pay their taxes. Teachers need to work out in the real corporate world to get a sense of reality. I am not angry just another happy plainview parent :}

This is Nothing to Do About Money...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Happy Plainview Parent":

Are you happy that the union for your childrens' teachers decided to put your kids in the midst of this battle? Who gets the benefit of not hanging kids work in hallways? Teachers wearing black to school as a show of mourning? Buttons with frown faces and Plainview on it? Bright orange posters in teachers cars. Teachers not participating in events with the kids (Harlem Wizards Basketball. "Informational picketing" in the morning. This stuff makes you happy? My attitude is at this point it has NOTHING TO DO ABOUT MONEY. It has to do with the fact that the educational experience for my kids is degraded. It is part of the human psyche that if one will do these things where they work and fester an unhappy place to be....whether a teacher is all for this crap or being bullied into it by their Union, their quality of work will suffer. This is early on of this job action. If this continues for an extended period, the bitterness will really take root. I saw the display case in the lobby of Stratford Road...There is a display of some kids work...without the name of the class / teacher....Anybody want to guess why?

A Happy Plainview Parent

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "POBTeachers, this is what your employers are sayin...":

Dear fellow blog posters,

Every post on this blog is valid whether it comes from a deeply held personal belief or a factual statement. I do not intend to challenge anyone or any specific comment. However, I would like to come at this from the following perspective: the POB school district is an extra ordinary value.

Let me validate this statement:

a child goes to school 1,080 hours per year (180 days a year, six hours per day)

let's assume the property tax is $10,800 per year, some pay more, some pay less

the result is that you pay $10 per hour for one child's education in one of Nassau County's "better" school districts, not to mention the other benefits our taxes provide (ambulance, fire, police) costs aspect, and, obviously, if you have two kids, it's $5 per hour; and so-on and so-on

if you go out for the evening and require babysitting do you pay about $10 per hour?

If you don't think this is a fair comparison, what about:

if you send your kid to a day-camp in the area you are probably paying ~ $14 per hour per child ($4,000 / 8 weeks / 5 days / 7 hours), sleep-away is more

the cost per person per waking hour at a modest five-day Florida Disney vacation is probably ~ $13 ($4,000 / 4 people / 5 days / 16 hours)

In the end, I am not sure what has motivated some people to post certain topics on this blog, but my two children have received, are receiving, and will receive a solid education in this district.

Further, and in addition to the $10 per hour that I pay to educate two children, my wife and I also invest in more money in their education (workbook, private tutoring, participate in the athletic programs) and extend ourselves to assist their teachers in appropriate ways.

This is not an easy topic, but I do feel that this perspective needed to be said.


A happy Plaiview parent

Contract Clarification

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Please Clarify":

The union is protected under the Taylor Law which grants the same benefits and obligations under the previous contract until the new contract is signed. Then all payments are retroactive.

Please Clarify

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Contract Clarification":

Thank you for the clarification. Now can someone answer what that means? Are the teachers in jeopardy of losing their jobs since there is no contract? Honestly that is not meant to be sarcastic. I am not a teacher but a parent who is concerned about the next steps that are going to be made on both sides. That of the union and that of the BOE. Also if there is no contract, what monitors the day to day in a classroom? I know these sound like simplistic questions, but lets start with the basics so parents have more clarification.

Conformation Needed. Please Help.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Contract Clarification":

The old contract is still in effect until a new one is settled. What expired is the raises.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Contract Clarification

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Same Contract, New Day":

The teachers have NO CONTRACT. It expired on June 30.

Explanation: Nonsense, -As It Shouldn't Be Happening

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Get the Facts...":

You are reading the post wrong - calling these issues nonsense was done to emphasize the point that for parents to even have to have these concerns about our kid's education is ridiculous. They should just not be happening at all. And it needs to be fixed immediately. Contract negotiations were never mentioned - they can take however long they need - but educational issues need to be addressed now.

