Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some Give Backs Parents and Students Would Like

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Sadly, the Children are Rarely Spoken About":

For one, how about extra help after school daily - not just on Tues and Thurs. Secondly, how about every teacher have a web site (some good ones do--those who aren't afraid to actually communicate w/ their students) to keep students and parents informed about assignments, projects and tests?


  1. I don't think so. I don't think it is fair to expect every teacher to be after school every day. Teachers have a right to their lives and to spend time with their families.

  2. If parents did not abuse the privilege of email then more teachers would be more likely to utilize it. Truth is no one wants to be harassed about whether or not they returned an email over night or on the weekend. Unfortunately some parents don't respect a teacher's time. Respect is a two way street and it is apparent from posts on this blog that many parents do not respect their teachers. When they should.

  3. How about a full 6.5 hour school day + after school help for the children (like everywhere else).

  4. It's great to have teachers' point of view on this important topic however it should be noted that there are MANY teachers who exchange notes and emails positively with parents. In the end, the increased communication helps the kids.

  5. Teachers want to earn money then they need to stay and put in the time. Everyone has families they want to spend time with.

    You want the pay then you should stay.

    I'm wondering how email is abused when it is not even available to most parents? Why do teachers tell parents "no more notes now" or, better yet, say that they are "allergic" to notes home?

    Would they say these things in front of the supt or BOE? Could they get away with this in the real world without tenure and protection of the PCT?

  6. How about early morning elementary help?

  7. It is not FAIR to have to be at school every day? No one wants to be harassed about emails? These comments must have been made by teachers, because anyone working in a non union job knows to make a real buck (ie: without a pension, or a guaranteed job,or automatic step raises) you work late when you are asked to, even if it means everyday. You are often not home to see your kids at all, and you are on call when your boss or coworker or employee calls you, with 13 hr days and on call 24hrs a day. If you all want to make the bucks like "Syosset", start doing the whole job like in "Syosset.

  8. I made the comment you are referring to and I am in fact not a teacher. As a matter of fact I don't even have any friends who are teachers.

    You all sound like you've been chomping down on sour grapes. Don't project your issues with your own jobs onto teachers. They aren't supposed to work 13 hour days 5 days a week. Sorry they are not our slaves.

    They should not have to be on call 24-7. Even ER doctors rotate their on-call services. You all want teachers to do part of your job for you and then complain when teachers want to be paid accordingly.

    All of you speak of Syosset teachers as if they have the golden touch or something. Do you know how many parents they have at their school meetings? Sometimes 100s. At Board of Ed Meetings? 100s. Us? We are lucky if we get 20 parents per school. They don't spend their time complaining on an internet blog.

    If your child needs extra help don't assume it is all the teacher's fault or their sole responsibility to fix the problem at hand. We as parents need to stop passing the buck and singing the same song "Oh but I pay this much in school taxes. Teachers should be there from morning to night taking care of my child for me. I pay their salary, they should do what I want."

    I don't think so. When my children come home from school I take the time to review the day's work with them. If I see that they are lacking in understanding or there is an issue I contact their teachers immediately. In 12 years I have yet to have a single teacher in Plainview not help me or one of my children.

    You have good teachers, great teachers and not so great teachers in every school in every school district. Same can be said for the parents & their children.

    It isn't enough to put all the blame on the teachers and the administration. It takes a village.

  9. How about ALL teachers teaching ALL the curriculum, not just what THEY can get through?

  10. To the poster of "It takes a village."

    I applaud you for your values as a parent and as a member of a community. Our children are a reflection of us and I suspect your children will grow to be successful, respected members of society - and isn't that what we're really striving for in the end?

  11. You want to know what parents would like is a board with some guts to go against the teachers union and king morty. Demand accountability, fiscal responsibility , and common sense. At least with Emily in there now Angel will have some help to right some wrongs

  12. How about having the teachers just do what they're paid for, Teach remedial 5 out of the 6 days.

  13. We just want teachers to do the job they are paid and supposed to do. We are not seeing that in too many classes. If it is true that 100s of parents go to Syosset meetings, then that must be why there is equity there. Unfortunately, Plainview parents are afraid to speak up bc their kid may suffer. You say you contact your teachers immediately if your kids don't understand? Well, that is so funny bc so many of my kid's teachers just give the work but never teach it which puts me in the role of playing teacher. I spend too many hours helping my kids with their hw. Except in some classes where the teachers actually teach. And the kids see the difference, too. They really appreciate a good teacher when they don't have to go home confused.

  14. Teachers have the summers off, vacation weeks, holidays plus sick and personal days. The days they actually DO show up at their jobs can be 1/2 hour longer. Comparing them to an ER doctor is a bit overboard. Everyone would be dead if doctors worked like teachers.

