Saturday, October 10, 2009

Justified raises

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Letter from the Teacher's Union, Anyone care to co...":

My friend lives in Syosset. Her daughter in second grade is having trouble reading. After one week, the school made a plan for her. She drops her daughter off early - at 8:30 - 4 days a week for extra help. Twice with her teacher and twice with a reading specialist. The child is not classified. The school district justs wants her to learn to read and the teachers put in the extra time.

A contract is on the table. We all know the teachers are going to get something (2% is being offered). Why not demand that OUR kids get extra help? That OUR kids can see reading specialists before school?

If the PCT wants to earn what Syosset does, they need to put out like Syosset does.

The BOE should get a copy of the Syosset contract (and any other district that the PCT is comparing themselves to) and see what those teachers are required to do for their salaries.

Teachers want a raise - that's fine with me- as long as the students are getting additional definable services.


  1. I live in Syosset and I work in a high end white collar job. I took a 20% pay cut this year. For the last year or so I am often don't get home until after 9pm doing whatever it takes to keep the powers that be happy. I am extremely worried that I am going to lose my job. I am stunned by the raise that the teachers in my district were given. I love the school and the teachers really show up, sometimes working extra hours both before and after school but, for those of us not in a union this is considered normal work in order to keep your job.-particularly in this economy.

  2. Citizens really don't have much say in granting teacher raises (other than publicly lobbying against it or voting in more conservative BOE members).

    But at least if your child in Syosset needs remedial help they get it at school at no additional cost to you.

    Here in Plainview, it's up to parents to use outside tutoring - reading help runs $75-100 an hour. Our kids have to be drowning (two years behind)before they are actually given services and the schools fight parents tooth and nail for this privilege.

    I'd gladly take a $1000 raise in taxes knowing my kid's reading, writing and math needs were going to met in school. Currently our family is spending close to $5000 a year for outside tutoring services to supplement the education of the Plainview schools.

  3. Anonymous posted:"Currently our family is spending close to $5000 a year for outside tutoring services to supplement the education of the Plainview schools"
    That's why the #'s the teachers say they want a raise on are preposturous!! They say we are as good as Syosset and Jericho, maybe, but it's because we parents spend the money to get our children the help they need because the teachers are not doing their job. Oh yes and read the article on how the state dumbed down the state tests.

  4. Syosset and Jericho teachers currently make at least $10-$20,000 more per year in salary than Plainview teachers. In addition to their base salary, they have the opportunity to come in before school and/or after school to earn ADDITIONAL income. Tutoring that occurs before school that appears to come at no additional cost is actually provided by the contract (through taxpayer dollars).
    I believe that if offered the wages and working conditions of the Syosset or Jericho teacher contracts, 100% of Plainview teachers would jump at it. Before you offer Plainview teachers that option (as opposed to raises of 2-3% over 4 years + small longevity increases for teachers working in the district for 15, 20 and 25 years, as was asked for by the POB teacher union), please ask yourself if you really want to offer an additional $10-20,000 per teacher, AS WELL AS extra pay for tutoring, AND an additional 2.75-3.5% over the next 4 to 5 years. That is what is in the Syosset and Jericho teacher contracts.
