Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Only the Board's Attention Gets Things Done?":
Mark these words!
Mr.Rosenfeld will settle his next contract before the new board member gets on for fear that she may not side with his union demands. The need for this community to take back the board is still there. We must again say that this economy can not support constant growth of the district's payroll and the burden on the taxpayers.
There are two board members up for reelection who have been very generous to the union in the past, we must again turn out and vote in one or two members who agree with the community.
Let's hold our board accountable and maybe accountability will be spread throughout the district.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Only the Board's Attention Gets Things Done?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Looking for an Avenue That Fosters Real Change":
There are many positives about living in Plainview. No question on that one. What the schools provide is not commesurate with the taxes we pay. True, there are some teachers and administrators who are noteworthy but sadly there are many who are not.
As for me, I've worked my way up the ladder, courteously and professionally on a major issue regarding my child's lack of instruction this year. A concern for my child was never the priority of school officials. All that mattered to them was their own accountability. The buiding principal involved was actually dishonest with the higher ups. When I contacted the board, I must say that they were extremely supportive to me. It was only then that I was taken seriously.
As I started reading this blog and talking publicly about my situation, I found that this was by far not unique. It seems that issues are rarely handled at the building level. I was given lip service, interestingly enough the same lip service (verbatim) others got from this particular adminsitrator on a completely different matter. The objective was not to take the parent seriously and consider the child but simply to "get rid of" the parent.
Throughout the process, I suggested many solutions to the problem, viable ideas that came from extensive research on what should and could be done within the scope of a public school classroom. Until I got the board involved, the district didn't seem to care.
There are many positives about living in Plainview. No question on that one. What the schools provide is not commesurate with the taxes we pay. True, there are some teachers and administrators who are noteworthy but sadly there are many who are not.
As for me, I've worked my way up the ladder, courteously and professionally on a major issue regarding my child's lack of instruction this year. A concern for my child was never the priority of school officials. All that mattered to them was their own accountability. The buiding principal involved was actually dishonest with the higher ups. When I contacted the board, I must say that they were extremely supportive to me. It was only then that I was taken seriously.
As I started reading this blog and talking publicly about my situation, I found that this was by far not unique. It seems that issues are rarely handled at the building level. I was given lip service, interestingly enough the same lip service (verbatim) others got from this particular adminsitrator on a completely different matter. The objective was not to take the parent seriously and consider the child but simply to "get rid of" the parent.
Throughout the process, I suggested many solutions to the problem, viable ideas that came from extensive research on what should and could be done within the scope of a public school classroom. Until I got the board involved, the district didn't seem to care.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Blog is a Reflection of Community's Frustration
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This is My Blog":
I think this has been a difficult year and there were many things going on here that people were upset about. The blog became a reflection of that frustration.
Most people tend to discuss problems or things that are bothering them and blogs are no different. If you go to any review site you will mostly find very good or very bad reviews - mostly very bad. Angry people tend to want to share their anger. Neutral people or satisfied people don't get involved. How often do you call a company to tell them how great their appliance works but you would call them if it needed 5 repairs in 6 months? You'd probably call to complain. It's human nature. Some companies run blogs just to hear negative things so that they can improve their products.
The blog had several posts saying positive things about the school budget and the capital reserve fund and points of view from teachers that would have never come to light in another way. I learned about the high school sneaker thing and voted online. I never would have known about that otherwise. Some posts are way out ranting but many are pretty good. Most readers can separate the truly negative posts from the ones that are raising valid points.
The posts about teacher texting - was that complaining or parents being honest about something that was bothering them that they didn't have the guts to bring up otherwise? It's an awkward topic and a big accusation. But your kid comes home with a story and you're upset about it. The blog gives anonymous cover so that people who might not talk might say something. Some comments were very negative but so what? At least the elephant in the room was out and it was being debated. Also, the blog broke the story about the POB Middle school charity basketball game not being played with teachers. People who went to the game would find this out anyhow but it must have bothered the person who wrote that post enough to want to share the information and they probably felt better after it was out in the open and everyone knew. They didn't have to say their name which makes it easier. The blog is a cross between confession and therapy. It's not all Jerry Springer.
Thanks Suzala for providing a forum for people like me who work full time and don't go to PTA meetings. I don't have an "in" about what's going on. I realize that the blog isn't everything but at least it's something and some of it is pretty good.
I think this has been a difficult year and there were many things going on here that people were upset about. The blog became a reflection of that frustration.
Most people tend to discuss problems or things that are bothering them and blogs are no different. If you go to any review site you will mostly find very good or very bad reviews - mostly very bad. Angry people tend to want to share their anger. Neutral people or satisfied people don't get involved. How often do you call a company to tell them how great their appliance works but you would call them if it needed 5 repairs in 6 months? You'd probably call to complain. It's human nature. Some companies run blogs just to hear negative things so that they can improve their products.