  15. I'd love to have had a year that wouldn't make me feel like sour grapes. I'm sick of teaching my kid everything. Especially after the taxes I am paying. No fine wine happening in my kid's class. It's BYOB and paying an outrageous charge for wine glasses.

  16. to the post from 9:22 pm. You say that so many of your kids teachers just give work but never teach the work. Is it possible that your kids are not paying attention in class because they know that you will do the work for them? Before you react angrily to my statement consider your statement that teachers are so unprofessional that they would take your speaking up out on students. As for helping your kids with homework, are we supposed to commend you for doing what you're supposed to do?

  17. I would like to respond to all those who have a problem with how long teachers do --or do not--work...go back to school, get your masters degree, do your student teaching, pass your exams, get your teaching certicitaion, send out resumes and get a teaching job so you can also get the big bucks and not work very hard. 'nuff said.

  18. Maybe you are not comprehending. My kid is an A student and listens. Math in particular is given for hw but never taught. I don't do my kid's work - just what hasn't been taught. I am not angry at your statements. You can believe what you want, but unfortunately teachers in our district have in fact been unprofessional. There is unprofessionalism in all walks of life. Finally, I am not asking for applause for "doing what I am supposed to do." All I know is that from my own education, I never came home from school with new concepts that were never taught, esp. math. There are some weak links and if your kids gets one, then there goes that year.

  19. On the teachers response to people complaining. Look at it from our side we are looking at a group of arrogant teachers and their union who care about only one thing the almighty$$$$$$$$$. How do you sleep at night? whining at board meetings about how you deserve a raise , picketing in front of the school, wearing "contract now buttons" in front of our children and on and on. The best word that comes to mind is "pathetic". Being that you are a teacher you should know what it means. You talk about all your degrees ,tests, and certifications. I have met plenty of smart people with all kinds of degrees and also some pretty dumb people with all the degrees so just because you have all the degrees , certifications , and passed exams in the world does not grant you the right to bully the residents in this town with your union picketing and whining. The way you use the word big bucks shows your arrogance and ignorance. Without your union bullying the weak BOE you alone would probably be making 1/2 your salary if you were lucky so do not compare your "big bucks" salary to your level of intelligence because they sound very far apart

  20. To Person who said"It takes a village" Yes it does, but it also takes a REAL TEACHER,not take the "prima donna" teachers " who text during the day, answer phone calls, talk on the phone,complain to my child "How tired they are and that they need a vacation" -for 180 days of work-barely 6 hours of work a day.. Walk around and monitor in the middle school the length of the girls shorts,leave at 3:30 on the dot on and on....So then when my child comes home with 2 hours of HW and has no idea what to do on some of it...Who's doing the teaching here.....I am- Who's paying my HUGE tax bill for my teaching- I am . It has nothing to do with how many degress they have . Its more motivation and the PCT Mentality. Some of the teachers here and especially the PCT , administration and the BOE should have watched Regis and Kelly this week who honored the REAL teachers of the world.The teachers being honored were real teachers-They were not whining or complaining about how hard they work or they did not make as much money as some of the other towns. They took pride in their job and took the students accomplishments as their own accomplishments. Not much of that going on in Plainview. Its all about the money!!!!
    None of the Plainview teachers were honored there!!!!

  21. Amazing how my kids can't learn at school but always learn everything when I spend time teaching it them at home. Something is very wrong.

  22. All parents spend time TEACHING our kids. After all, they are merely EXPOSED to things at school.

    Kids should be able to do their homework on their own. If they can't it's a reflection of POOR teaching, oops - exposure.

    Parents SHOULD NOT be involved in homework, science fair projects should not be dedicated to parents.

    Education is a scam. And parents can't let their kids fall behind and will always make the teachers look good by teaching at home and doing the homework.

  23. What is with the PTA honoring teachers for ? why? then of course the class reps collecting money for a gift for the teachers . That should be banned!! why should I have to fork over $20 so the teacher gets a gift. My children have had plenty of teachers that deserved a gift which should of been with my choosing the gift. Then what about the bad teachers ? if i do not give money then my child is singled out as the one who refused to give money. Where is my tip?is the 100,000 + not enough money for them ? Get rid of tenure , that way if the teacher is not doing their job then you get rid of them like any other job. Teachers are not the rocket scientists, engineers, or even college professors they claim(or act like) to be. Your teaching, you have an instruction book and every year you teach almost the same exact material . Probably the same tests, same quizzes etc. Go teach at Hofstra or Stonybrook then lets see what happens because you would if you could and you do not beacuse you have this overpaid teaching job right in Plainview where not enough people go to the voting booth to make radical changes to the reckless path we are on and the PCT likes it that way. Like the school attorney stated in the winter, we are heading into a fiscal crisis in the 2010-2011 school year with the high cost of teacher pensions and lack of state funding. The PCT and teacher who do not care now will care when they start reducing the pension plan and make the teachers contribute whenthe whole pension system comes crashing down .
