Friday, March 12, 2010

Employees Don't Care About The Employer's and Factory's Hardships

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "For This Substandard Education, I Will":

I would not call what we have is sub standard education. The problem we have is our BOE is out of touch with reality. When hundreds of teachers are being laid off throughout the state ,the state is in a hole for 9-13 billion, the feds are in a hole for trillions etc that the BOE can give raises out is ridiculous. On top of that we have teachers that care more about money and show no regard at all for the hardships that Plainview residents are enduring. Look around Plainview and see how many homes are for sale. Teachers could care less. They have blinders on when they drive to and from work. all they see is the paycheck and the golden parachute pension that most if not all of us will never see.


  1. Unfortunately the teachers and PCT will not realize the errors of asking for more than is in the pot, until some of them are laid off because the pot has run dry.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The BOE aided and abetted the teachers. Administration went along for the ride and no one is stepping up and taking responsibility. The BOE should not be their friends, they should be more like a parent, and know when to say NO.
    The BOE and the Administration should also be the ones to set the standards, and not let each seperate school act autonomously. They should set best practice standards, and expect each teacher and each principal to follow them to the letter. Their should be follow up and consequences when goals are not met. It seems more like a wiping of the brow moment for the district because each school managed to get most of the students through the year, and a pat yourself on the back because a select group of students actually managed to excel beyond the barely adequate state standards. Common, Plainview can and should be doing better than this.
    March 12, 2010 2:40 PM
