Thursday, October 22, 2009

Be a Parent

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "POB Community Stands Together":

Since I do have children in various grades and schools, I feel I can speak to your emotional comments- only class parents were invited into the rooms for Halloween for at least the past 6 years,so basically you are talking about 12 parents if there are 4 classes on a grade. The only school that invites all of the parents is the Kindergarten center and they have done so. When does school stop being a country club and start being a place for our kids to learn? Isn't an entire day on Saturday enough? Didn't we as parents put pressure on the district several years ago to begin a "wellness committee?" We wanted all snacks taken out of school?! Halloween = Snacks. Was your parent in school ALL THE TIME? Our we raising such needy children that they cannot separate from their parents for a regular Friday of school? I just attended a class trip- rooms were decorated, children were happy & well cared for. what purpose does inviting parents into classrooms for parties serve other than taking away from the time our kids have to learn? The PTA's of each school are hosting their usual events. Do the children really need 48 hours of halloween? You are bickering and backstabbing people because of HALLOWEEN? be real - it's a hallmark/candy company extravaganza! In my experience, only the 1st grade classes & maybe some 2nd grade invited those class parents in. You are supposed to be a parent to your children, not their friend- they will appreciate you more for parenting them

1 comment:

  1. You are misinformed. My kid's teacher actually asked for parents to assist in a Halloween project. Then she retracted. Also, she wanted a lottery to see which parents would help w/ the project--class moms part of the lottery--not automatically, as you say, the designated parents to help out in the class. So your conclusion that only 8 parents who are class parents are complaining is Wrong! If the teachers wanted the help to begin with, and I am fortunate enough arrange my schedule to help, then why can't I? I am not just there for my kid, but to help all the kids in the class. The issue here is there is that teachers are retaliating because they want more money than was offered and their actions are impacting many grades throughout our school district. I keep hearing things are "normal" and "as usual" but that is not the case. Parents are invited and then uninvited, there should have been plenty of work to display (or whatever happened to teachers having their classes decorated BEFORE school begins) and letters of recommendation are not being written punctually. Teachers should take the offer, be glad they work where they do and be done!
