Friday, October 16, 2009

OBP Alternate view of PTA Meeting...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Public participation guilt trip?":

I was there and that is not what the principal said! she stated that teachers were upset that they couldn't go into their classrooms early or stay late. She stated she would be putting letters in files for insubordination and also said children and instruction should be the focus right now. I'm sure its rumors like this that will make this situation even worse, pitting adults against adults. She is right. Focus on the childrens' instruction.

Ed's note; I would appreciate more view points on this.

No Raises for Seniors Citizens Says Government

Social Security freeze means seniors must scrimp
By MATT SEDENSKY, Associated Press Writer Matt Sedensky, Associated Press Writer

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. – If her check were bigger, 76-year-old Agnes Conti might be able to spring for a better cut of meat for her pot roast. She could afford to send her nine grandchildren more than $20 for their birthdays and Christmas. She'd be able to buy some nice new clothes, like she sees on QVC, not what she settles for at Walmart.

If only. The government has said the Social Security checks Conti and tens of millions of other seniors rely on as their primary source of income will not increase next year as consumer prices have fallen overall. And while the retired hospital clerk will get by, she'll be watching her spending even closer, knowing she can't expect the annual raise she's been accustomed to.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Public participation guilt trip?

annon has left a new comment on your post "BOE Head in the Sand?":

Last nite at the old beth pta the principal told us that teachers were
upset that old beth parents spoke about what's going on with the strike and
it's effects in the classroom, at the board meeting .

I thought that was what the board of ed was for. To represent the parents.
Are the teachers feeling guilty about their behavior? Do the teachers feel that parents should just shut up, be grateful for their fabulous selves and pay their
taxes blindly?

I am angry that the principle spoke to me that way. I am angry that my kid
is being affected in subtle and not so subtle ways by our teachers
behavior. No parent should be discouraged from speaking at board of ed meetings, even inadvertently.

Although I did not speak at the BOE meeting, no parent should be made to
feel guilty for questioning what's going on with the schools their taxes are funding or with the education their child is getting.

More cuts? Where Will We Get the Money From?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BOE Head in the Sand?":

I think the BOE is acting responsibly in their approach to the unions demands. Especially since the Governor is set to announce if he will be making cuts to school aid. If that's the case where is the district going to come up with the money to pay for the raises. Big question where is the other districts that the teachers quote gave out big raises going to come up with the money? ( i don't really care I don't live in those towns!)
I think the teachers should accept what they are being offered knowing that the Gov. is thinking about cutting school aid. If that is the case and the Gov. does make these cuts, well maybe the board should take their offer off the table.

BOE Head in the Sand?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BOE: I Am Behind You":

why isn't the boe or school principals going into the rooms and questioning why classwork isn't being hung up? too chicken?

keeping class parents out doesn't mean you don't hear from kids that nothing is hanging

kids are very happy to report what their classrooms are like, they notice the difference but don't understand why

neither do I

Ed's note: Suggestion: could you bring this up at the next board meeting as this is an action we all would like to see.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

BOE: I Am Behind You

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "BOE: Tell Us the Whole Story":

Rosenfeld is grasping at straws! LOL!! Hold the Line BOE!!!

ed's note: I couldn't agree more!

Fire Regulations and Childrens Art Work

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Only Children's Art Work is Flammable?":

Actually I spoke to the Nassau County fire marshal's office today - the supervisor of the institutional/educational division.

He was a very nice guy - let's not blame him for test scores!!

He told me that, despite his title, the fire inspections of public schools are not governed by their office - they are governed by NYS State Education Dept.

He is responsible for private schools in Nassau County.

He said that any items in the hallways, even PTA posters, are considered combustible since hallways are used for exits and they generally don't have sprinklers. When a hallway has a sprinkler there are different rules.

He said that paper can be fire retardant and that there is some sort of spray that can be applied to papers to make it fire retardant but it sometimes spoils the work.

I asked about display cabinets with glass doors embedded in the walls - he said the glass needed to be fire safe - and otherwise the glass should be removed and the cabinets empty.

He said that classrooms can have paper on the walls but they should be a certain amount of feet away from the door (3 feet maybe?) and exit window.

He said that the procedure for inspection goes like this - district gets notifcation from state ed and labels for each property, the district downloads an inspection booklet that has a checklist and the district engages someone who has certification as a NY state code enforcement official to do the inspection for all the buildings the school district owns.

