Thursday, October 22, 2009

Teachers; Time for Givebacks, Like the Rest of the Workforce

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dear Morty Please Listen to Reason":

Hi Olga,

I'm sorry but I think that that ship has sailed. With the governor talking about additional decreases in state aid... I think that Morty and his cohorts need to start thinking in terms of givebacks... as many of us taxpayers have already had to do at our jobs.

I personally can not afford another increase in property taxes, I will loose my house. And its not because of a high mortgage interest rate or a highly leveraged house. It is because my taxes are more than my mortgage (p&i).

Government at every level has to start becoming responsible and not spending more than they or we can afford. I work 60 hours a week and haven't had a vacation in two years. Our teachers work less than 180 days a year, for only 30 hours a week and get every holiday and two months in the summer off. To say nothing of the fact that after they get "tenured" they have guaranteed jobs and income for life.

The time has come for the teachers to be grateful for all that they have and try and help out the community that employs them.

If they really think that things would be better in another school district where they may get paid more money, than I think we have to let them leave, but of course most of them won't because they wouldn't want to loose their tenure.

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