Friday, May 28, 2010

Only the Board's Attention Gets Things Done?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Looking for an Avenue That Fosters Real Change":

There are many positives about living in Plainview. No question on that one. What the schools provide is not commesurate with the taxes we pay. True, there are some teachers and administrators who are noteworthy but sadly there are many who are not.

As for me, I've worked my way up the ladder, courteously and professionally on a major issue regarding my child's lack of instruction this year. A concern for my child was never the priority of school officials. All that mattered to them was their own accountability. The buiding principal involved was actually dishonest with the higher ups. When I contacted the board, I must say that they were extremely supportive to me. It was only then that I was taken seriously.

As I started reading this blog and talking publicly about my situation, I found that this was by far not unique. It seems that issues are rarely handled at the building level. I was given lip service, interestingly enough the same lip service (verbatim) others got from this particular adminsitrator on a completely different matter. The objective was not to take the parent seriously and consider the child but simply to "get rid of" the parent.

Throughout the process, I suggested many solutions to the problem, viable ideas that came from extensive research on what should and could be done within the scope of a public school classroom. Until I got the board involved, the district didn't seem to care.

1 comment:

  1. Mark these words!

    Mr.Rosenfeld will settle his next contract before the new board member gets on for fear that she may not side with his union demands. The need for this community to take back the board is still there. We must again say that this economy can not support constant growth of the district's payroll and the burden on the taxpayers. There are two board members
    up for reelection who have been very generous to the union in the past, we must again turn out and vote in one or two members who agree with the community. Let's hold our board accountable and maybe accountability will be spread throughout the district.
