Monday, November 16, 2009

Check the Comments

Letter from the editor...

To the person who sent the email about rudeness at the K-center Halloween Parade, I am sorry if your email was not posted, there is a chance that I never received it.If you can , re-comment it and I will see about posting it.

All email unless it is unwaveringly crude is published, at my discretion. Please keep in mind that I have a full time job.I do not get paid to do this and all who care to curse me out, think I am not doing a good job or feel that the blog has a slant to it, (last I checked there isn't a periodical on the planet that doesn't have a slant to it.) do not send me your accusations, I am not interested. -Save that for the Board of Ed! I am not your employee. If you don't like what is here, you are welcome not to come back. I certainly don't agree with everything posted here, but I post it nonetheless.

Please feel free to start your own blog.

And, oh yeah, this is not an invitation to start a thread about this. I will not post those.

1 comment:

  1. the pressure of being so one sided must be getting to you!!!!