He said that principals are aware when the inspections are, they change every year, one month different before the prior year, and that staff has ample time to make adjustments to be in compliance before the inspection. He said there is also time to review the inspection results (nonconformities) and make adjustments and fix problems before the final version goes to state ed.

He mentioned that most of the carpets in the classrooms are not fire safe. He says that it is commonplace for items to be stowed prior to inspection and then taken back out after the inspection.

He also mentioned that Nassau County fire regulations can be more stringent than those of the State ed dept.

He gave me information for the NY state ed fire inspector.

So - it looks like the teachers can hide behind "regulations" for not putting up work in the hallways but that doesn't hold up for the classrooms.

Who Is Responsible for the Curriculum?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "If Only......":

who knows about the work from year to year? forget about hanging it up - what it is - it's conveniently different from class to class and school to school - no written curriculum even though there are chair people for major subject areas - what do these people do - who needs them - fire them for not caring about results being so different between Parkway and Pasadena or Old Beth and Stratford and doing nothing to fix that - every school is it's own island - with some islands richer than others - the scores show it - the budget clearly shows more money spent at some schools over others - and that's ok with the board of ed that some kids get materials and others kids don't - although we all pay taxes - it's time for change - what's going on this year shows how out of control things are - can anyone hold teachers accountable for anything -superintendent, board of ed, bueller?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Only Children's Art Work is Flammable?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Lies?":

There is no school work in a built-in glass display case by the auditorium in Stratford Road. It's directly behind the person you sign in with and usually has class projects in it. It was covered in decorative paper but bare of children's work. Is the paper a fire hazard? Even behind glass?

There were some decorations on a bulletin board usually done by PTA and a poster advertising Picture Day on a wall by the front door. Isn't that hazardous? Or it is just our children's work that creates a dangerous condition and not things hung up by the PTA?

As far as "growing up" and "taking action" myself, I left a message for the Nassau County Fire Marshal - but haven't heard back yet.

The BOE needs to do an inspection and figure out why hanging student's work is hazardous in the elementary schools but not in the administration building. Artwork is displayed in the board room and there is a decorated bulletin board right outside the superintendent's office.

Monday, October 12, 2009

If Only......

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Justified raises":

Our results suck

On paper we don't compare to those districts -

If so , my house would be worth 30-40K more

ed's note: Test scores math and ELA: percent scoring a four(4)
Grade 3 Syosset (2 different schools)ELA 31/32% Pasadena (for example) 11%
Syosset Math 48/48% Pasadena 29%
Grade 4 Syosset ELA 34/34% Pasadena 23%
Math 75/58% Pasadena 53%
Grade 5 Syosset ELA 95/57% Pasadena 23%
Please note that Syosset scores in Math were also greatly increased as compared to last year, coinciding with the new "easier" test.

BOE: Tell Us the Whole Story

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Do your homework...":

The community OKed Ryan Ruf's raise when they voted for the budget. Numbers indicating a raise were on documents handed out at BOE meetings during budget discussions.

For obvious reasons, Mr. Ruf's increase wasn't included as a highlight in the budget mailing that went to the community. But if you requested a full copy of the budget and took the time to go over line by line, it was there.

Teacher givebacks weren't detailed in the presentation the lawyer made on behalf of the BOE. That focused on how much the PCT demands would cost and that they were unaffordable in comparison to the BOE offer. The presentation talked about current steps in salaries and used calculations to show them to be very generous.

Anything additional that the teachers were expected to do for the BOE offer or givebacks were not discussed, therefore leading to the assumption that everything was the same. The conclusion was that teachers were being unreasonable.

Labor contract negotiations are not my specialty. But it's hard to even be knowledgeable when only select information is made public or highlighted by the source of my information- the BOE and details care coming out of the woodwork from blog tirades and youtubes.

I'm disappointed that our BOE doesn't tell a complete story and puts obstacles (like telling parents to FOIL information that was publicly discussed) in the way of getting those facts.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Call for Protest":

Anonymous stated
"2. Teachers were DIRECTED not to decorate hallways by Fire Marshall. Last year decorations had to be removed from classroom doors, above doors, around doors, and in stairwells and many hallways. It was for the safety of children and staff and due to fire code"
Say what you want it came straight from the union reps in each building not to put anything up!!!! And the union reps got it straight from the horses mouth!!!
Mr. Rosenfeld or your agents, post your lies!! all you want! we don't believe you!
You and your union are grasping at straws. You are selling out the young new teachers for the sake of fattening your do nothing dinosaurs.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's Time to Start Over

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Do your homework...":

The situation in this district has gone from bad to worse:

There is no leadership. Many teachers dress inappropriately. They wear flimsy tank-tops, jeans and flip-flops. They want to be considered professionals but no professional would ever dress that way for work. If the building is warm, dress lighter…but please, dress appropriately.

