Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Vote is Needed When the Money is Spent Too

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where the Money Goes":

In regards to poster above about voters not having to vote on where monies from capital fund goes, this is simply NOT TRUE.

According to NYS EDUCATION LAW, "In addition to voter approval to establish such fund, voter approval must also be obtained before any expenditures can be made"


  1. Only problem with this is, out of a community of about 30,000 taxpayers, only about 3,000 vote on the elections and Library budget, how many people will come out to vote on this?

  2. When they put a new roof on, new boilers in they do not need a vote by the community, that is fact . Either way as far as I am concerned the BOE does not deserve the right to be trusted with "another fund" unless there was a completely new BOE , only then I might vote for it. But unfortunately we can not elect a whole new board at once. As far as I am concerned outside of Angel Cepeda being the only one who voted against the teachers contract, the rest should be fired . It was a disgrace to go to the board meeting and watch the teachers whine about why they deserve a raise while the mighty PCT king Rosenfeld sits by and watches his troops perform.That night displayed the teachers who spoke that it was all about $$$$$$$$$. On top of that the BOE sat there and ignored the residents will, the economic realities of finance, and common sense by giving in to the PCT. So there is nothinhg that could change my mind . I hope alot of residents join me in voting NO on the Budget, No on the Prop#2 and voting out the only incumbent running. I am also advising my neighbors who have grown children and may not be up to speed on this to vote the same as I am. Also a note , deciding to abstain from casting a vote on the teachers contract like Lori Weinstein did is just as bad as voting for it.

  3. Yes I can tell you how it goes. The night that the BOE wants to discuss the "capital improvements" they will load the schedule up with non essential reports like a school club report on a cclass trip or something that does n ot really need to be discussed there. Then after a public participation when there are not too many people left they will bring up the capital improvements. 2 months ago they dragged out a board meeting so long and then had a 15 minute break after 10 pm then went back to discussion when most people had left. That is how the POB BOE shuffle goes. so as far as the community voting on projects , that is a joke

  4. Thats not the BOEs fault.

  5. You are really not understanding it. THe BOE cannot VOTE themselves on CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS to be done from fund. They will need to have COMMUNITY (!) vote.

  6. Either way I vote NO . The BOE should of thought of fixing the buildings up instead of filling up the PCT bank accounts

  7. I understand perfectly. The only time this community has a vote is when we are electing BOE members, the budget ,and the library budget.
    The community does NOT vote on the capital improvement projects. If this capital fund were to pass the money would be put in the fund and then the BOE would vote on capital improvements that they call "capital improvements" . So this money would be up to the discretion of the BOE to spend . One blogger stated that it was $10,000 for another vote , so there is no way the BOE is going to spend 10k everytime they want to spend our money

  8. There are 2 incumbents running. Angel voted against the teachers contract.
