Thursday, October 15, 2009

Public participation guilt trip?

annon has left a new comment on your post "BOE Head in the Sand?":

Last nite at the old beth pta the principal told us that teachers were
upset that old beth parents spoke about what's going on with the strike and
it's effects in the classroom, at the board meeting .

I thought that was what the board of ed was for. To represent the parents.
Are the teachers feeling guilty about their behavior? Do the teachers feel that parents should just shut up, be grateful for their fabulous selves and pay their
taxes blindly?

I am angry that the principle spoke to me that way. I am angry that my kid
is being affected in subtle and not so subtle ways by our teachers
behavior. No parent should be discouraged from speaking at board of ed meetings, even inadvertently.

Although I did not speak at the BOE meeting, no parent should be made to
feel guilty for questioning what's going on with the schools their taxes are funding or with the education their child is getting.


  1. The Principal in question is new and trying to curry favor with the teachers!!!!

  2. parents are always made to feel guilty for speaking up for their kids

    I applaud the parents who spoke out to the board of ed - who speak out on this blog - there are still far too many people in this community who don't know what's going on or are afraid to speak about it

    not to belittle bulletin boards and class parents and parties but high school parents face the most important issue of all - college recommendations

    i suspect many are afraid to complain - since there's still a chance to get one and it's too big a gamble to mess with

    the board of ed should personally reach out to the community and call the entire senior class and ask - did you get your college recommendation yet?

    maybe they're all done

    and if not, they can follow up where needed

  3. So many of the statements in the original post and the comments are not true, and it appears that the comments were written by people who did not even attend the OB PTA meeting. The principal's words were misstated. Also, if your child is being affected by the teachers' behavior, it is not because of anything going on in the classrooms. As the principal pointed out, high quality instruction continues to be the standard at OB. And she went on to say that it was her belief that instruction was, and should be the priority, not parties. Why children need a classroom party, in addition to the PTA party in the evening, as well as private parties the following day, is beyond me. I would think more parents would be complaining about missing instructional time due to classroom parties that fill our children with sweets. It is unfortunate that this return to instructional priorities is being seen as a bad thing, simply because it has occured during contract negotiations.
    As far as the principal currying favor with the teachers, I would hope that standing behind quality instruction would "curry favor" with both teachers, parents, and board members alike.
    And I don't think that writing letters of insubordination to teachers because they didn't want to have a party (which she mentioned at the meeting) is going to help her curry any favors with any teachers, although it seemed to make some parents awfully happy.

    Deadlines for early admission/early action college applications are usually around Nov 15. Regular admission deadlines are usually around January 1. Before teachers are crucified for not writing the hundreds of letters that are asked of them, perhaps we should wait to see what happens as the deadlines approach.

  4. The bottom line is the teachers do not want us to have a voice at all. The PTA doesn't and can't get involved. So where are the parents to turn if not a Board of Ed meeting?
    The latest problem to REALLY worry about? There are teachers who are discussing it in CLASS with the students. Start asking your kids and be surprised by some answers.