The leadership has also allowed faculty gripes to impact the children. Their protest pins should NEVER be allowed in any class picture. Where was the Principal when this happened? Teachers should NEVER be mentioning the contract situation to the students during class time. Children shouldn’t be listening to this. Even worse, the hallways lay bare because the teachers have refused to hang the children’s work in further protest. Children are being denied the self-esteem boost of seeing their work on display.

Surprisingly, they are seeking retroactive increases for “extra” work but are setting forth the bare minimum. And again, the administration is allowing it. Don’t waste my time mentioning neighboring districts. Plainview has declined significantly, still hasn’t caught up and the teachers had gotten raises through it all. And every pay increase carried an inherent pension increase with it. The PCT letter failed to mention how much extra those neighboring districts do, i.e. extra-help before and after school, intramurals and clubs as early as elementary school.

All around our district, probably in a number of places, a child’s parent or parents are losing their jobs, their pensions, their health insurance or maybe their home. They are having the infamous kitchen-table discussions about how times are tough but how they will stick together to get by. No Christmas presents, no trips, no eating out, no dance classes, no camps and no extras - just get through it. Add to that the news they overhear mentioning the bad economy and about how other families are struggling. It must be scary for those children. Then the next day the child walks through picket lines to get to class, listens to a teacher dressed in black talking about their contract pay increase demands and wearing large protest pins in their class pictures.

It tells me one thing. THEY DON’T CARE.

And now, that’s why I don’t care either. At first I was indifferent to their getting the 2% pay increases they were offered. But now, with their unprofessional behavior, I am against their getting any increase at all. ALL FACULTY PROTESTING ‘INSIDE’ THE SCHOOL SHOULD BE FIRED (including any administration that permits this to happen). If there was ever a time, this is it. The market is filled with very capable educators who would beg for the chance to teach in this district without complaint and for far less money. They would be happy to have the low-cost health insurance, a defined-benefit pension, dental coverage, vision coverage, sick-time, two-months off each year, family-leave even without the tenure the current teachers have.

Shame on the teachers for involving the children. Shame on the administration for their looking the other way. And shame on the PCT for extorting demands on a district that does not have the economic means to meet them.

The world has lost its civility. Kanye West, Congressmen yelling at the President, athletes threatening referees and now the teachers are doing the same. They have transferred their discontent to the wrong forum….they’ve brought it INTO the classroom. It’s inappropriate and it’s wrong.

Its time to start over. Fire them.

the Actual Curriculum is the problem

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Justified raises":

Are you saying that the end results of Syosset and Jericho as being among the highest ranking districts in LI is directly correlated to how much the teachers get paid?

That if suddenly Plainview teachers got the same money our scores and children's education would jump to those levels?

Our homes would be worth $30-40,000 more since our school district would have the same educational ranking?

What's being left out of this discussion is the actual curriculum in Plainview.

Music and art are wonderful. Chinese is interesting. But the 3 Rs (reading, 'ritng and 'rithmetic) are severely lacking especially on the elementary level.

Paying the teachers $20,000 more a year might make them very happy and put work back up on bulletin boards but isn't going to make up for bad curriculum like Writer's Workshop that isn't working.

Do your homework...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Justified raises":

Jericho schools look good on paper. Do you realize that we have some of their spec-ed kids in our schools? They have less spec-ed classes because they send them to us. My daughter is in that class. Are you aware that our administrators have been given double digit pay raises. Ask Mr. Ruff if he received a 10% ($18,000) raise this year. Ask the Board if they okayed that and Mr. Dempsey's $60,000 raise as well. I have done my homework. It is amazing that my fellow neighbors know nothing about the administrators raises which the Board granted. Ask Mr Rosenfeld why the union turned down the 2% raise-Do you know of all the givebacks the teachers would have to hand back. Fellow POB citizens, ask questions-do not just listen-there is a lot more than we are being told. Do YOUR homework.

eds note: anonymous posted that they did not wish to offend and ask that a word be changed. The edits have been made.