Timing is Everything.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Not the Truth":

What is twisted is teachers who didn't invite parents back into classrooms for Halloween even though they were directed to by the superintendent. After Halloween they invite parents back in for other holiday celebrations and then they think all is well and parents are morons who are going to forget that they were dissed for Halloween?

Bottom line - the teachers held their course and got away with it (Old Beth and Parkway conceded but Stratford, Pasadena and KCenter didn't)

As far as college recommendations - Things weren't happening in September and early October as they usually would have - teachers purposely waited and did them eventually and now they are saying all is well.

Same for decorating classrooms and hallways nothing until October and lets all forget about the bare walls our kids had for the first month or so of school. What a crock.

It's all in the timing. This Newsday story should have been written in late September when the games were going on full force. It's really said that teachers are playing around with the students and parents. They have really lost the trust of the community. Some things should have been off limits.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Couldn't Go.................

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Show Up, or Shut Up":

Couldn't go. Had to be at work late that night. What do you think...I work teachers hours?

No Questions Answered

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Not the Truth":

Did you also notice that the district's chief negotiator (the one wearing the $3,000 Armani suit and a Rolex on his wrist)also didn't answer questions???? Maybe there's a reason.

Same Contract, New Day

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Something For Everyone":

Very well put, however many make the mistake in thinking the teachers do not have a contract right now. They do, they have the contract from last year which is still valid. Their demands are for a change in contract. If I am not phrasing that correctly someone please explain.

Spread the Word

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board Meeting OverView and An Article in Newsday":

send this to anyone who will listen. The district all around needs to understand the parents are concerned about so many topics, not just the teachers poor judgement in behavior.

Stand up and Be Counted

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BOE,: All Talk and Carry a Big List":

Although you maybe right that do not have the stomach to get up and speak at the board. The reality is if they do not advocate for their children by speaking up then they have nothing to complain about. If you do not get involved you can't complain when problems in the school continue to exist

Something For Everyone

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Basic Skills, Lacking":

Many people moved to this school district because they felt that Plainview has a good reputation and perhaps couldn't afford to live in the towns where the top rated are located. In this day and age, it would be difficult to move to an area with higher home prices and taxes as well as being able to sell one's own home.
Overall this community does show interest in their children's education and supports the teachers. The teachers should be able to teach all the children in the community with success. Most of these children come to school well cared for and ready to learn, with parents that are willing to help.

The schools are not all bad, instead of moving, there is nothing wrong with expecting and demanding Plainview to improve their schools. Why would dedicated teachers and administrators want this as well?

In support of the teachers, my children have had some very good teachers throughout the years and I have seen for myself, despite the lack of a contract, they are just as dedicated this year. (Which they should be) The one thing that parents should instill in their children is respect for teachers and the act of learning. In all classes, especially middle school and high school, children will learn more effectively, if they are respectful and listen to the teacher. My child has told me of many instances in the middle school of students not paying attention and disrupting the learning for all the students. Yes, the teacher and the principal of the school should be able to address this problem, but parents also must instill this in their children.

It is unfair to parents, to say that children need tutors because parents aren't helping them at home. The children that need the most help are often the ones unwilling to let their parent's help them at home. Ideally, homework should be work that the child can do independently. Unfortunately, especially in the younger grades, the kids that "get it" don't need the homework to learn the material and the one's that don't, need help with it. Providing homework help in the younger grades would provide a valuable service to the children that need that extra support.

In addition, if teachers aren't happy with what is offered, they too can get a job in another district. I know this would probably be just as difficult as buying a another home, since most of the schools on Long Island also have unions.

In my opinion, the PCT, should accept the offer that is on the table and move on. We should be working together, to educate the children. Hopefully, better economic times are around the corner and in years to come the salaries can be increased. The PCT appears greedy at this time, with many people out of work and with many people not receiving raises in years. The average salary of the teachers are average for Long Island and that's what they should be. This is a school that performs at an average level for this area and is not as affluent as many of the higher performing districts. Yes, the superintendent is highly paid and the teacher's salary dispute is not the only problem with the taxes being high in this school district. Right now it is the salary dispute that is on the table and needs to addressed. It was brought to the attention of parents by the teachers. Only then, can the board then concentrate on improving education and making the district run on a more fiscally responsible budget.

