Saturday, October 3, 2009
Union NYC Teacher Responds:
I have been a teacher for 17 for the NYC DOE. I have worked without a contract for years on end only to finally get one that expired soon after. I went into teaching for the joy of teaching and the rewards of helping children, not a hefty paycheck.
This October the NYC teachers union contract is up for renewel. However, we have been told by our union not to expect anything. The City of NY has no money to give out pay raises due to the economic climate.
Therefore, if I as a teacher can still work with my students, maintain my job status, and work without a contract, maybe the Plainview teachers can too. They should try it !
Lastly, the Plainview Congress of Teachers sent a letter to the American Federation of Teachers union members asking for support from myself and other union members. I find it a real smack in the face to ask me for support when I am not getting a pay raise anytime soon, but want myself, as a tax payer, to pay more in taxes so these teachers can get a raise. Tell me who is getting the short end of the stick?!
Friday, October 2, 2009
PTA Letter to Class Parents: Teachers say, " No parents in classrooms"
Dear Class Parents,
We would like to inform you of a decision that the teachers have made. At this time the teachers will not be inviting parents, including class parents, into the classroom for class parties. Most of you have met or talked with your teacher about this. This does not mean that they will not be having class parties. The parties will probably be at a smaller scale. They might ask you to get or make something small for the party like cupcakes and water.
If you are asked to purchase or prepare a longer list of items, we recommend that you ask the teacher to scale down the list and make it simpler. The teacher should be giving you instructions soon since you need time to call parents to ask them to contribute either money or other things to the party. This year we are not collecting money at the beginning of the year so class parents need more time to prepare.
Parents will still be invited to chaperone on class trips.
If your teacher has not yet set up a meeting with you, please email the PTA at pasadenaelementary@gmail.
The Pasadena PTA
We're Mad as Hell and We're Not Going To Take it Anymore!!
The teachers are lucky they have a job, a good paying one at that and should be grateful given the state of the economy. If they don't like it here, let them go teach in the inner city; maybe then they'll realize how good they have it.
As for using our children as a bargaining chip - it's DISGUSTING!!! I don't know how they can live with themselves for doing that.
In the business world, if you want a raise, you have to show that you deserve it first. Well, why don't teachers have to do the same? Where is the differentiated teaching within the classroom so that all the kids' needs are met? Why is my kids' school always the one with the lowest scores on par with a district such as Roosevelt? Teachers - show me that you can teach - then maybe when I can afford it, I'll be more open to your raise request. Right now, I don't see how you deserve one.
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Teachers say, "no money, we won't do anything extra"
As the negotiations sashay forth, school has become a little bit, "less than". It's the bare minimum but still fulfilling legal obligation. The talk is in the air: the Halloween parade at Old Bethpage Elementary School has been canceled. Recommendations for college are a bit slow in coming if at all, and the decorated classroom is showing up absent.
I must say, if this is the way I negotiated for a raise; showing my boss the bare minimum I can do, I would never get a raise,(nor would I deserve one!).
It's interesting that this is the union's tactic to get more money. I think it is the boards job to stand firm and the parents who don't have more money, should back them.
Anyone disagree?