Monday, September 13, 2010

Taxes to Go UP Another 5%?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tomorrow Nights Board Meeting Agenda- Wellness Pol...":

How about someone bring up the issue of the teachers contract that is in SECRET NEGOTIATIONS.
Is the board going to cave in again?
As reported in Newsday last week:
the state comptroller has lowered the estimated return on investment of the pensions which means that we the TAX PAYERS will be on the HOOK for an estimated EXTTRA 5% INCREASE IN PENSION OBLIGATIONS.This is not a rumor but more likely an under estimate of how much more that we will be paying. Resident should look at their current tax bill and add an extra 5% to it and that will be what you will be paying next year , if not more unless drastic cuts are made in our budget that should come from the cost of labor not on the backs of working class citizens like ourselves who work a lot longer hours (that is for those residents who are fortunate to still be employed). I would like to know when are we going to stand up as a community and say enough is enough.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tomorrow Nights Board Meeting Agenda- Wellness Policy.

Approval of Wellness Policy at BOE meeting tomorrow night

Voice any of your concerns at the Board Meeting Monday night.

What Can I Do About Irresponsible Dog Owners?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Don't Get Shut Out from the Forum on Bullying/ Sch...":

Can you start a new thread for this topic that is clearly very different from all others?

Since this blog is about all aspects of life in Plainview, I have a subject I'd like to throw out for anyone's advice. I really don't know what to do here.

I live on a corner property. There are many lovely and responsible dog owners who walk their dogs and ALWAYS clean up after them. Unfortunately, there are a few who don't. I don't know what these people are thinking, leaving their dogs' feces on other peoples' lawns and sidewalks.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do about this one? Also, am I the only person in Plainview to have this problem?