BOE,: All Talk and Carry a Big List

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Show Up, or Shut Up":

Not everyone has the stomach to stand up in front of a group or their kid's principal. Neither should they have to. The Board of Ed doesn't need personal testimonies from hundreds of parents to recognize when a good point is made and should be addressed for the benefit of the school district and community.

For the past few meetings the Board of Ed has been making lengthy presentations about routine business that they barely scratched the surface of in the past. This new format is informative but leaves the question - why spend so much time on old news when they could be spending their valuable time actively discussing and formulating an action plan for any one of the myriad of topics on the list of goals they created for themselves?

It's time for the Board of Ed to take an honest look at what's going on here. How many times are they going to talk about improving communication with the public yet not make any plans to update the website into something that is easy to use, and more timely and informative? Why do they present information passively - expecting parents to check a confusing website for sporadically posted messages and updates from the superintendent when every other online information area sends out email updates to those interested.

They can get input from PTA committees and hold open-minded and impartial focus groups with other parents and community members to find out more about how people view the strengths and weaknesses of the schools.

But first, the Board needs to commit to deadlines for goals - even if they might get changed - and pick the first target to focus on. Get an action plan going. Focus on another area. Repeat. Otherwise it's all talk and a big list.

Not the Truth

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Board Meeting OverView and An Article in Newsday":

The article published today in Newsday was incorrect about the status of college recommendations at POBJFK. The teachers have been writing these recommendations since September. If the reporter bothered to interview ANY of our seniors, he would have discovered that there have NOT been any problems regarding their teachers'recommendations. In fact, students continue to drop off envelopes and forms to their teachers daily. There has been NO DIFFERENCE in this year's practices regarding our teachers writing to the colleges about their students. The reporter should have taken the time to interview those involved in the college recommendation writing process before making such an inaccurate comment. I guess it's easier to just scribble down some irate person's outburst than to report the truth.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Board Meeting OverView and An Article in Newsday

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Show Up, or Shut Up":

a Newsday reporter was at the meeting and a portion of the meeting was taped and there is an online story entitled "Plainview-Old Bethpage parents slam teacher protests"

comments/questions brought up by parents at tonight's Board of Ed meeting:

why isn't curriculum consistent throughout the district

Old Beth and Parkway teachers welcomed parents back into the classroom for Halloween and Pasadena and Stratford teachers didn't

Why doesn't Stratford get the same materials as the other elementary schools - this was brought up by non-Stratford parents

why is it so hard to get in touch with teachers here? - teachers in Commack are required to answer parent emails within a certain amount of time or they have to explain to administration why they couldn't

the PCT compares POB teacher salaries to neighboring districts but those districts have longer days - and less days off - so it is not a fair comparison since those teachers work more hours

questions about implementation of various remedial reading programs - how they are being supported in the classrooms - teachers need materials

why don't elementary report cards contain academics in all 4 quarters

why can't elementary extra help happening before or after school instead of during school so your kid doesn't miss out on math when they need help in reading

why can't we have a 9 period school day instead of 8 so kids have more choices and can have lunch

why aren't reading level results explained and available to all elementary parents - suggestion made to include this information on the report card

what is the timetable for the goals of the Board of Ed about report cards

can we eliminate or lower contribution to teacher retirement fund (answer - no - this is a state law not a local decision)

an explanation was asked for the discrepancy in what the school taxes actually cost vs. what was estimated as reported by Newsday

there were about 70 parents at tonight's meeting - parents have been showing up at BOE meetings pretty consistently since the beginning of October and different parents are speaking up

School Decline Responsible for People Moving?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Basic Skills, Lacking":

Many have moved out of the district. I am seeing it on my own block.

