Thursday, May 6, 2010

For Latest Educational News in NY State...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Property Taxes Rise 2x":

New York Ed Reform Blog Unveiled
Looking for the latest news, fresh commentary, and detailed analysis on New York education reform? You can now find it at FERA’s New York Ed Reform blog. FERA researchers and guests will regularly be offering their views on what’s going right and wrong in New York’s schools, highlight the latest reform initiatives, and summarizing news at the State Capitol, in the Big Apple, and the entire Empire State.

Educational Accountability

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Property Taxes Rise 2x":

This is a great website to go on to see how we are taking a backseat for our childrens educational priorities. This is just one of the articles on this website that every parent should read

"Analysis Identifies Weak Teacher Reforms Proposed in New York’s Race to the Top Application"

"what is booming is the public education industry. A recent Schenectady Daily Gazette editorial describes teachers and other public employees as having “become a privileged class.” The editorial notes that average education employee salaries exceeds the average worker outside of New York City and the job security, pensions, and health benefits are all more generous as well

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Property Taxes Rise 2x

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What Else Has Been Changed at Executive Meetings?":

It has been a long time since I have been impressed with at the board meeting.
If you go to the BOE meeting and ask them why the changes , they will just give you more excuses. Look what happen when we asked about the labor contracts . Click on the link below and you will see the fact that proprety taxes rose 2x the rate of inflation.

Candidate Introductions?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mr. Cepeda Incourages Your Attendance...":

I won't be able to make this meeting; I hope there will be posting to this blog where people can briefly objectively comment on the candidate introductions.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Else Has Been Changed at Executive Meetings?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Should Be For All......":

After hearing a budget presentation, I was really impressed that our district was able to maintain all our programs and teachers when our neighboring districts have not been so lucky, but now it seems not to be true. They have made significant changes in the Extended Readiness Program (XR- a kindergarten and first grade program just to save money by not replacing at least one of the teachers and they didn't tell any of the parents until it was already done. I think everyone should come to this meeting and the next board meeting and ask what else they have changed without telling us.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Education; It's Simply Not Good

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Vote Yes, But Change the Faces on the BOE":

My vote against the budget has nothing to do with the teachers' contract. It would be a rarity for Plainview's budget not to pass. I'm just not happy with the school system. The education my children receive is simply not good. My taxes do not need to increase so they can continue what's already below mediocrity.