Sunday, November 15, 2009

Get the Facts...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Teacher Speaks Out":

Intersting how all of the angry parents are focused on teachers who they believe are underserving of this tiny pay increase they are fighting for, one that basically equates to in after tax dollars to maybe filling up an SUV with a tank of gas. I am not a union person, but just curious why nobody is talking about the schools superintendant who makes with benefits over 250,000.00 a year plus draws a pension from his old job or people like Ryan Ruf, assistant superintendant of business who last year got a 10.75% pay increase to over 170k, and these are based on last years numbers. The school board costs us over 1 million dollars a year, tell me. WTF do they do to deserve that kind of money? Then all of you, who it is clearly obvious that most of you know absolutly nothing about the facts go and start this blog, why would anyone who researches Plainview and has young children want to move here after reading this nonsense.

I am not a teacher, I am not a union person, but I did take the time to learn the actual facts and not just a one sided view of either the union or the school board. Maybe some of you should do the same before you get your wish, our property taxes will go down, because the value of our homes will further diminish because nobody raising a family will want to move here.


  1. You're absolutely right about this blog having discussions about nonsense.

    Elementary teachers (especially 4th grade) not teaching science during the first quarter is nonsense.

    Allowing known inequities and gaps in curriculum between classrooms and schools to persist is nonsense.

    Buying $8 ELA test prep books for every 3rd and 4th grade student except for those at Stratford Road is nonsense.

    Elementary teachers uninviting parents to classroom celebrations because of ongoing contract negotiations is nonsense.

    Teachers being told by the superintendent to invite the parents back into classroom celebrations and teachers still not doing it and getting away with it is nonsense.

    Teachers not hanging up work in elementary classrooms until October because of ongoing contract negotiations is nonsense.

    Parents being the ones to have to report inappropriate teacher actions rather than principals taking care of this is nonsense.

    Getting written communication sent to my home from the teacher's union while the superintendent randomly and surreptitiously posts updates on the labyrinthine school district website about what is going on is nonsense.

    Overly generous administrative compensation packages granted in a time of economic recession/depression is nonsense.

    Thinking that Plainview is the only community on Long Island who believes school taxes are too high and need reform is nonsense.

    Thinking that our property taxes will ever go down is nonsense.

    The values of many homes in our community have already diminished and are less desirable because of their home elementary school and the school district's inconsistent reputation.
    That is not only nonsense but a complete disappointment that needs to be fixed by the Board of Ed immediately.

  2. I cannot actually believe that a parent could of actua;lly called all of those issues nonsence. If it is a teacher then if that is how you feel, you shouldn't be teaching. The value of my house that may or may not go down due to contract negotiations is far less important AT THE MOMENT then anything said in this person's post. i'm living in my house at the moment whether or not its value has lessened. I want my kids to have the education what we are all paying for presently NOW to not be lessened. If you are worried about your house value and those moving to the community, all of those issues you feel are nonsence should be corrected. To BOE, take your time.