Time to Mobilize to Effect Change

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Show Up, or Shut Up":

I have been reading this blog for several weeks now. I agree that parents should attend the board meeting. There are two key issues that are discussed on this blog - both are intertwined, but may have to be addressed separately. One is the issue of negotiating a contract with the teachers. The other is proposing changes to the school curriculum. Can anyone make suggestions on what constructive steps parents can take to influence both? What can we do together? As an example, which part of the curriculum do we as parents want the BOE to address now? And in what way? It seems that we need to mobilize if we really want changes. Please comment/ advise.

Show Up, or Shut Up

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Reply":

It is pretty sad
I was just at the board meeting. Where are all the people who complain on this sight? The Board is going to do what they want because nobody bothers to speak up. This blog is useless unless people start going to the BOE meeting. If you don't bother going to the meeting don't complain!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Check the Comments

Letter from the editor...

To the person who sent the email about rudeness at the K-center Halloween Parade, I am sorry if your email was not posted, there is a chance that I never received it.If you can , re-comment it and I will see about posting it.

All email unless it is unwaveringly crude is published, at my discretion. Please keep in mind that I have a full time job.I do not get paid to do this and all who care to curse me out, think I am not doing a good job or feel that the blog has a slant to it, (last I checked there isn't a periodical on the planet that doesn't have a slant to it.) do not send me your accusations, I am not interested. -Save that for the Board of Ed! I am not your employee. If you don't like what is here, you are welcome not to come back. I certainly don't agree with everything posted here, but I post it nonetheless.

Please feel free to start your own blog.

And, oh yeah, this is not an invitation to start a thread about this. I will not post those.

A Reply

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Give More Money and Maybe You Would Get More":

I beg to differ. We had children in elementary school and there was very little follow thru with regard to differential teaching. We offered to supply writing books for paragraphs instead of filling in the blanks for comprehension. Not acceptable. We offered workbooks for their level to be done as soon as they finished the in-class assignment. Not possible. We offered print outs from the computer with spider diagrams for comprehension to use instead of drawing pictures, for book reports. It took til the end of March for the teacher to actually ask for one to be done. I don't think money was needed, or lesson planning time or much time for marking was needed in any of these situations. Just a desire to help a child learn at their level. I think most parents would be happy to provide some materials for their children if it would be used. We were lucky enough to be able to spend thousands and thousands of dollars with special programs on the weekends to show that learning isn't about doing busy work, and that school can be exciting and fun. I think parents in the early grades today are probably getting the same lack of interest in differentiated teaching that we got.

ps. I understand teachers work hard, but in order just to keep a job today that's what is required. In today's economy very few people are getting raises and most everyone is grateful just to have a job. I find it rather amusing that the teachers think that showing up and doing their job entitles them to a raise, while the rest of us sit with our fingers crossed. Lastly, I know at my job, when I put in extra time, I hope it shows my boss that I want to be on the bottom of the cut list. I certainly don't sit around arguing for a raise before I consider giving more.

Give More Money and Maybe You Would Get More

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Differentiated Instruction and Strategies Lacking":

How old is your child? What kinds of differentiated work would you like your child to get? The other schools in Nassau county don't start their Talents or Excellerated programs until 3rd grade. Teachers need to spend their OWN money to purchase books in which to photocopy from. They need to purchase ink and paper to print up activities from their home computers, you want your kids to have hands on learning experiences, most teachers buy things with their own money when it makessense. If the teachers made what other teachers made locally, maybe you would get more.
From, a local teacher.

Superintendent -Why? Board -Really?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "November's Message from Superintendent Dempsey":

Sorry, This message is just a lot of words, too little too late. Where was he before the parents complained? Why isn't he pro-active? Why three months into the year is he still talking about the bulletin-boards? It should have been resolved within the first week of school. And where is the message about how the inequality in our schools is going to be fixed? When is he going to pull up and see that giving each elementary school autonomy is NOT working? - And to the Board, thank you for voting the Superintendent who seems to be going no where, car allowance so he can get there faster.