The blog had several posts saying positive things about the school budget and the capital reserve fund and points of view from teachers that would have never come to light in another way. I learned about the high school sneaker thing and voted online. I never would have known about that otherwise. Some posts are way out ranting but many are pretty good. Most readers can separate the truly negative posts from the ones that are raising valid points.
The posts about teacher texting - was that complaining or parents being honest about something that was bothering them that they didn't have the guts to bring up otherwise? It's an awkward topic and a big accusation. But your kid comes home with a story and you're upset about it. The blog gives anonymous cover so that people who might not talk might say something. Some comments were very negative but so what? At least the elephant in the room was out and it was being debated. Also, the blog broke the story about the POB Middle school charity basketball game not being played with teachers. People who went to the game would find this out anyhow but it must have bothered the person who wrote that post enough to want to share the information and they probably felt better after it was out in the open and everyone knew. They didn't have to say their name which makes it easier. The blog is a cross between confession and therapy. It's not all Jerry Springer.
Thanks Suzala for providing a forum for people like me who work full time and don't go to PTA meetings. I don't have an "in" about what's going on. I realize that the blog isn't everything but at least it's something and some of it is pretty good.
Needed: Avenue for Real Change
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Looking for an Avenue That Fosters Real Change":
The only way to resolve a problem is to first admit there is one. If we're not honest about things we'll never improve them.
To be fair, some board members did respond to the community's concerns about taxes and didn't support the teacher's contract. But voting against a contract doesn't solve the problem and make it go away, either. So you're right that we need an avenue for real change. I don't know what that is. That's what this blog can brainstorm.
The only way to resolve a problem is to first admit there is one. If we're not honest about things we'll never improve them.
To be fair, some board members did respond to the community's concerns about taxes and didn't support the teacher's contract. But voting against a contract doesn't solve the problem and make it go away, either. So you're right that we need an avenue for real change. I don't know what that is. That's what this blog can brainstorm.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Looking for an Avenue That Fosters Real Change
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This is My Blog":
Why does this blog have a negative tone. When you look at what our school district has been and is going through is very difficult not to feel disenchanted, ignored, and the feeling of the BOE, administrators,the PCT and the teachers,not always working with our best interest as a priority. "our" meaning the community, the children, and the school district.
With all the stress that people have been going through with this depressed economy. Residents went to board meetings stated their case as to why the teachers should of not received any raises and the fact that the BOE knows we are facing a finacial tsunami ahead of us. Yet the BOE ignored common sense , the pleas of the community, and the well being of the infrastructure of our school so the greedy PCT could get raises. How can we not be angry when our tax bill goes through the roof to which the teachers and the PCT blatantly could care less about working with us. Instead they go to the board meetings whining why they want more money.
If we state our name we will be ostrecised in the community as a "trouble maker" or whacko.
This not simply complaining to complain, instead it is looking for an avenue that will foster real change and not politics as usual like it has been for a long time. Thank you editor.
Why does this blog have a negative tone. When you look at what our school district has been and is going through is very difficult not to feel disenchanted, ignored, and the feeling of the BOE, administrators,the PCT and the teachers,not always working with our best interest as a priority. "our" meaning the community, the children, and the school district.
With all the stress that people have been going through with this depressed economy. Residents went to board meetings stated their case as to why the teachers should of not received any raises and the fact that the BOE knows we are facing a finacial tsunami ahead of us. Yet the BOE ignored common sense , the pleas of the community, and the well being of the infrastructure of our school so the greedy PCT could get raises. How can we not be angry when our tax bill goes through the roof to which the teachers and the PCT blatantly could care less about working with us. Instead they go to the board meetings whining why they want more money.
If we state our name we will be ostrecised in the community as a "trouble maker" or whacko.
This not simply complaining to complain, instead it is looking for an avenue that will foster real change and not politics as usual like it has been for a long time. Thank you editor.
Monday, May 24, 2010
This is My Blog
My name is Suzala and this is my Blog.
I started this blog about life in Plainview and wrote a bit of narrative about my observations. Through word of mouth people began making comments of their own and my entries and opinions became unnecessary. The Blog has become a community bulletin board: a service for the community. Recently I posted a request from the Principal of JFK-Plainview High School, Jim Murray, who wanted to raise awareness about a student competition. Morty Rosenfeld, PCT President, also used the blog to present his side on a variety of issues. - (I guess this site has more accessibility and viewers than the district website?) AVeryPlainview has had entries about the school district, teachers, administration, and its union, the PCT. While school has been the main source of content, recently the Blog provided space to post information and opinions about candidates running for the board and inappropriate behaviors on our ball fields that parents wanted the Schools and the Baseball League to be aware of.
AVeryPlainview has become an online forum for residents when traditional forums didn't seem to work. It would appear from comments posted on the Blog that there are people in Plainview and Old Bethpage who feel disenfranchised, unrepresented, and unable to speak freely in public. I understand the fear of being identified. I have heard about retribution in our district and about how those who do speak out feel that their children pay the price for it. I would like to go on record that I will be monitoring this issue for my own children going forward.
The Blog has a large following with new visitors daily, and the freedom to post anonymously is a great draw for many. I would love people to sign their names and stand behind what they say. Perhaps if all of us did this, there would be too many people for the district to punish by penalizing our children.
I have spoken out at board meetings and felt very uncomfortable. I still speak out occasionally but more importantly, I go to board meetings. I do this because it is the only way I can hold the district accountable. I am here. I am listening. I wish more people in POB did this -- I believe we would have a greater voice. Several years ago I attended a PTA meeting to find out more about the controversy surrounding the math program when parents were actually showing up at board meetings and yelling, and the PTA conferred with the principal and told me that the math program was not something that would be discussed there. I didn't feel like it was representing me or encouraging a dialogue between teachers and parents and I felt like I had no where else to go.
Clearly, AVeryPlainview is a venue for those of us who feel quiet suggestions do not work. One thousand signatures on the Remove the Math Program Petition wasn't exactly the conventional way to go, but it gave a voice for those who normally wouldn't speak up. The only people who thought it was whining are those who no longer work here.
The Blog is not my "little aria" right now and should probably be called the, "Voice of Plainview Old Bethpage." as my opinion has not been posted for many many months. I have printed almost every one of the comments I have received because it was not my place to censor the voice of the community. Many know I am friends with Stephanie Nelkens (who is in no way connected to AVeryPlainview) and it pained me to print some of what was said about her. In order for the blog to have credence, it had to be your opinion, not mine.
I will say that I am concerned about our district and the education that my children receive, and I will continue to talk to and work with the BOE, teachers, and the administration in any way that I can to ensure the best education possible for our children.
I encourage you all to keep writing. I hope my "coming out," will encourage you to sign your name to your posts and be counted. I will keep posting as long as there is something to say about life in PlainviewOldBethpage. Words are powerful.
I started this blog about life in Plainview and wrote a bit of narrative about my observations. Through word of mouth people began making comments of their own and my entries and opinions became unnecessary. The Blog has become a community bulletin board: a service for the community. Recently I posted a request from the Principal of JFK-Plainview High School, Jim Murray, who wanted to raise awareness about a student competition. Morty Rosenfeld, PCT President, also used the blog to present his side on a variety of issues. - (I guess this site has more accessibility and viewers than the district website?) AVeryPlainview has had entries about the school district, teachers, administration, and its union, the PCT. While school has been the main source of content, recently the Blog provided space to post information and opinions about candidates running for the board and inappropriate behaviors on our ball fields that parents wanted the Schools and the Baseball League to be aware of.
AVeryPlainview has become an online forum for residents when traditional forums didn't seem to work. It would appear from comments posted on the Blog that there are people in Plainview and Old Bethpage who feel disenfranchised, unrepresented, and unable to speak freely in public. I understand the fear of being identified. I have heard about retribution in our district and about how those who do speak out feel that their children pay the price for it. I would like to go on record that I will be monitoring this issue for my own children going forward.
The Blog has a large following with new visitors daily, and the freedom to post anonymously is a great draw for many. I would love people to sign their names and stand behind what they say. Perhaps if all of us did this, there would be too many people for the district to punish by penalizing our children.
I have spoken out at board meetings and felt very uncomfortable. I still speak out occasionally but more importantly, I go to board meetings. I do this because it is the only way I can hold the district accountable. I am here. I am listening. I wish more people in POB did this -- I believe we would have a greater voice. Several years ago I attended a PTA meeting to find out more about the controversy surrounding the math program when parents were actually showing up at board meetings and yelling, and the PTA conferred with the principal and told me that the math program was not something that would be discussed there. I didn't feel like it was representing me or encouraging a dialogue between teachers and parents and I felt like I had no where else to go.
Clearly, AVeryPlainview is a venue for those of us who feel quiet suggestions do not work. One thousand signatures on the Remove the Math Program Petition wasn't exactly the conventional way to go, but it gave a voice for those who normally wouldn't speak up. The only people who thought it was whining are those who no longer work here.
The Blog is not my "little aria" right now and should probably be called the, "Voice of Plainview Old Bethpage." as my opinion has not been posted for many many months. I have printed almost every one of the comments I have received because it was not my place to censor the voice of the community. Many know I am friends with Stephanie Nelkens (who is in no way connected to AVeryPlainview) and it pained me to print some of what was said about her. In order for the blog to have credence, it had to be your opinion, not mine.
I will say that I am concerned about our district and the education that my children receive, and I will continue to talk to and work with the BOE, teachers, and the administration in any way that I can to ensure the best education possible for our children.
I encourage you all to keep writing. I hope my "coming out," will encourage you to sign your name to your posts and be counted. I will keep posting as long as there is something to say about life in PlainviewOldBethpage. Words are powerful.
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