Please come down to the Board meeting. Grab a friend, Get involved with your child's education, see where your tax dollars are going, compliment the board, or register a complaint. -Our schools will only be as strong as the taxpayers voices are.

7:45 tonight; Board room in the Central Administration Building, Washington Ave.

November's Message from Superintendent Dempsey

The Reality VS The Myth

Stratford parent has left a new comment on your post "Get the Facts...":

Had I known the truth about the schools here I certainly would not have bought my house.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Next Board Meeting.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Next Problem":

Will this be addressed Monday night at the next Board meeting?

Ed's Note: The Next Board Meeting will be this Monday night November 16th at 7:45 in the board room of the Central Administration on Washington Ave. (Mattlin) Take this opportunity to voice your concerns and find out what the Board of Ed is working on.

Equal Time For All

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ed's note.":

As a parent who has been following this blog I do not think the one running it has done anything but allow ALL to voice their concerns however one sees fit. Pro or Anti Union choices.

Inequality is Unacceptable

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Why are Expectations So Low?":

What lawyer is going to take on a case that a parent says:
my kid hasn't had any science in the first quarter
my kid has never been in a reading group
my kid doesn't get an $8 ELA workbook that other kids in the same grade in other schools in the district do
my kid is still doing Investigations math?

Unfortunately there is no legal basis for a school district to provide the same materials for every child. There is no legal basis to force teachers to use certain math textbooks even when they are purchased for the students. There is no legal basis to force teachers to include a certain number of science lessons in every quarter. There is no legal basis to make teachers form reading groups.

There should be a curriculum in all subjects in all grades that is adhered to by all teachers in all schools. There are enough chairpeople and administrators in place to work this out. It's time for the Board of Ed to take an honest look at what's going on here and to hold both administrators and teachers accountable and make the standards here to be as high as they claim - across the board in every class and every school. Every kid deserves the same chance of success not just those in certain classes or in certain schools. The inequality is unacceptable.

To blame low standards on adhering to the expectations of adminstrators is passing the buck - every teacher is responsible for setting their own standards. Parents know and request teachers who have high standards - reputations for really teaching reading or writing, or making sure kids learn cursive or math. There are many discrepancies from room to room and many gaps. It's all legal but district policy shouldn't allow it.

Basic Skills, Lacking

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teachers: Do Your Job. TEACH":

Whoever wrote "Parents would not have to hire tutors...if they would stop choosing to self select..." and "Younger children would not require tutors if their parents would spend some time with their chilren instead of brushing them off..." HOW DARE YOU!!!!! My daughter (who is now in college) was a product of "whole language" in elementary school. I was told by her teacher not to correct her spelling and to this day she can't spell. My son, now in HS, was a product of "investigations" and can't do basic math. I hire tutors because our district if failing our children!!! Our teachers must know it, but do nothing (is it because they can then hire themselves out as tutors for $100 an hour?) I do not know why Plainview has such a good reputation when our children seem so lacking in basic skills.

Get the Facts...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks Out":

Intersting how all of the angry parents are focused on teachers who they believe are underserving of this tiny pay increase they are fighting for, one that basically equates to in after tax dollars to maybe filling up an SUV with a tank of gas. I am not a union person, but just curious why nobody is talking about the schools superintendant who makes with benefits over 250,000.00 a year plus draws a pension from his old job or people like Ryan Ruf, assistant superintendant of business who last year got a 10.75% pay increase to over 170k, and these are based on last years numbers. The school board costs us over 1 million dollars a year, tell me. WTF do they do to deserve that kind of money? Then all of you, who it is clearly obvious that most of you know absolutly nothing about the facts go and start this blog, why would anyone who researches Plainview and has young children want to move here after reading this nonsense.

I am not a teacher, I am not a union person, but I did take the time to learn the actual facts and not just a one sided view of either the union or the school board. Maybe some of you should do the same before you get your wish, our property taxes will go down, because the value of our homes will further diminish because nobody raising a family will want to move here.